Holy shit
Time to move to Japan and get a bunch of easy pussy
How intolerant, you should be more progressive Japan :^)
gl with that
they don't want you white ass for anything other than teaching english and maybe taking care of their elderly soon.
you're going to be expected to pay for a bunch of shit first, food, transportation, gifts ect ect
Hookers are legit cheaper if you're going for high numbers
Something to aspire to?
Interestingly enough, the UN was scolding Japan for being racist.
Not sure the specifics, Japan took in like 11 refugees, then 4 of them gangraped a Japanese woman, and Japan kicked them all out and said no thanks.
>>Why is it okay for them to be so inhumane as to not take their fair share of refugees?
>>only one race the human race
Japanese people hate immigrants?
Splendid! When do they leave?
Not bad Japan, not bad at all.
I dont care. I am 28yo virgin. Get used to that
>other leading
You lose kuffar
Looks like they'll need more chinese immigration.
>taking care of their elderly
the easiest pussy
Now we need to figure out how to fix Japans NEET problem so they start fucking again and stop their population from dropping.
So I don't have any hard evidence/statistics on this, but there are tons of Chinese in my area and many of them/their friends go to live in Japan and take Japanese names.
That, plus the knowledge that Japan is well known to be quite xenophobic,has led me to suspect that their demographic data may not be accurate and non-Nips may just lie about being Japanese.
Not pure enough.
They should have never allowed Brazilian hapas to migrate back desu.
Not a surprise, the japs are one of the largest ethnic groups on the planet
Their birth rate has only been going up every year since 2005 as well - it might not entirely fix the damage of the past 25 years anytime soon but it's some progress, the effects we'll only see in 10 years or so
This generation is fucked.
If the US stopped protecting them, the current military age men would have 0 clue about how to be combat ready in any length of time.
Their military would be as passive and inept as their police 'force'.
Next Gen japs, learn to fuck, learn to fight
Horrey sheet
that many chinese is too many chinese
trust me
I don't have an appropriate reaction image, but if I did, it would be one that conveyed distress
>Le population growth meme
Their population needs to decrease, it will mean less unemployement, more space to live and healthier relationships between young people, let it regulate itself
This should suffice.
>Their population needs to decrease,
It has already decreased this year and the last few. The birth rate is also rising, so in a few decades they'll even out
How come it's always up to white countries to take in refugees, why the double standard
I can believe this. When did this happen?
Globalism, anti-whiteness, etc etc.
Because you got your wealth off the back of the third world while others worked for it
So did Arabs, Jews, Asians, etc.
>you will never be this homogenous
Doubt it. japans birth rates are at an all time low. all the men are NEETS pretty much.
>japans birth rates are at an all time low
That was in like 2006.
Remove anime and doujinshi. I'm not joking.
Sauce? Who is that? she looks like a thicker Abby Lee Brazil.
t. satoshi
You mean by inventing the steam engine, computers, trains, cars, airplanes, the internet, differential calculas, and sparking the entire industrial revolution? How did the sheer enginuity and genius of western men have anything tp do with muh 3rd world? Fuck off our forebears gave you modern medicine. There would not be 7 billion people on this planet if it were not for the white man's genius. Don't you forget it.