Why don't agnostics understand boolean logic? Is it stupidity?
I worship a deity or i do not worship a deity.
Very simple. Pick one.
Why don't agnostics understand boolean logic? Is it stupidity?
I worship a deity or i do not worship a deity.
Very simple. Pick one.
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The black white false dichotomy is as much of a fallacy as the middle ground fallacy.
I may or may not understand boolean logic. If you can provide an explanation, I will believe in it.
It's very simple. I do not know if there is a diety. Therefore I neither deride nor subscribe to atheism or theism. What is so hard to understand?
ugliest pepe ever
Do you pray to a god?
Either you worship one or you do not.
All you're showing is that you don't know what a false dichotomy is.
>you have to be 100% decided on all metaphysical matters
No, I just asked if you worship a god.
Do you get on your knees and pray to a deity or not?
Do you not remember? Is there some kind of brain damage? I don't get it.
It doesn't matter what you "subscribe" to, you just said yourself you don't 'actively believe in a god'. That's all atheism is, you fit the definition perfectly.
What's so fucking hard to understand about this? Every other idiot on pol says this, agnosticism isn't a position by itself. There is atheism and theism, and agnosticism applies to either one.
Theism is a belief claim, Gnosticism is a knowledge claim.
You are an Agnostic Atheist. You do not believe in a God, but you do not claim to KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT.
I don't worship a god, no.
But that doesn't mean I am 100% that one does not exist
also there are people who believe in a god, but do not worship them.
I have internal monologues that are somewhat like prayer. I just don't know if I am merely talking to myself or connecting with a higher power. Either way, this silent contemplation helps me.
>caring this much about what people think about your imaginary sky fairy
I guess it makes sense that you christcucks love thinking about your betters
No, atheism professes knowledge that there is no God. Have you ever listened to them speak? They profess their certainty about the non-existence of God with almost a doctrinal religious zeal.
I hear you man.
That's a cool perspective.
Do you believe in a god? We've confirmed 2 atheists in the thread. Will you be the third?
No, I can categorically assure you that it is you who is completely fucking retarded. Your question has been answered. I'll answer again. Agnosticism does not refer to a person's inclination to worship, it refers to their position on the matter of whether or not there is a God. I could believe in God but not worship him. Reasons for this could include His setting in motion the chain of events that led to dumbasses like you swarming the planet. Hope this helps.
Whatever 1 or 2 or 100 Atheists say doesn't represent all Atheists any more than 1 white person from Sweden doesn't represent all white people.
Atheism isn't a religion and it doesn't mean you're sure about the lack of God, you just don't BELIEVE it like a Theist.
>'ll answer again. Agnosticism does not refer to a person's inclination to worship, it refers to their position on the matter of whether or not there is a God.
This doesn't answer my question though.
Which god do you worship?
worshipping a deity is different than believing if one exists or not
Do you believe in gods that you don't worship?
>you just don't BELIEVE it
I have no position on it. I am genuinely open to either possibility and have no prejudice either way.
No one is JUST an Agnostic, Agnostic applies to a belief claim. You're Agnostic about Atheism or Theism.
Let's apply this to an example.
Agnostic Atheist: There's probably no god, but I can't prove it.
Agnostic Theist: There's probably a god, but I can't prove it.
The first 2 are idiots with no evidence. The second 2 represent self-aware and semi-rational people who understand that there is NO EVIDENCE either way.
Only the Agnostic Atheist realizes his position is the most logical. Theists assert God, so they are responsible for proving their position.
Agnostic Theists realize they have no evidence and yet still believe anyway. This is called faith, belief without evidence.
Gnostic people are the enemy, Atheist or Theist. You can be Gnostic about your favorite color because it's subjective and provable. You cannot be Gnostic about God. It is not subjective and therefore you need proof.
Fucking phones...
Gnostic Theist is supposed to say OF COURSE THERE'S A GOD instead of NO GOD.
wow, it's almost as if humans weren't logic-bound like a coding language.
I don't know what's pathetic.
Those that call themselves "agnostic atheists" or those memeing themselves into being religious without genuine belief.
le hat meme has been incredibly good at highlighting the spineless.
>Whatever 1 or 2 or 100 Atheists say doesn't represent all Atheists
No but it represents the majority of those athiest who are most vocal, those who are the most prolific authors, and those who are most famous.
Atheism is what its adherents do and say. Your contention is much like saying that Communism cannot be judged by the words and actions of communists in history.
However you define Atheism, the cultural and intellectual reality is that modern Atheism, as a movement, professes a certain belief in the non-existence of God.
A fundamental misunderstanding of terms, as well as the Demonizing of the word Atheist, where people pull back reflexively upon hearing the word, this is all programming in your brain you need to overcome. The word Atheist is so misunderstood these days it's pathetic. You ask people to explain what an Atheist and it's almost always wrong, people think of some snobby professor or edgy neckbeard, that's not fair, or representative. People think it comes with other beliefs like a religion, which is wrong.
