
What do you guys think happens when you die? I'm stuck between a dmt-esque trip that, in the exact last moment of consciousness, extends your perception into an eternal version of a personal heaven or hell based on how you dealth with your mortality.
The other thought is, there are infinite versions of you and when you die you wake up in another version of yourself as if the previous version was just a dream, and, in old age, if you outlive all the other versions, you don't "wake up" until another being or entity is created or born using the same atoms and molecules that made up your dna
3rd option is nothing, but it's odd to me that absolutely nothing happens so the other two I prefer
Any opinions on my opinion? Or thoughts of your own
Relgious discussions, afterlife beliefs

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You're just gone
Like falling into a dreamless sleep
Or what it was like before you existed.

Your liver stops making bile when it dies
Why should your brain continue to make thoughts?

Respawn in 30 seconds.

Well no it doesn't but, but think of how you can have a dream that feels like hours but you've only been asleep for 5 minutes, kinda like that but extended much further is what I was saying

You end up on the other side, the other side is composed of the spirit forces which created life itself and where all life goes once it ceases to be. It is a realm of darkness and light, where time itself is endless and past, present, future have no meaning. This realm is ruled by various entities, the predominant one being the rtha - or supreme spirit forces of light and corruption. There are spirit entities which act as messengers and guardians of our world and then the spirits of everyone long past who also reside in this land. This nether-realm is superimposed upon our own but one can come to know of it through meditation and shamanic trances.

Death really is the final frontier. Some day, intrepid explorers will dare to tread beyond the veil once the medical technology required to bring them back is pefected. They shall be called Necronauts.

You don't actually experience extended time.
You only remember you do

Memories are fucked.

That is simply not true, your physical body ceases to be but your spiritual life force is recycled into the rtha and universe itself.

You wake up in Lumbridge

null input

Yeah this is like what I think, but explained through scientific manners and not spiritual, I guess we won't ever truly know, but it's fun to guess

does your pc dream when you power it off

Also, with cybertnetics becoming more prevalent, I am curious as to what happens to a conciousness that has been uploaded to a computer. What happens to it when it finally decides to "power down"

read the book called thanatonauts

No but that's a pc, however thisbis relevant to my other inquiry

honestly i think that there is nothing and that belief in life after death or something after death only comes from our fear of death.

i do hope, however, that i am completely wrong about this and that if there is something after this, and that if i have any form of self conscious that i feel a complete idiot... thats what i hope, but really not what i believe.

According to the local pagan traditions and beliefs, i will become on with nature and become an "Alb". An Alb is what Tolkin called "Elf" in his books.
Which means i will become fabulous, gay and immortal

You can't upload your consciousness into your computer.
You can run a simulation of you in a computer
But that simulation is not you

No not yet, but I'm sure in the future you will be able to

You don't understand
It wouldn't be you, no matter how perfect the simulation

It's the same as the Transporter Problem

then when you would power it off your conscious would be in just a pause state. you would never even know it, for in that time there would be no time. when powered on and run again, you would just continue to live without even knowing it ever stopped at all.

So then how would you be able to see through the artificial eyes if it's not you?

So that's like my second thought, where you just wake up and your past existence was more or less a dream

I used to be a hardcore atheist before I had medical issues (got slammed hard in a car accident) since this point I have trances from time to time where I go into this netherealm. Most of the entities on the other side have a very keen interest in helping humans progress down a righteous path. These entities can show you visions of the future or give you healing energy if you really really need help but be warned, you will feel like you're literally dead if you venture into this world and can possibly get stuck there I suppose.

Because eyes don't actually see
Your brain does

What makes you "YOU" is a complex neural network that is your brain, memories are these intricate connections that form based on your experiences/lack of experience. When you die, these neurons die, and this highly complex network that makes you "YOU" dies along with you. There's a period when you sleep where you ceases to "BE" and there isn't anything that really happens except "maintenance," where chemicals are flushed, connections are redirected, among many other things that we don't really understand. This is where no dreams ever happen. That is what happens after death, just nothing. You won't know it happens, the worst part of death are the moments before it happens.

And your brain is the core of your conciousness, if a computer is just another brain but with your "coding" in it, wouldn't it just be another version of you?

