Alright, let's settle this once and for all

Alright, let's settle this once and for all...

Which country has the best food?
I nominate mine.

Also spicy food is degenerate.

The US because we literally have every type of food here

>spicy food is degenerate

why would anyone discuss food with you?

You thought that I was going to be asleep on a saturday night?

>Also spicy food is degenerate.

Also while Argentina has good food especially beef, there's nothing special/earth-shattering about it.

I nominate Italy. I also like Mexican and French cuisine a lot (still build the wall though)

It's true.
Spice masks all the other taste.
LITERALLY makes your tongue numb.

What's the fucking point in putting something so spicy in your plate that you can't taste the actual food?

>spicy food is degenerate
guaranteed replies

If youre not a child or a fkn fgt You should be able to taste other flavours in spicy food

>What's the point of making a food this particular taste when it stops it from being this other specific taste

You're a retard.

The maths are correct

Of all the countries I've been to, I'd have to say Taiwan. They seem to take cooking very seriously. In western countries, trained chefs are highly respected and their restaurants are pricey. In Taiwan, being a trained chef is required for working in almost any restaurant. As a result, a $10 meal in Taiwan is typically better than a $30 meal anywhere else. A $30 meal in Taiwan is worth $100 anywhere else.

Japan is similar, but their cultural cuisine is so pretentious and overrated.

But America does every shitty and half-assed. Most Americans have ever eaten a $100 dish and don't know what good food tastes like.

This is my personal rating

China and other chinks
Everything else but Mexico
Dog shit
Another power Gap

I like you

What's the difference between Taiwanese food and regular Chinese food? Never tried it.

Lol so true ate some mexican """""enchiladas""""" in mexico and it was one of the worst things i ever ate.
Tacos were good

russia ofc

Argentina doesn't even have the best food in South America.

Colombia holds that honor.

greece hands down

This picture makes me sad


Anyone who says otherwise is French.

The US food has degenerated. US food is now about tacos, shwarma and Chinese Chow mein and even Vietnamese food . Your leftist liberals have swamped you with degenerated food and you HAVE become degenerates.

Where is the fabulous Americans FOOD which WAS there in California in the 80s in texas in the 90s even in New York until recently. ITS just Disappeared.It exists in Indian reserves now and amish settlements now.

I wouldn't say it's the best or anything, but any here eat cuban food before? I haven't had it until I went to Miami last spring, and it's really good. Love the cafe cubanos (cuban coffee) to.

Italy is the God tier of all food

the fuck are you even going on about

you can still get bland american food on any street corner across this whole fucked nation

>Cuban coffee
>Isnt even imported from cuba

Whats so cuban about it? That its made by a cuban? The real Kings of coffee are Colombia and Ecuador and in the past Venezuela

>That world renowned Argentinian food.
Mate fuck off. Nothing beats a pint and a roast.

the United Kingdom.


more for me

t. Colombian immigrant

Mainland Chinese is shit tier, they literally take pride in nothing they do and if they can figure out a way to cut the cost or fuck you over, it is happening.

what the fuck are u talking about

US food is not bland.

Get the fck out of ur nation if u call ur nation " fcked nation"

Trump is there to stay. Clear?

BBQ, soul food, california veggie/mediteranean, and local specialties in the midwest and northeast have been taking off in the last 5-10 years

the fuck you talking about

It's not the best, but our food is quite based

Cheese (the white one), Yogurt, a ketchup but a better version of it, fried dough with cheese (not pizza), marinated vegetables in vinegar, etc. I literally can't live without eating that stuff. Especially without pic related, which is basically a thin sheet of dough that's quite oily and loaded with salty white cheese inside it.

As for the best, Italy no doubt.


any honest food connoisseur and well travelled person would accept peruvian food is top 3 of the world

Ceviche is disgusting.
Salchipapa is godly though.

That come with a side of boiled?