Stop hiding from your own pre-programmed misconceptions, challenge your beliefs with knowledge and logic instead of nursing your feelings. At least be rational enough to admit you could be wrong and you don't really have objective evidence of your beliefs.
Every faggot who reflexively types *tips fedora* every time the word Atheist is mentioned, is either a trolling memester or a close-minded and irrational person who has some emotional reaction to differing views, or a misunderstanding of theirs or other's position.
They have picked one, and it's "i do not worship a deity," because they don't...
Richard Dawkins is an agnostic atheist.
I am agnostic because I am not arrogant enough to think that we know everything about the universe.
We don't. That much is absolutely plain. We have no idea how large the universe is, we can only guess. We have no idea what there was before the Big Bang. We have no idea whether anything exists OUTSIDE of the universe.
Why don't you understand the fallibility of human knowledge? Is it stupidity?
>majority of those athiest who are most vocal
care to name some major gnostic atheists?
Most Atheists like Richard Dawkins will remark on the fact they deeeep down, they recognize the .1% chance of the Christian God being real, but they act in every day life as if it doesn't.
I don't think Unicorns exist either, and in my day to day life I'll say they don't. But I'm not gonna sit around thinking about that irrelevant, tiny chance that's so small it may as well not exist.
So yes, most Atheists these days do act and are confident that there's no god, why would you worry about it when there's no proven reason to consider it seriously.
If suddenly there were evidence of God, real indisputable supernatural activity, Atheists would be the first to want to know more. Just like I would be the first one to ride a Unicorn if it suddenly was real.
Does this make sense? Believing it's not real without completely writing it off?
Fucking retards everywhere.
Theism and atheism strictly mean that you do or do not believe that a god exists
Agnosticism and gnosticism mean that you do or do not know that a god exists
"agnosticism" is not a position, "agnostics" are atheists. Agnostic atheists to be precise.
Which deity do you worship, Mr. Agnostic?
If you read my posts I've explained this as best I can. You're welcomed to shout alongside me though, maybe if we're loud enough they'll get it.
I'm not going to play your idiotic zero sum game.
Fuck off.
Can't answer huh?
That's what I thought. You're too dishonest to answer a simple question because it gives lie to the delusion of yours.
He has a point, you keep saying you're an Agnostic, which we've established is not a belief claim but a knowledge claim.
You need to have a belief claim to attach the knowlege claim to.
You're either Theistic, believing but NOT KNOWING that there's a higher power.
Or you're Atheistic, believing BUT NOT KNOWING that there is only natural laws and the randomness of chance.
Either way they are both beliefs. One is the belief for and one is the belief against, there is not enough evidence to disprove each other.
Do you believe people are either good or bad? Do you have enough information to make the decision? What are you basing that off of?
>Do you believe people are either good or bad?
Which people?
Some people are bad some people are good.
On average, people are bad.
You don't have to actively believe against, you just have to not believe and that's it, you move on and no longer consider it.
The Atheists just refuse what the Theists are pushing. They're not pushing their own thing back, unless you're a Gnostic and claim to know, which is unprovable.
Fridge body
What is a deity to begin with?
>What is a deity to begin with?
That is a question for theists to answer
>Every religion says they're the right one
Golly gee it's almost like an agnostic simply asked the question of which is right but can't decide due to lack of substantive evidence.
Because boolean logic is a construct of our brains, and may or may not have any actual reflection on the nature of the universe.
Logical Paradox's should be enough evidence of this.
I am agnostic, because I don't believe either way, I know my brain isn't built to understand metaphysical things, and anyone claiming so is either deceitful or crazy.
Yea, and before you decide to worship a deity, you're an atheist.
>Logical Paradox's should be enough evidence of this.
Things that they call paradoxes are things that are merely unintuitive, not things that are illogical.
The Burden of Proof is a concept where the person who suggests an idea is responsible for showing the ideas validity.
It's not everyone else's job to disprove that guy's idea, it's up to him to show why his idea is worth considering.
When one guy blurts out he has special powers, why would anyone buy it unless he demonstrates the powers first. It's not our burden to prove he has no powers, until he proves it we can all discount it as false.
In the last 2000 years, no one on the side of Religion has ever been able to shift the burden and show us evidence. The very first time some priest does a real miracle healing on someone, that's the moment when the burden of proof is on non-believers to explain how he did a miracle. But until then it's more logical to discount religious lunatics as just that, lunatics.
I don't get it.
Do Agnostic people worship gods?
No, they're called paradox's because they are built on logic, but are not solvable with it. What you're talking about are just comlicated philisophical questions.
a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory
>Do Agnostic people worship gods?
I don't know, I'm trying to figure out what's going on in their heads.
Theists worship gods.
Atheists don't worship gods.
>No, they're called paradox's because they are built on logic, but are not solvable with it.
Name a paradox that fits this description.
>seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory
SEEMS is the key word. It's just an unintuitive result.
