why do you faggots let the libs have their way?
Why do you faggots let the libs have their way?
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too busy drinking shit beer and posting shit threads on Sup Forums
I'm moving to Britain in February. Is it true that the place is run by Muslims and niggers
Spoiler alert, the libs aren't actually 'liberals', labor/greens are. The libs are the slightly more right wing labor, and the greens are the mentally retarded SJWs.
The voting system here is entirely "the lesser of two evils".
Vote One Nation.
We're lazy and don't care.
legal drugs when
Fuck off degenerate.
Lower taxation on Alcohol and Ciggies WHEN
kys you worthless bogan
codeine without tylenol in it and weed when
Someone get me out of this fucking backwards SJW nanny state please
We brought it upon ourselves when we allowed them to take our firearms.
Don't you have a sheep to sheer you fucking bogan?
Awesome retort. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued rebuttals with any new progress arguments or v-logs. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can refute me. Thanks for the motivation.
>tfw look up gun licenses the other day
>immediately want to die
Fucking .38 limit on fucking handguns with a set limit of .45 if you suck the cock of 15 cops in 5 minutes to get your certified "Governmentally Cucked Seal of Approval" to own a handgun that could possibly kill a large rat. Then you cant own a pump action shotgun either (but you can still own fucking lever action rifles for some reason because lolboomerlaws).
I just want to be /k/ but Nanny wont let me.
>Vote One Nation.
Vote Nationalist!
Such will always be the way of citizens who allow their representatives to wield too-much power.
History. History never changes.
Here's some inforgaphics to help our foreign friends
tfw cant decide between BASED PAULINE or LibDems
Pauline's an idiot desu
I think with her at the helm One Nation will never win
>lever action rifles
A lot of people enjoy these kind of rifles. I understand the point that your making (No magazine). The less amount of rounds in your rifle makes you more accurate my friend. 30/30's are nice. The south loves them.
Nah, the point I'm making is that a lever action and a pump shotgun are effectively the same fucking deal, but pump shotguns aren't available to the public but anyone with a license can go out and grab a lever action. Hell, you can operate a lever action faster than a pump, with more rounds to boot too (bar shit like the trench gun and other slam fire shotguns).
I mean, I'm not complaining about lever actions, I'm complaining about pump shotguns being b&. It's ass backwards as fuck.
How is she an idiot?
basically if the other party gets in they will flood the country with niggers. we put up with w/e to avoid that.
She just has no wit or charisma and everything she says is lost behind her poor word delivery.
Couple that with a bunch of straight up stupid things she's said
ok any examples of the dumb stuff she's said?
they're not a meme
R.I.P. rounds- 9, 38 & 45. I know nothing about your laws but you might be aloud to own them. They are a fucking beast. Definitely worth checking out.
the thing that really, REALLY, bothers me is the "two party preferred" stance that the polling, the media and the politicians obsess over.
Polling is already a clunky and outdated way to gather data (they call a landline phone during the day meaning they are only polling retirees, stay at home mothers and the unemployed).
Add to that clunkyness by focusing on two party preferred and you've got a complete pile of crap instead of real useful data.
Making an assumption that people actually care about Pile of Shit A (Labor) vs Pile of Shit B (Liberal+National) and then forcing that assumption into polling questions - that's the reason why polling is complete fucking bullshit.
Arse. Cunt. FUCK. Crikey.
the Nats should split from the Libs
I spent a bit of time working for a think tank that I won't name here.
They are politically closer to LDP than any other party, although there are some former liberal party members of the think tank.
My biggest problem with the libertarian movement in Australia is it's not interested in the common man, it's interested in making things easier for Big Business.
To that end, they're no better than Libs or Labor (both of whom are lining up to suck dick of billionaires and multinationals).
I've got no problem with people being wealthy, hell, I want to be wealthy too so I don't hold it against them. What I do have a problem with is the total disregard for the common man - things like aged care are getting thrown in the gutter. Education, you only get a good education if you pay $$$ to go to a private school - that's totally unfair and punishes the poor-yet-motivated demographic.
Anyway, I've ranted on long enough - I'm anti Liberal, anti Labor, anti Greens but I don't yet think LDP are a good solution. Having said that, they'll still get my vote well ahead of the aforementioned arse-wits.
>the Nats should split from the Libs
I agree 100%
Not sure why they're still in bed with the Libs.
If they split, the Libs wouldn't get enough votes to form majority government.
thanks for taking the time to write all that, cheers mate
I wonder that too, they have more support than libs also (I think)
Where the fuck have you cunts been? All suffering from heat stroke or just outside enjoying the weather?
Heatstroke, I'm sweating like a pig, fuck this heat tbahwyf