Average American Woman is Now Size 16-18



>Additional factor: average American woman is also 5;3.5" (Taller women will wear larger sizes just because of height, not a relevant factor for most women)

So are women even trying anymore? Why am I supposed to care about anything they want when they cannot even stop eating for a few hours so they are a reasonable weight? What the fuck happened? How did we get here? What the fuck do we even do at this point?

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they have to fill their holes with something

if it's not a dick in one end, it's food in the other

...all to make up for the emptiness inside their heads and hearts

No way in hell is that a size 16.

That's at least a 22-24 minimum

the fuck is size 16

A lot of Black guys dig fat asses
A lot of White guys don't
why would they even try when they can have "mah Alpha" anyway.

In the 1350's the average European was afflicted with the Black Plague. I guess that makes disease healthy and a non-problem.

This is size 16:


Height makes a massive difference. A 5'11" size 16 is going to look a lot different than a 5'1" size 16.

Size 16, comin' through!

don't measure it in "size" units.

measure it in centimeters.

in australia if your waist is larger than 90cm, you are fat. period.

Well, maybe if millions of men weren't playing video games and jacking off to 2d anime waifus, then these innocent women wouldn't have to stuff their mouths with donuts and hamburgers. Why blame women, when it's men's fault for allowing this to happen? The next time you're outside, talk to some of these overweight women. Most likely, they're just as lonely and pathetic as you are...

too much slouching.

not enough sports.

too much sugar in the diet.

stop drinking your sugar, americans.

>t. man who pretends he's a woman because he thinks his life will be easier

This is the most related pic I have, sorry.

I'd smash it

>Women victims, men evil!

Nice try.

If playing video games and jacking off is more satisfying than hanging out with you, then that really doesn't say much about you, does it?

americans just eat too much. they dont understand portions, and are literally too lazy to learn.

You know manufacturers of women's clothing have been steadily making each size number bigger, right? So women don't feel fat when they buy clothes in their size and they can say "I can still fit into a size 6! lol ^_^" and give JCPenny their money.

Actually women get fat for the same reasons men do these days, sedentary lifestyle and shit food.

However, there is no reason to date a fat chick unless she's almost dieted and exercised herself into thicc territory already - you don't want to be giving a flabby land whale her diabeetus shots in 15 years.

Pic is probably the thiccest you should date.

I go to New York or Florida and see fit babes everywhere. Are the fatties all hiding elsewhere?

The Canadian diet is quite Americanized as well, don't deny it

>Bang thick girls
>Date thick girls
>Marry thin girls

Large breasts sag, chubby girls get fatter, curves turn into rolls. Thick girls age horribly unless they are like that fitness model in this thread.

The UK is fatter than the US now, maybe you're just not seeing it.

sure. but im not fat, so it doesnt really apply to me

I would wear those thighs like ear muffs.

Depends on their habits, but I suspect you're a chink faggot or something.

I actually told a woman this earlier this week. Holy shit I thought she was going to have a fucking stroke right then an there. It was glorious.

Fuck your pussy on a pedestal bullshit.

squats need to be mandatory for all young people

The fatties in the UK are all up North and/or rural communities here. Same there?

Ergo, Burgers.

Yes. Mississippi is statistically our "fattest" state. When I went to Arkansas, every girl was fat. In Alabama, most girls are fat but the ones who aren't are beautiful 10/10 Aryan goddesses with qt southern accents.

Surprised you didn't see any fatties in NY though.

>Thick girls age horribly
And thin girls don't? Women get old period and none of them look particularly attractive in old age. Perhaps they can look good a little longer as skinny but in the end age gets them all as they slowly turn into shriveled prunes. Not having saggy tits isn't going to make an older lady more attractive if shes wrinkling.

damn, were you on a date?

that's pretty much how it is in TN too. If you go to any college campus and just stand there you'll see countless semen demons. Also a lot of black girls. They all will get diabetes at some point though

This is why I go for Asians. It used to be only niggresses and Latinas were commonly fat, now finding a normal white girl is getting just as hard. I really just am not into fat chicks, they don't even get me even the tiniest bit aroused desu. That OP pic is just gross to me.

This was after the date when she was pursing me to meet up again. I tried to let her down the easy way but she just wouldn't fucking accept no for an answer so I was forced to hurt her feelings.

Of course now I'm probably a misogynistic shitlord to her and all her friends, but fuck it. I'm old enough that my odds of ever starting a family are slim as is. I'm not about to get desperate and start a long term engagement that's just going to result in us resenting each other in 15 years because we don't actually like each other.

thinner women have a huge disadvantage during childbirth and while carrying a child

ideal body fat for a woman who intends to get pregnant is 30-35%

>Have a fat fetsh in secret
>Go after skinny women in real life

How do I prevent the two from intertwining, Sup Forums?

