Alright i'll stop watching porn
Alright i'll stop watching porn
okay I'll stop playing video games
Proud of you.
okay i'll stop getting drunk 4 nights a week
Okay I'll stop not being white
ok i'll stop fapping to traps
Watch animu
Keep it up!
What's the history behind these deformed pepes?
What made you come to this conclusion user
some guy posted a pepe on a finnish board
the rest is history
Some faggot drew them because they looked funny, then other faggots drew variations of it
okay I'll be a pagan
u can't m8
Of course this is the jap's solution.
>implying you was white
Time stamp or get the fuck out Brazil
Finns are absolute lunatics
Stop masturbating to anime you childless single men.
start watching porn
Nice reading comprehension you dumb FUCKING LEAF
white leafs are still subhuman
Start watching cuck porn
The board has gotten too goddamn funny, yet if I tried to explain what I was laughing about to the people downstairs, they'd think I'm schizophrenic and call an ambulance
Smoke danks
I've learned it is definitely better to keep to yourself.
hahahahah upboated xD
>That's it. Enough Internet for you.
Vote Republican my little roaches