Spics make amazing food.

no dude, just vodka
just pickled fish, onion, and vodka
women will want to get close to you, just so they can smell your breath

Honestly Italian, it's pretty standard but it's just consistently pretty good to a large swath of people whereas Chinese food, Indian food and the like are so polarizing

America no question
We have the best tasting food on the planet, nobody even comes close
We have pushed food to insane heights of taste far beyond anyone else.
Unfortunately that also comes with the downside of a good half of said food being terrible for you.
>Inb4 your food is all copies of other dishes
Besides the fact that we have plenty of original dishes the vast majority of the foods that you cunts would call copies aren't anywhere near the same as anyone elses. Take pizza for example, American pizza and Italian pizza are nowhere near the same thing. The same could be said for bacon and a laundry list of other things.
Also OP is right, slice/hot food is degenerate
>Mfw faggots will refute glorious southern bbq

Spice shit/ hot sauce literally ruins the lining of your liver you fucking retard
Might as well be drinking Gin

The only right answer is your Grandmothers ethnic food recipes she brought over from her country of origin.

>but their cultural cuisine is so pretentious and overrated.
This is a joke right?
Their cultural foods aren't pretentious at all
Its foreigners who are pretentious and try to make the food that way as well

the spice opens up the taste buds and allow other flavors to be amplified, in a much better way than salt does. arg food must be really salty if you don't know this. /pity

if food doesn't have at least a little spiciness it isn't worth eating tbqh

jap food is bland as fuck

UK good is garbage tier and all of it was created to make in the cabin of an 18th century ship
Utter garbage, why do you think curry and kebab are the most popular food there besides fish &"chips"(an American food btw)

Depends on what you're eating, a lot of it is made bland specifically so you can add whatever flavor you want to it


>be pajeet
>learned how to make potato salad a year back
>start adding various spices, figure out the best possible recipe
>tastes amazing
>mfw realizing that white people put literally nothing in their potato salad and call it a bland, tasteless dish

Why are you guys so averse to adding spices?

>bland as fuck

Italian & French food>all>ice sandwich>
anglo food>nothing worse>anglo food again.

>spicy food is degenerate
>bell peppers make my eyes water

I'm gonna get a lot of shit for saying this but poo in the loo make the best food when done right. A lot of places here do it wrong

Thai food for me.

Their deserts are also very good but they're weird looking.

Had a Duran fruit for the first time a year back. 10/10. Straight custard is what it tasted like. Smell? Nah. Nah...

norwegian food is superior to everything else i've tasted. the way the norwegians use berries with meat in hot dishes is...genius.

>not being a berry nation

may the lord have pity on your souls.

Doubt there's better than ours

I'm Mexican born and raised, but I'll go with Italian.

Everything is so homely and filling, plus, Italian food and wine are meant for each other.

Since Puerto Rican is American and has the best food. Take the best part of Mexican and Spanish cuisine, combine it, you have Puerto Rican masterrace food.
Honorable mention to Cuba, Mexico, Spain, Italy, and Greece.
Worst food in the world: British food. Everybody agrees.

Note: since Cuba became socialist, they haven't had any food, so they had to proxy through Puerto Rico.

>Puerto Rican is American

>spicy food is degenerate
Kek, you have the tongue of a bitch, even women have stronger taste buds than you, stupid conceited cuck.

American Food is #1 because American Foods are of lots of different palettes from all over the world and thus, there is great variety.

Personally I think it's between Spain and France. But I was trained to cook French food so I'm biased.

Kek, you forgot to mention deep-fried Mars bars

retarded. spicy food is just not for whites. Argentina's food is ok. Italy has the most emotionally satisfying. Mexico has the most elevated. Germany has the best meat.

and a good old toast sandwich, right m8?

Chicago has the best food.

im a puerto rican and I disagree. PR food is greasy and boring other than the pernil (pork, you white retard). They don't even have vegetables in Puerto Rico other than nasty root veggies..

From where I have been, Japan.


Motherfucking American Chinese

food involving berries or fish (not rotten) = best food
mushrooms and some meats are great too
so, nordic food for me, I don't give a fuck about more elaborate italian or french shit

Spicy food is in fact degenerate

>not rating France

Nice try achmed

>quiche Lorraine

Fuck the world. French cuisine best cuisine.

>who has the best (thing thats value is based on relativity of personal choice)
reddit-tier thread tbqhfamalamadingdong

>amish food
Amish food is trash desu.
America has some great food but Amish food no.

tapas hnnngggg

Dutch food makes the tallest men

Thanks to all them yummy bovine growth hormones

Agreed, famlam.