Duterte Triggers the TYT
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Fucking young turds, they probably would rather the US starts yet another war for no reason and invades the Philippines massacring a lot of actual innocent civilians than letting Duterte kill a few drug dealers.We saw what happened the last few times the US decided to intervene.
Also 6000 dead in a population of almost 100 million, give me a break.
he kind of looks like an old and not as gay version of the dude from far cry 4
He's like a living death note.
Even I think its irresponsible thats hes outright saying he shot people dead.
Coz youre a faggot
>murdering people is okay
>killing suspected criminals, without a trial and due process, is okay
>cruel and unusual punishment is okay (killing someone for using drugs)
I swear, if edgy teenagers left this place, it would be a lot better.
>getting mad about someone killing criminals
>naming your show after people who committed genocide
On Sup Forums we're all looking in first person and not really realizing how we look when we call each other faggots so.
user, you too are a mega faggot but thx 4 supporting the Trumps.
Dressed to kill
>the The Young Turks
Actually, we dont know if they are criminals. That is their point. There is no trial or due process. These people are just suspected of being guilty, not proven to be guilty. This is extremely dangerous for a government to do.
If you advocate doing this in your own country, you pretty much are a huge piece of shit who does not care about the principles of freedom.
Anyone else notice that the stuff the arguments they make here FOR due process are exactly the ones they dismiss when talking about raep "survivors"?
Don't worry about it.
Rodrigo "Street Sweeper" Duterte with another great quote, triggers TYT, many such cases.
Anyone notice how you don't know how to form a sentence that makes sense?
brazil and mexico are absolutely lovely
> live in chaotic, corrupt, third world nation
> need to go to extremes to fix it
I'm a fan of Duterte. We can talk about fairness after the Philippines is fixed.
>actually defending this piece of shit
The MP9 is the best modern machine pistol.
Prove me wrong fags.
>live in house owned by filipenos
>they constantly blast news in filipeno
>every story about evil "drugas"
>calls drug dealers ninjas
lol Always with the truthful bantz australia.
Goddamn they're so fucking weak and pathetic. It's like this is the first time they've ever grappled with the idea of someone reverting to the brutal law of the jungle. They have no idea what people are truly capable of, it's fucking disgusting how naive they are.
>There is no trial or due process.
Here's the problem; those things only work once you achieve a certain critical mass of legalism. Once the Rule of Law is in place, it simply needs guardians willing to maintain it, but it usually provides them with the tools needed to do so.
However, if the Rule of Law does not exist, you cannot rely on it to establish itself. Due Process is great, but when judicial bribery is a routine occurrence, it isn't really going to work. Prosecuting corruption is good, but when it becomes so widespread that many in positions of power are willing to protect it out of self-interest, you aren't going to make headway.
>If you advocate doing this in your own country, you pretty much are a huge piece of shit
Because most of us live in countries where the Rule of Law already exists, and we take it for granted. Therefore, we are inclined to make certain assumptions that aren't at all applicable to most of the world.
Where did I say I support what he did?
Your autism levels are astounding
>First world laws don't work in a brutal non-white shithole so they go all wild west to solve their problems
Why is anyone surprised by this?
Imagine you piss of the government somehow, idk, maybe you write a post exposing some government corruption.
They can just show up to your house and kill you and go "Well, he was dealing drugs, look, we found these drugs in his house"
Fucking T*rks can't handle brutal methods to solve their problems
So far its working for us and currently we're growing faster than China because of it
1st worldhood SOON
They were fine until the CIA planted a dictator and fucked their shit up.
>he's a bluepilled (((trial))) and (((due process))) faggot
Why does TYT defend degenerate drug dealing trash?
We need more Duterte memes.
hah, indeed!
>Implying we're that shady when it comes to criminal shit
We have morals you Jewish fuck
We only do this so the youth will get away from ((Druggie Culture))
Even our rap scene became full redpilled and stopped doing drugs because Duterte is a man of actions
I am all for that, after the chaos is fixed and order restored.
Right now the Phillippines is a crazy place overrun with criminals and corruption. They need to get brutal and then they can talk about morality and fairness afterward.
Think "broken windows" times 1000. NYC was fucking unlivable before Giuliani.
>I either want to ignore the drug problem or spend US citizens tax dollars to give them more drugs.
Pence BTFO the needle enabling program in his state and he's gonna BTFO drug users in America.
I'm seriously planning on buying this
Have you been to the Philippines user? The people there love him. Mostly visayan people. Tagalog people not as much.
People there are pretty much tired of havin MILF , and commie separatist.
This also includes the narcos.
> Trump is literally Hitler
> guy who literally rounds up and murders people personally is just 'a bad guy'
>western liberals think they can impose their values on a country like the Philippines.
i dare them to go live in Manila for a few months and not go full RWDS
>Cenk: You're not supposed to summarily execute people
Unless they're Armenians, amirite?
Al of the young turks are big time druggies so I wouldnt be surprised if they call for overthrowing duterte
>why does TYT side with degenerates?
Gee I wonder
I personally think the AK-15 with an extended clip is better. Add on a silencer and a barrel grip and you have a winner.
it's been six months and people still go full retard about this. Specially fucking UN.
UN fucking lists a list of demands they want the government to give before they do a fucking investigation to the allaged extra judicial killings. Duterte complied to this but insisted that they should have a fucking public forum and debate the matter LIVE.
