ahaha how will you drumpftards ever recover?
Reddit absolutely BTFOs Sup Forums
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Sup Forums would be okay with this if the children were poor.
Because staving is a much more humane alternative
Every fucking board on that shithole is as leftist as you can get. And they're fucking assblasted that one subreddit isn't.
>thinks national socialists want small government
that's why I'm natsoc
White family when we had no cultural marxism, no sexual revolution, no reddit and blacks had less civil rights.
Why do they only know extremes?
Because they are brain-washed, left-wing, fedora-wearing virgins?
you could replace the word left with right and you'd describe the majority of pol, so ironic
There is literally nothing stopping any of them from leaving and finding different work. You didn't really think this though, did you?
I don't get it.
>depriving children of a way to earn a wage
Fuck you.
Literally so many jobs that even kids could get a career in coal mining. How is this a bad thing?
Bet none of those kids really give a shit. Probably very proud of their work, their country, their families, and they are most likely very strong physically and mentally.
Also the reason they look so dirty isn't because of the lack of EPA; it's because they worked in a fucking coal mine.
White Privilege!!!
actually the federal government was fairly strong by the time that picture was taken
It's just nobody cared about safety/kids much back then
This was back in a time when anyone at anytime could be killed by a disease.
Hell antibiotics weren't even common until the 1940s.
Once again le reddit fails at basic history.
Once living standards rose int eh US people started expecting less work and hardships, especially for kids.
Over 15.3k people upvoted that
Fifteen point three thousand
Just so everyone is aware
>Child labour forms an intrinsic part of pre-industrial economies.[18][19] In pre-industrial societies, there is rarely a concept of childhood in the modern sense. Children often begin to actively participate activities such as child rearing, hunting and farming as soon as they are competent. In many societies, children as young as 13 are seen as adults and engage in the same activities as adults.[19]
The whole idea of limiting child labor began with the Industrial Revolution
And the Industrial Revolution began with white people.
>The work of children was important in pre-industrial societies, as children needed to provide their labour for their survival and that of their group. Pre-industrial societies were characterised by low productivity and short life expectancy, preventing children from participating in productive work would be more harmful to their welfare and that of their group in the long run. In pre-industrial societies, there was little need for children to attend school. This is especially the case in non literate societies. Most pre-industrial skill and knowledge were amenable to being passed down through direct mentoring or apprenticing by competent adults.[19]
>Sup Forums unironically wants to bring back child labor in one of the most prosperous nations on earth because it fits their extreme ideology
You're almost worse than sjws. Fucking kikes
>ahaha how will you drumpftards ever recover?
Oh yeah this totally didn't happen because we were just starting to industrialize
>inb4 "it's because of dirty capitalism and right wing agenda, not because it was a new market"
Well then you commie fucks should look at China's child workforce pic related
>inb4 "Well there's no comparison between the conditions. America's children had it worse during OP's pic related"
Just seriously fuck off. You don't get child labor as a result of capitalism, you get it as a result of being behind in the common sense department, AKA you fucking goy libtards
look in the past at states with communism and "socialism" like Russia. Capitalism doesn't give you poor working conditions, being cucked does
Nigger what
>Bet none of those kids really give a shit. Probably very proud of their work, their country, their families, and they are most likely very strong physically and mentally.
>t.lives in ivory tower or the only joy in life is work
All those children are there voluntarily
>>ahaha how will you drumpftards ever recover?
>Oh yeah this totally didn't happen because we were just starting to industrialize
>actually addressing the bait phrase
>Well then you commie fucks should look at China's child workforce pic related
China is capitalist
>You don't get child labor as a result of capitalism
I can see child labor coming back under a Trump presidency. Sup Forums would summarily defend it.
Look who's back, that faggot who does nothing all day but to roleplay as an antagonistic nigger in every NS-related thread lol
>China isn't commie
they fucked with the algorithm again
>every state that is governed by a communist/socialist party is socialist/communist
What a fucking awesome argument!!! Holy fuck!!!
> Deng Xiaoping and the new Chinese leadership began to reform the economy and move towards a more market-oriented mixed economy under one-party rule. Agricultural collectivization was dismantled and farmlands privatized, while foreign trade became a major new focus, leading to the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Inefficient state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were restructured and unprofitable ones were closed outright, resulting in massive job losses. Modern-day China is mainly characterized as having a market economy based on private property ownership,[275] and is one of the leading examples of state capitalism.[276][277] The state still dominates in strategic "pillar" sectors such as energy production and heavy industries, but private enterprise has expanded enormously, with around 30 million private businesses recorded in 2008.[278][279][280][281]