What did he mean by this? m.youtube.com
What did he mean by this?
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Who gives a shit what the coward meant
he seems high as fuck
He literally sounds retarded.
Fuck this piece of shit REEEEEEE
>supports attacking innocents in a church
Got your suicide vest ready, Ahmed?
...for clothes
fucking leaves
he's a hero
What did he mean by this?
Is shooting blacks attending church heroism?
Why didn't he go to the nearest inner city and shoot some real thugs?
Wait I thought this guy got killed in prison?
I hope they let him go. He killed useless people so what? he's more important than them
This. If he put down some thug niggers then he'd be a hero. He targeted some old people in church. He literally said he almost did not go through with it because they were so nice.
First off, he was a fucking pussy, he went after soft targets. If he went after real scumbags, he would have at least had a solid defense for himself by saying that they were recidivist criminals that would cause more trouble for the average citizen.
>real scumbags
>black people in general
>attacking innocents
>a hero
He is a coward who was too afraid to challenge someone who could shoot back so he attacked the people least likely to challenge him
Literally on suicide bomber tier
let him go
So we want to talk to you about some stuff
>I went in, sat down, took out my gun, and unloaded a mag in to each one
u wot
>I'm guilty
>because they were black and I didn't want any white people to get hurt
why tho?
>i dunno
>anyway they're raping whites all the time
so do you think it's right to shoot them?
do you have a message you want to get out
>not really
he declared himself king of /fa/
I guess you faggots are dense, and new. He said in the interrogation that since blacks like to threaten harmless whites with no weapons everyday, he might as well do the same.
He says why in the interview lazy faggot.
Now, you said earlier you thought you probably killed 4 or 5
>i guess
So you're saying you think they died?
>well i don't know
Did you try to kill them?
>it's hard to say, I was just mag dumping into them
>I don't think I shot anybody in the head
What if we told you 9 people died?
>are you lying to me?
Lol I thought he was p alpha before I heard his voice
He also said that he thought about going into the hood but that he'd probably only be able to kill one drug dealer at most before they ran and the cops came. He wanted to go somewhere that he knew there would be lots of blacks.
kek but I agree. If you're going to be a fucking sociopath have the decency to take out someone that would matter. Not church goers.
If I had to kill people I'd go Duterte tier and go for drug dealers, psychopaths, corrupt politicians, mudsharks, the general scum of the earth. I mean, I would do that if I went sociopath. It's n-not like I think about that sort of thing regularly.. or at all really. t-tbqh
he got a high rank blm nigger politician. learn some facts cuck
>he might as well do the same.
So he openly admits to being no better than the ones who hates?
he got a congressman?
I'm a Muslim and i have no respect for roof, why didn't he target sodomites?
no, that would be too good
>implying he Roof is even sentient
>implying it means anything
They are just replaceable cogs faggot. Another double digit IQ BLM politician, bfd. They'll be replaced with someone probably dumber. It was a terrible (non existent desu) plan and a meaningless muh another senseless killing that just makes things worse.
Could have killed someone that would've mattered instead of some common church goers.
The only good nigger is a dead nigger.
Black Lives matter!
what about the black lives in Africa?
>no American nigger lifts a finger to help them.
Wow man aren't you edgy, really fires up the Neurons
>why didn't he target sodomites?
Mohammeds been dead for a long time
>muh church goers
nigger, niggers are the most religious group in the us. that's a very poor excuse not to kill niggers, cuck
FBI guy really went hard at the end.
>i just want to know where I'm going next
Well, where do you want to be?
>uh, haha
>i want to be home
Yeah, with your mom or your dad?
>my mom i guess
OK, now we just want to get you to sign this form so we can get the gun out of the car
you seem 13 as fuck
low IQ white trash reads Sup Forums and stormfront, and this is what happens
Well aren't you a little nerdy faggot. Really makes me want to break you nose.
Mr. Roof clearly said that he was reading "articles." The Jew media did this.
This moral high ground is a lefty talking point that is ingrained in us during school, reject that shit; it is merely a way to push someone around without them fighting back. White people are already superior to blacks in many ways, including agility and intellect, we don't really need to prove it through action.
i wish everyone know those facts, your nigger ass would be shipped immediately
Congratulations, you are now on an FBI watch list!
prove it
Actually, he scored "extremely high" in IQ, he was also competent enough not only to stand trial right after the shootings, but also competent enough to represent himself in court.
SOme freaky looking young white guy kills a church full of victims I have never seen or heard about.
Seriously isn't this more or less his five minutes and aren't you encouraging the next would be movie stars by focusing on him more than his victims?
I will never understand the role of the media in the justice system.
black a nice color for what?
yea, and I was just talking about hypothetical sociopathic murder sprees. Not at all things I think about or premeditate or go over and over about in my head. I don't even think it would feel good or anything.
I mean I would fuck someone up in a self defense situation but my posting is 100% legal guys no reason to trace my IP or anything just chillin here not ever thinking about killing (srs).
Yeah he seems kind of out of it. They probably have him on a lot of medication.
>Couldn't shoot back.
Because Christians are handicapped?
body bags
>murdering like 9 people just to make a point
this will never be justified
Your "the wolf does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep" logic would work if white people were wolves anymore but nowadays most crackers are barely poodles.
We don't care about poodles, we'll let them die. We ain't going away nigger.