Fucking UN flaked and flunk out and said our govment demand is unacceptable .
What a fucking farce.
I was just in Cebu and manila.
Most of these liberal western fags are clueless.
Most of the people shot are violent and on meth.
where 2 cop?
You underestimate the weapon-grade denial and ignorance of libtards there.
What's wrong with leftists? Why are the obsessed with drugs and faggotry? Why are they willing to destroy the world to prop up said drugs and literal faggotry?
Do they care about anything else?
Everyone loves him user don't believe Soros sponsored media lies
Only a small minority hates him and they're fucking libshits
Pretty much this.
I don't even understand why America feels the need to cuck other nations' shit up like this. Who does it benefit?
I can't wait until Dudurte throws the UN out of the phils. I hope he arrest any UN soldiers.
Trump will sell him those M4s
Ana smokes a fuckload of dope, especially since Trump was elected.
she's a full blown stoner, and you can tell when she'd going through THC withdrawal
Its because of Soros
Even (((ABIAS-CBN))) is defending their boss
Oh no no no they do
They just deny it
Oh yeah
Those fucks are still denying an obvious genocide
Have you seen the lists they made back in october on how many shit they want to government to disclose before coming here?
It really reeks of how fucking deep their head up their asses. It pisses me off.
My Tagalog friends don't like him. But my visayan gf and soon to be in laws love him for restoring order. I think he's a world hero.
"Change is coming"
I'm trying to find cheaper alternative in chinkshit shops first before buyan that
Fentanyl b a bad bitch, 60 times stronger than morphine, tht sht'll fuq u up for sure.
mottafuqa sofa king high right now, du40+
fun timeline
I love you guys. Very much :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
tfw you can still find desperate pinoys to sell you drugs and no harm can come to you because you're white.
shabu pa more
You know, i bet nobody in the right mind would deal drugs in Phillipines now.
If Reaggan went crazy on your ass USA would be cleanest nation in the region for decades to come.
duterte is a piece of shit flip. He lives on an island full of shitty flips.
I hate the young turds, but you know this dude would kill someone over a joint right before he goes home to drink himself into a stupor and fuck male children.
Don't let your hatred of Roachman and the nigger in chief cloud your judgment.
Where is your Tagalog friend from?
I'm Tagalog and he's universally like in the Tagalogs (Metro Manila, Laguna, Cavite, Batangas, and Rizal)
They have this delusion that people will just naturally want to help each other and the people will naturally be okay with working for nothing if it means equality.
That's what the misguided, retarded ones think.
The really bad ones (see Soros) want it because it creates chaos and division and creates demand for more government intervention.
Are you that Nord in /asean/?
Is that shithole still anime ERPing faggots?
Last time I checked the yellowfags took over there
he is a mad man but compare to your politics who says the opposite to what they do,
he truly wants the best for his own people!
Thats why he s so loved around here.
meant for derp'd
>(killing someone for using drugs)
fuck off nigger.
What's wrong with killing people over joints?
Duterte genuinely cares for his people you fat retard
This is our last resort against the corrupt establishment
That's a good merry christmas
No, they believe in nothing, these godless heathens need to be exterminated
give phillipines your power to kill the degenerates
>they all look retarded
>gathering around a ugly pedo commie like they are ready for their future careers in low budget porno.
>happy that he has killed their family members
top 5 most retarded ethnicities in the world.
what a god
what's wrong with killing people over pork, cigs, and beer?
Isis might be edgy enough for you.
Fuck off you condescending retard
What is it with libtards hating the leaders that the people wanted?
SFC friends from Luzon
I think they have been cucked Po
>Duterte Triggers the TYT
>the TYT
>the The Young Turks
disregarded now fuck off faggot
Philippines is a third-world nation with an incompetent justice system, bunch of various ethnicties that don't work with each other, and filled with dangerous gangs and radical extremists. The Western concept of shelling out a lot of money for the possibility of someone being innocent can't exist there in it's current condition. Maybe by doing these killings--even though innocents will die--is necessary to efficiently get rid of the scum (which I'm not talking about the drug-users, but most dealers over there who are more often tied to other serious crime and immoral behavior than overhere) and discipline a uniform society that cares about following the law. You know Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong? They were all very strict disciplinarians (even now) as they did just that for most of their modern history and crafted a highly skilled and lawful populace. The more libertarian Asian countries either fell into decadent and unstable states or eventually turned communist which is the same as the former but with slightly more effective governments (in disciplining people).
Oh a leftist unifag
The worst of all the fags
I would break your subhuman flip neck with one hand.
>Flips are oppressed by the drug gangs
>gangs corrupt the court system so there is no legal way to stop them
>only logical resort is to kill them
How are leftists this fucking retarded? It doesn't take a genius to figure out why everyone hates drug dealers and drug gangs.
Gangs are parasites feasting off the corpse of decaying societies. Although I guess leftists are too so maybe that's why they feel a kindred spirit with them.
It is only a few women. So cuck is the wrong word.
But I have noticed the ones here in the states that do love him only tell me in private
And not in a group.
> the tyt
>the the young turks
Yeah I'm sure you have tons of experience fighting an entire narco-state
Go live in Mexico if you think living in drug cartel territory is so great
it will work trust me i knopw
>attention whore
>also an autist
jesus christ
Who gives a fuck about criminals? I'd do it too if I could. I'd gun down chavs here. They're so fucking annoying.