You can make that happen to anyone by fucking with their brain

What you're feeling isn't real.
Just brain damage

In this realm one becomes omnipotent, you can "re-live" the lives of your ancestors, see the thoughts of everyone in your neighborhood or talk to relatives who have now passed on. It's a very strange realm but I would warn everyone to stay away from the corruption, it will destroy you.

No, if you felt what I felt it's as real as sitting and talking to someone or going about your daily routine. Nice try at dismissing what you don't understand though.

you wouldnt wake up from a pause state. you would just continue without knowing you ever paused.

You don't have coding.
Your consciousness is an emergent property of a very complex interaction between neurons.

It is possible (eventually) to simulate this, but that wouldn't be you
It'd be a simulation of you that is to an outsider observer indistinguishable.
But you'd be dead.
And there'd be some computer who really believes it is you

So like the fourth dimension or something?

imagine the whole universe is a simulation in some advanced computer.

if someone pauses it and then continues we could be paused for thousands of years and then continue without even noticing anything.

>what I felt it's as real as sitting and talking to someone or going about your daily routine
Yeah, and that's not "real" either

What we experience is just our brain's interpreting stimuli.
Nothing is "real"

Consider your blind spot.
Why can't you see it?
Because your brain filters it out

Shit consider the possibility of chemical intoxication
If what we saw was truly "real", how are psychedelics possible?

It's like before you were born, or a dreamless sleep.

There's no reason to think anything else happens, that's simply wish fulfillment based on fear of eternity or for want of heaven.

So it's like when you sleep and don't dream? Just an instaneous event where it just continues?
Also nice trips

Time stops, and so does good and evil.

Then you either get sucked into a black pit, or into the light to be reborn again and do it all over.

Or if you can hold it go back to source and end this nigh-mare loop.

Also, I believe strongly I was given this gift to see dead people and the future. I could see the entire US presidential election play out all the way back last January, even up to provoking war with Russia.

You're trying to rationalize phenomena that fall outside the realm of empricism, this isn't science.

My inquiry is what happens after that dreamless sleep, does your dna come together again at some point in the distant future? Or just an eternal dreamless state? Or something else?

sort of.. but without sleeping. more like suspended.

imagine you are a character in a video game like fallout. imagine that someone pauses it and then continues. the character (you) doesn't even know it paused at all.

I'm sure the very real chemicals and nutrients that make up your body are absorbed into the earth whether through degradation or being consumed by worms or the earth.

Consciousness is just brain activity, which ceases as the brain dies - so, nothing but empty eternity awaits.

The last partial of a memory would have the illusion of infinity because existence after that would slow to a point of that moments before the big bang.

That's what I belive anyway.
Your next life happens as the next universe, and you spawn within a point where the world is neutral of heaven and hell, what we all our earth.

Op here, cell phone died and on pc now, it's still me just a different version of me with a different ID
This is what I'm talking about with the reformation of your dna or molecules that come together in a a different matter
Granted, I forgot what my other posts said immediately after switching, but it's still me, just a different version of me with different manners of imput

Nevermind, same ID, I never knew it worked like that

See this is what I always thought as well, and it seems like the most plausible at first. But if you think about it long enough, (which I have after a disabling injury) logically it doesn't make sense at all to the point where it for there to be nothing after death is almost impossible. Think about life as we know it, first of all we know there's different dimension that we can't even begin to comprehend secondly a lot of people on here are talking about biology and neurology etc. but neither of those can explain consciousness that's a fact there's no conclusive science on our consciousness and even when we are unconscious technically we are still conscious were still there we're just not aware. Put everything in life as we know it has some kind of purpose every molecule, animal, bacteria etc so how could our existence are very interpretation of this life have no real meaning which is 100% of the undeniable inclusion if there is literally "nothing" after death. Bacteria can all die, atoms can be split but what happens after.… my conclusion is it is just completely out of our league, I can't even begin to estimate what happens my best attempt would be nothing more than hopeful optimism Or if I'm feeling down and meaningless pessimistic Innovacion all of which would just be a conclusion made from accumulated experiences I have had during this observation we call life.



