Racism and pol's future

Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this place. I came over from /r/The_Donald, so I don't really understand all the site's features yet. Bear with me!

So first off I want to say that you guys really seem to know what you're talking about, and I *LOVE* the memes. But what's up with all of the racism and stuff here? Yeah yeah, I get it, black people cause a lot of crime and stuff. But that's really more a result of poverty than it is race. Plus, we had a lot of black people and Latinos vote for Trump in this election. Gotta give credit where credit is due!

So I think we need to tone that stuff down. Like all good lies, the ones the MSM (mainstream media) spins about Trump have a kernel of truth in them. The reason they say stuff about Trump being an evil Nazi is because some people are *are* evil Nazis support him.

So basically, I think we should try to shun that stuff away. It would really clean up with site's image, and make our message more appealing to minorities and normies lol. After all, we're all Americans! I have no problems with any immigrant or minority as long as they truly want to be American!

Not trying to boss you around! Just suggestions!


Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm kinda new to this place
lurk 1 year before posting

> I came over from /r/The_Donald,
you have to go back

tits or gtfo

Lol, I don't think Canadians have much room to talk about politics!

>lurk 1 year before posting.
Ain't that the truth my nigger.

Sage in every field. Lurk moar my nigger

Lurk for the next 4 years or go back to the piece of shit hellhole you came from.

Fuck off nigger.






What do you mean "my trips?" That doesn't make sense.

Kek has spoken. Lurk moar.

you should check out The Daily Stormer great resource for the people here

Anglo intelläktuals telling him to lurk more. While falling for obvious bait.


Kek banishes the TPP phony!


No, seriously. Lurk moar, faggot.

Fuck of nigger

That's why you need to lurk more. There's no other option, other than going back.

Looks like KEK has spoken.

>that semen demon


Sup Forums is a board of peace
now fuck off before we lampshade you

>pretending to not be a Nazi on a Nazi forum just to troll

seriously hope you guys don't do this

Is Sup Forums the easiest board to bait?

>no TLDR
Seriously bad bait my OP

You are like a little baby taking his first steps.

You'll understand before long.

Don't worry, lurk enough and you will be red pilled on racial reality.

read this

>a staple of Sup Forums a nigger hate thread banned
What the fuck is going on?

I post on that subreddit and I'll be honest with you.

2/3 of the time we're just fucking around. We know we are not perfect angels but it's all internet stuff. I doubt we would be an asshole to a black guy on the street out of nowhere. We're all anonymous.

Anyway there are some neo-Nazi types but they're beta nazis.

>I came over from /r/The_Donald

you have to go back

Okay okay, I get it guys, I need to "lurk more."

But that doesn't change the validity of what I'm trying to say. Racism like the kind that is present, even praised, on this board is exactly why people view us as literal Nazis. We need to tone it down a bit. Not only tone it down, but we need to ostracize and kick out the idiots that believe in their pseudoscientific "white supremacist" crap. Like I said, we're all Americans, everyone is born equal. If we don't clean up our act, Trump isn't going to be able to get anything done with normies blocking him at every turn lol

Why do you autistic niggers get baited so easily?

KYS after you fuck off back to /r/lgbt you filthy faggot

I don't want to kill all of them, but I do hate them and want to be as far from them as much as possible.

I know this is bait but still good job at making angry all the chauvinistic, easily triggered anglo rednecks

Read this. and tell me racism is not justified

We are civic nationalists more or less.

I mean there are so many people on Sup Forums from other countries that agree on many paleo-conservative issues. Sup Forums transcends race.

I'd say 2/10 but you baited some replies so gj nigger

Nice copypasta.

I know this is low-quality bait but I'll type out something on the odd-chance that this isn't bait, or that there's some leddit refugee here lurking.

You should actually attempt to look past the label of "racism" and see the facts and statistics behind our "racist" ideology. The fact of the matter is, blacks statistically commit more crime than whites no matter their socioeconomic level. If you believe in evolution, then you must believe in racial evolution. The Homo genus, of which every hominid that has ever existed has been a part of, evolves too quickly to not to. Therefore it must be concluded that Africans, Europeans, Asians, etc have all evolved along different lines, and thus are more suited to different things. Africans, for instance, are more suited for labor in hotter climates and can withstand the sun more. Europeans evolved in a snowy tundra, and can handle the cold better. There's more to this, of course, but I don't feel like writing out a completely sourced post to something that very well might be bait.

I do agree with the concept that, in America, the only way that ""we"" (which doesn't exist) can advance our agenda in the public consciousness AT THIS PRESENT MOMENT is through civic nationalism. Simply put, white nationalism and racial nationalism are just too big of pills to swallow to most Americans.

