Want to have kids

>want to have kids
>women are too retarded and liberated

This is the other half of it, the Jews want us demoralized. And you know what? I am.

You never had any morals to begin with

boo hoo faggot, you're actually just undesirable and want to blame everyone else.

Demoralization has nothing to do with morality.

Fuck off back to your huemonkey language.

I'm actually desirable within 21st century standards of being a cute guy that cute girls want to ride on a 24 hour basis, but I don't want that.

>women are too retarded and liberated


>want to have kids
>too ugly and can't stop talking about meninism and how superior you are to everybody
FTFY. Modesty goes a long way.

Maybe you're just a terrible person.

>can't stop talking about meninism and how superior you are to everybody

Fuck, is this Nu-Sup Forums I've been hearing about?

Or I'm in terrible times. Or both.

I know this feel. You have to go super rural to get a decent girl these days. Away from the super liberal population brainwashing centers.

Or just escape into anime where girls have actual personalities and don't pretend to be guys.

Just leave women to niggers

>escape into anime

Fuck off you degenerate leaf.

>Thinking liberal females are hard to swoon
Retard or ugly desu

More like
>have no problem starting relationships
>have no problem getting girls to fall for you
>Can't find a single one trustworthy enough to invest my resources in and start a family with

I just want a loyal wife. That's all. It seems like that is completely out of reach.

I'm a non-ugly retard, please tell me how to swoon girls

>tell my girlfriend that I want kids eventually
>"hehe yeah like 1 or 2"
>look her dead in the eye
>You're gonna have babies until you can't pop them out anymore
>has a blank expression on her face
>says "I can't do that"

If she won't give me all the children she can bear, then I'll have to find others. I am the last man in my family who can carry on the name. It is my duty to make sure our family can proliferate

doing gods work

make like your flag and just fucking leaf


Things are going to change here soon. You better follow us leaf.

President Trump bringing back jobs and national worth will cause those vaginas to get in line quick. These women won't find solace in lazy, worthless liberals anymore, they won't be attracted to blacks after they slowly figure out that a black president still couldn't get his shit together. The jungle fever meme only really came around when obama took office. Once he leaves there will be a lesser value of niggers.
Once we deport millions of illegals and the rest self-deport due to being forced out, there will be a big gap to fill. Women will start having kids again, and they'll be mostly white. Trumps tax plan for couples will support this.
Some cucks may laugh at this, mostly shitskins who can't make their own countries great yet look at us with envy. Stop being a lazy faggot and get your shit together.

Our duty should be ending the human race you stupid natalist faggot.