If you go away from the Light you can dick around in the Astral realm for a while, bro it up with other discarnate souls, torment yourself out of guilt for past sins, etc. If you go into the Light you go through the Life Review, where you relive every positive and negative thing you've done in your life through the eyes of those you've done them to. Then you do some enlightened Reunification-With-Source-Consciousness shit, and then reincarnate. Thing is I'm not making this up, it's verified by near-death and past life recall experiences all over the world. I'm personally looking forward to finding the Astral Realm built by the psychic energies of Sup Forums's collective consciousness, I'll see you faggots there if any of you are around at the same time.

See you there brother

You will find out tonight thanks to the cursed doggo

Go away ebil dogger!

You stand before a white throne.

Go away evil dogger

Funny because I'm religious and to me afterlife is one of metaphors not actually a thing.

go away evil dogger

Dumb redditor.
There is an infinite amount of time before and after your life.

There isn't a "date" for the creation of the universe

There is not be for after in infinity.

There is a starting point of the universe. About 14 billion years ago.

I live with constant panic attacks about dying


Why? Death is absolution.

Since time and space are intrinsically bound, what existed before space?

Yeah same. I new a girl, perfectly healthy, 20 years old, went to sleep one night and wakes up screaming (her roommate hears). She dies in the back of the ambulance from aneurism. Realizing you can be gone that quickly without warning really fucked me up


Or nothing. Take your pick.

Because I like observing nature and life. I like to see. Even as a fucking ghost. I'm fucking terrified about losing my consciousness
Scariest part of it -seldom expected.

This is where she is now

Think about infinity for a second. Really think about it. It's never ending, it does not end. Ever. Do you want to be conscious, forever? For infinity?
Personally my ideal afterlife is being reborn, with no prior knowledge of my last life or anything. That way everything is new and interesting

Consciousness cannot be transferred directly to a computer. Think of it as something like teleportation. Your original body is destroyed forever, and a duplicate is created. For the duplicate, they never died. For the original, the stream of consciousness is ended forever.
The only way I can think of to transfer consciousness to a computer would be a gradual process, slowly integrating the new hardware into the brain one neuron at a time.
You won't live long enough for this to be a possibility for you. You're fucked.

Didn't watch too creepy

What makes you think you will lose your consciousness?

What makes you think he won't? Burden of proof is on you.

if you have ever read the books of hp lovercraft the explean it pretty well

>its simply beyond our comprehension

Because there is nothing to suggest live of continuation of consciousness after death

Yes I would want that. Eternal consciousness in eternal peace.

Many such cases!

If I ever find out I'm terminal I'm picking up the Mudslime religion so I can hook up with those 72 sweethearts on the other side. Bet your ass on it.

when you die you lose your conciousness it would be nothing beceuse you cant think

I haven't asserted anything, I have no burden. It is something that cannot be known.

Really? I wonder if that has something to do with not being able to talk to dead people.

Beg gods forgiveness and grovel Before him or you will experience it for real

Just imagine. All those demons. In fiery hell. Torturing you forever. No relief, no stopping ever. No escape. No end.

For all eternity. Longer than the time you spent on earth.

what makes you think the 72 virgins will be hot?
considering how much of a prankster allah is he could give you 72 slags

Guess we will find out some day user.

the light of the moon awaits for you

I agree, you said nothing of substance. This whole debate is pointless until neural interfacing is possible.

its somithing out of a cosmic horror story it makes my skin eel

first post had it right, anyone below that is seeping in from /x/.


spooky trips

You cannot experience eternal unconsciousness because you aren't conscious (duh). Eternal oblivion dosent make sense because there is no NOTHINGNESS to experience, it's not a black screen, there is no concept of time or space so how is it nothing? And you ended up existing once right?

Someday we might be able to do something like that with nanomachinea, but certainly not in our lifetimes or even this millennium

I asked why which sometimes leads to what if. Generally leading to more of "why?", there is no greater substance.

i think that may be the traumatic injury talking there buddy.

you cease to exist basicly right?

What if we're all dead already?

I may have (((phobias))) and panic attacks, but I'm not retarded.

I am excited.

It's actually a mistranslation. You get 72 raisins, not virgins

That is the question.

maybe if where luky we will meet our ((((overlords)))

Nothing seems quite logical to me.
Our consciousness is a product of our brain.
No brain = no consciousness.
Inb4 “a thousand year old book told me there is a soul so you can't be right“.