You can't be fully red pilled without accepting race realism. Blank slate theory is utter horseshit.

fuck off nig

That maple nigger is right, you shouldn't make threads until you have a clue.
> lurk moar poast less
Welcome. Stop telling people where you are from, and stop giving advice. You are a toddler, and no one listens to babies.
If you don't like the racism, don't participate in those threads.
If you don't like the nationalism, don't participate in those threads.
Keep your suggestions to yourself. Make solid arguments if you participate, our get used to being called on your bull shit.

Otherwise, fuck off back to your shit_hole because we will eat you alive.

Yeah, I said before I understand blacks commit more crime. But it's really more of a poverty issue. You'd find the same crime statistics in white trash trailer parks. The only difference is more blacks live in poverty than whites do. I have a lot of black friends, and they're all fine, upstanding, model citizens. I think maybe you need to go outside sometime into the real world, rofl.

Nobody likes a Nazi!

>truth from a leaf

This timeline gets crazier by the day.

I think you're actually a bigger nigger than king nigger.

>we need to ostracize and kick out the idiots that believe in their pseudoscientific "white supremacist" crap
I've just arrived and we need to implement these rules that I decide.

>we're all Americans
Fuck off.

Politically Incorrect.
Shall not be infringed.

I want this r-donald cancer to go away

Woah! Watch out! We've got an internet tough guy over here!

Give me a break.

>we're all Americans
Fuck off nigger.

this chick is hot is there any more pics of her?

There is no "us" you don't fall into that category.
2 options either lurk or fuck off. There is no gray area fuckwit pick one.

Go back to plebbit! Reeeeeeee!

Consider it the opportunity to red pill a part of Reddit so it can spread to the rest of the site.

plz go home, reddit man.

>Name fag
>So first off I want to say that you guys really seem to know what you're talking about, and I *LOVE* the memes. But what's up with all of the racism and stuff here?

I'm fucking triggered.

Get the fuck out.

First question: How old are you?
Second: Do you have a boyfriend?

Fuck off You niggers faggot. Kys.

No. There is only one solution

>I came over from /r/The_Donald

Fuck off back to plebbit nigger kike

pepethefrog.faith feel the power of KEK

>I came over from /r/The_Donald
And you can fuck off back there we don't like you people clogging up our board with your bullshit.

>I came over from /r/The_Donald
Go back.

just read stuff and dont post. we call it lurking. sometimes some "weirdo" will post something that some might consider offensive. but we dont get a lot of that.
Sup Forums is actually quite nice. once you get accustomed to it

Kek, well I've got my day's share of >(You)s

You retards really are too gullible.
>inb4 the "hurr I was only pretending to be retarded" shit
Stay mad

>MSM (mainstream media)
lmao nice touch

Even if it was just a poverty issue does that change the fact that black commit a disproportionate amount of crime? Does that make them any less likely to rob you?



Gas yourself

gr8 b8.
Now fuck off and kill yourself.

>After all, we're all Americans!

I'm not.

Thanks for coming and enjoy your stay!

Most of the racism here is "ironic," and not sincere.

We want to keep Sup Forums unique and one way to do that is to scare away the "normies" (non-channers) by using aggressive speech, racism, offensive images, etc. Don't let this behavior get to you, we aren't actually bad people and most of us have no problem with niggers/spics/kikes/etc BUT we will call out the bad ones without hesitation unlike the liberals.


Pure bait

Ok you want to have a serious discussion faggot?
What makes you think we are all equal? Why are you so stupid as to ignore genetic factors?

Don't come around this night, if you're anything but white!

9 of the 10 poorest counties in America are white and their crime rates are all below average. crime is not a function of poverty. crime and poverty are both caused by the same thing though, low mean IQ in a population.

Pretty sad you'd waste time doing this desu senpai but ok



Yup.. that's a top tier qt3.14.


Still is fun to call people niggers.

you should have the 4 of clubs, not the ace of spades faggot.

Go back to /r/The_Cuckold normie faggot. We don't take kindly to your kind here.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies.

We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there.

Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality.

I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness.

You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once.

It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

This picture is so fucking sexy. Sell off your DeBeers stock because they haven't got anything on my diamonds.

I don't, retard. I'm a shitposter like the rest of you who felt like wasting time by triggering a bunch of NEETs

Speak for yourself. I hate sandniggers.

>But that's really more a result of poverty than it is race

Oh that explains why the great depression among other examples didn't cause an increase in crime rate

and why only increasing the mexicunt and black population seems to

>For all intensive purposes

>But what's up with all of the racism and stuff here? Yeah yeah, I get it, black people cause a lot of crime and stuff. But that's really more a result of poverty than it is race.

I honestly feel bad for you. Why do you crave (you) so much? You'd fit right in with reddit.



Ugh, I was genuinely hoping this would be a
>1 post by this id