I don't fucking understand this meme.
Why can't you say you don't know if there is a deity instead of saying there might be one but you won't commit to knowing that for certain?
Grow up /pol.
Atheists believe there is no deity.
Are you saying someone can't be an Agnostic? Can you explain why?
>Why can't you say you don't know if there is a deity instead of saying there might be one but you won't commit to knowing that for certain?
You can. Prominent Atheist Richard Dawkins does just that.
This sentence is false.
Not knowing which deity is the correct one or if there even is one is slightly different then stating that a deity does not exist you faggot. You made your bed and declared for the side of pompous cringe lords claiming definitive knowledge that an omnipotent being beyond our comprehension cannot exist in any form. Don't try and weasel out of it now, you can't claim atheism for the pseudo intellectual goodboy points and then change it to "jk we actually just don't believe in a God yet possibly" when someone asks you to prove your claim.
Yes, I have and they do not profess to know that god for sure doesn't exist.
Either you worship a deity or you are an atheist.
Sorry to be the one to tell you.
a deity exists
a deity does not exist
a deity exists or a deity does not exist
Notice how most of the fedora tipping bible thumper that usually pollute these threads are absent. None of the usual retards quoting bible passages or calling everyone heretics. Simple logic defeats their most complex explanations, because their position is built on a weak foundationfoundation
That's not a paradox, that's an illogical statement.
All I have to ask is: What do you mean by "This"
Atheism relates to belief not worship.
>Atheism relates to belief not worship.
Which god do you believe in and don't worship?
>an omnipotent being beyond our comprehension
>except me and my group, trust us
That's just silly. I believe there is a larger force at hand, just like gravity, and jokingly refer to them as the gods of irony. But that doesn't mean I think that it's a god, or that it has any kind of consciousness in the way we think of, and more then likely doesn't give the slightest shit about us.
>God exists
>You have to worship it
What? Give me a legitimate source that defines Atheism as a lack of worship instead of a lack of belief.
Do you believe in a deity that you don't worship?
>But that doesn't mean I think that it's a god, or that it has any kind of consciousness in the way we think of, and more then likely doesn't give the slightest shit about us.
Sounds like you're a pantheist or something like that.
He's never going to answer
Don't try to move the goalposts now.
It is a logical statement, its just that logic can't answer what that means without trying to gain more logical frameworks to try to define what the original logic really means. And even when it does, it defeats itself by not being able to take what it logically means and apply it because logically if you applied it you shouldn't believe it.
No? Why the fuck does this even matter? Are you saying just because a God exists you have to fucking worship it?
If you put meaningless terms in a logical statement, the logical statement will be meaningless. Congratulations.
What do you mean by "This sentence"?
You're retarded.
There is no proof there is a god.
There is no proof there isn't a god.
Therefore, agnosticism is only logical.
>You're forced to worship a deity just because you believe it exists
Damn... this... really... made... me... think
>Are you saying just because a God exists you have to fucking worship it?
Ahh, so you're an atheist.
Which god do you worship then?
The statement is meaningless.
Every statement is implied to be true so you are saying 'This statement is true and this statement is false' which contradict each other.
>A statement can be both logical and meaningless
Thanks, glad we can agree.
Agnostics hover between worshipping and not worshiping a deity.
I'm going to start this thread sometimes just to get (You)bucks
You don't know but you can believe.
So agnostic is not concerned with belief.
>i do not worship a deity
>atheism - disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
>Thanks, glad we can agree.
Your claim earlier was that logical deductions don't necessarily follow in the real world.
Now your claim is that it's possible to make meaningless statements. WEW. GJ Wittgenstein
>thinks agnostics would not say "i do not worship a deity"
Do you pray to a god?
Lol no one agreed with you, you're just choosing to ignore being refuted or you don't understand you were refuted.
Logic is like math, 2 + 2 = 4 is always true, even if you cleverly word the sentence to imply it isn't. It's not so much a logical paradox as much as just a miscommunication of ideas.
boolean is just a math, there is non boolean math so I don't get your point
Logic =/=reality
(Logic =/=reality)=meaningless[+/-]context x random
beep boop beep
You're an atheist
Give an example of non boolean math.
It's all 1's and 0's man
The point is that when you're asked a two valued question (yes or no), the only proper response is one of those two options.
No, logic is not "like math."
Logically, 1+1=3 if we're talking about reproduction, which is using math but to manipulate logical constructs.
Logic may always come to the same conclusions if used the same way, but thats not the same as truth. You may make all the logical decisions in a life threatening situation, and still die. So logically logic failed you because your intent was to survive, but logically just making logical decisions will not always guarantee survival.
Yea, about all the human gods, but so are you to all the gods I am except the one(s) you believe in.
Agnostic here.
I do not worship a deity.
>Agnostics think 1 + 1 = 3
Which deity do you believe in that you don't worship?
>not being able to read the word reproduction
>American education