A woman who takes good care of her body can be attractive well into her 40s and still look presentable in her 50s. A 20-something chubby girl who doesn't give a fuck will hit the wall before her 30th birthday and be gross to look at by the time she turns 40. Which one do you want to spend the rest of your life with?

haha shit son. that's colllllld

You're predicating on the thicc woman being unhealthy. Here's a 50-something woman with good genes and who has maintaned a thicc body since she was a young woman:

imagine being legally bound to a woman who turns into a scooterbeast, doesn't cook and doesn't fuck you

If feminazi journalists are to be believed, most of the guys who hit on fat women are just fetishists, and it pisses them off.

It's probably part of the reason why they so thoroughly despise actually attractive people.

Here's how a non-thicc woman typically ages, this woman is also a famous chef exactly the same age as Nigella...


>you will NEVER snort coke off Nigella's tits while she giggles and calls you a big guy

life was a mistake

High fructose corn syrup doesn't help too much. Corn subsidies need to be ended yesterday.

discover thicc

Except that she married a saudi sand nigger who beats the shit out of her, and she kept crawling back because she was addicted to the shekels.

I hear she likes to be choked...

>become mad that the only people going after you want you for sex
>make it so that now nobody wants to go after you
>become mad at the patriarchy when they themselves fucked eachother over


fucking disgusting

Whoever needs a fucking burkini to go to the beach is a whale.


Just the women but OK.

Fatties are in the big cities here...

>Famous people never get plastic surgery or have professional makeup artists doing everything they can to make them look younger

Christie Brinkley is like 60 and still looks like this

you're cute i know your game

you're probably a faggot too

Looks good, until you get her pants off and the cottage cheese spills everywhere.


You forgot to mention she's Jewish

I know many women who have remained hot into their 50s but I live in a rural area where women are physically and genetically disposed to be hotter anyway.

22-24 is when the woman is shaped like a ball tier fat.

Gee I wonder why women hate traps for

She's definitely had work done, I actually met her once.

comfirmed gay

i'd abandon this id and get a proxy

Show me a picture of her ass, no clothing

What does she look like without photoshop?

I think you're approaching this wrong. It's not like she doesn't look good, but it's that she's in the 1% of the population that doesn't have to do shit to look great, opposed to the 99% that have to actually try to look good.

That's the issue here.


thicc women are best, white men got joo'd into falling for skinny weak women.

I'd would've fucked her, even if she's old enough to be my grandmother.
She looks good.


who cares. if they are fat don't give them your love. obviously emotional problems cause this.

but don't blame the women. let them learn.

besides, pretty soon there won't be any food and they will survive off all the extra blubber.

Her ass is fucking gross.
Listen, I would fuck her, she's pretty, but she could lose a few pounds.

Neither am I, so your hypothesis doesn't quite hold up, does it?



i married a thicc but athletic cutie pie who was an ncaa athlete and has that that asss

low test cucks btfo

i stick with my original statement.

Would. She's good enough, but not so good that she loses the eagerness to please.

Confirmed gay user.

Nice harvest my dude, where did you get him?


That usually hurts a woman.



Your penis can't help but choose wisely...

As I said before, i would fuck her, but she's not my ideal body type.
Too muscular and her ass looks terrible without support

So you faggots always going on about how you love women with an ass 2 ax handles wide, so much so that it becomes a new standard, and now you are going to bitch that women are getting fatter? How the fuck are the supposed to gain weight in their ass and no place else?

You want women to have a nigger booty and now they have obliged.

My ideal is at the opposite end, thin age much better than a girl who was once thicc, when thicc gets old it's called fat you dumb niggers

The general rule is that women crave male attention to the point that their lives revolve around it. That is why women hate everything that draws men's attention away from them. Feminists use feminism as an excuse to hate these things and as a front to make it look like they don't care about male attention, but they are the worst offenders of this. They will do everything they can to ruin whatever men are enjoying that takes attention away from them. Examples:

>Video games
>Sports in general
>Muscle cars
>Gym culture
>The Super Bowl
>Your female friends
>Your male friends
>Better looking women

Women have historically been strongly opposed to all of these, simply because men enjoy them and they do not want to compete for attention.

Thanks. Got him in SD.

Round vs, what, the actual ability to see the pelvic bones from behind?

Not enough nicotine


Nah, mang, women check out men's asses as much as we do theirs. Unless you don't want that attention for some reason.

SDbro here. When I was in High School I shot a speedgoat with ivory tips.

there is truth in your words

> Average American Woman

You mean america white whore?

>a white women have gone through 15-20 guys by their mid 20s

>perhaps she burn the coal early years

America white male are biggest CuckOld beta provider in Human history

she's a poor candidate for breeding matey

>that god awful ass tattoo
i have no words