Sup Forums there is nothing wrong with transgenders.
Sup Forums there is nothing wrong with transgenders
Then there is nothing wrong with fucking traps and traps are gay.
that creature could create a thread on Sup Forums and find happiness in like 5 minutes. i hope it never finds out about Sup Forums.
>after I made myself an abomination no one wants to fuck me
Oh wow.
>going on Sup Forums
this thread is full of faggotry already
sure, there's nothing wrong with traps.
still not going to date one, personal preference.
I like my girls tall, skinny, with big titties and vaginas.
>I just don't understand why boys don't want to go against their natural instinct and date a freak like me
Hey brah, nothing wrong about fucking some qt guy with panties in the ass.
She looks sorta passable. I would do it if I was drunk.
its just not even surprising anymore
Homosexuals and trannies need to be tied to stakes and set on fire like the flaming faggots that they are.
His parents failed him. They should be shot.
You misspelled "everything"
>"why wont guys who dont like cocks not date me just because i have a cock?"
this idiot cannot be serious
Even if I were to agree with accepting someone's lifestyle choices,
Can't you accept my lifestyle choice to get with someone who has a dick?
Either everyone accepts everyones' lifestyle choices or nobody accepts any bodys'
'Transgender' people are officially diagnosed with an egosyntonic mental health disorder by a psychiatrist. Depending upon the mental health diagnoses manual the psychiatrist uses, the diagnosis is for Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Identity Syndrome/or Gender Dysphoria.
Less than .03% of the population is affected with GID/GIS/GD. Symptoms of this syndrome are all mental health based: depression, anxiety, unease with their bodies, suicidal thoughts. The suicide rate of GID/GIS/GD sufferers is 20% compared to under 1% of the normal population. Both the psychiatric and medical fields recognize GID/GIS/GD as a mental health issue.
Current standard treatment for the mental health diagnosis consists of psychiatric therapy and later prescription medication with synthetic hormones. Psychiatric therapy is the foundation of their treatment, and no doctor or psychiatrist proceeds with synthetic hormones without concurrent psychiatric therapy. The current treatment is recognized by both psychiatrists and medical doctors as moderately effective in reducing their rate of suicide, depression, anxiety, dysphoria, and other accompanying mental health symptoms of GID/GIS/GD to varying degrees of success. Sexual reassignment surgery is effective in relieving these mental health symptoms short term but fails to provide relief long term.
People with GID/GIS/GD have a much higher prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Body Integrity Disorder, noting that in both, the sufferers have a pervasive delusional view of their own bodies that cripples their normal functioning. Here are 2 patients who suffer from both GID and BDD concurrently.
The transgender 'movement' works to make this mental health diagnosis seem normal, and to push legal, policy and social changes on the normal 99.97% of society, that are disproportionate to the actual numbers of sufferers of this rare mental health issue.
What is that tube? Like a piss-bag so wardrobe doesn't have to waste an hour undressing/redressing him when he has to go?
i thought most trannys were gay so if someone went from dude to chick they would still be into chicks
When is he going to start doing trap porn? I want to see that feminine butthole.
>inb4 you're labeled a bigot for not wanting to fuck trannies
Or is that already reality?
If your anti-LGBT, you are countering our alt-right movement. There's nothing wrong with being gay. There's a reason trump is pro gay, it's because it represents being free, and that's the essence of being an American. If you hate gays you might as well go to Saudi Arabia.
literally the most wrong statement ever made.
You are literally homosexual, take it or leave it.
Guys, when we kick off the next Crusade, can we keep the traps as camp followers?
I hear they're well suited for it
>“Jennings is our pseudonym, to sort of make life easier. We try to hide our real last name as much as possible,” Jeanette says. “Our last name is a very Jewish, long last name. We found it easier at this point. She’s known as Jazz Jennings. With the TV show, they’re not going to tell anybody where we live. The TV show is not going to reference our true last name.”
>Our last name is a very long, Jewish last name
>Very long, Jewish
That's not a transgender. That's a Jew.
yes it is gay, but i would fuck that boy ten ways till sunday.
this annoyed me so much i made some OC, op wins this time
absolutely degenerate
Yes it would mean that you are gay if you butt fuck a dude dressed as a girl.
>being transgender has completely turned boys off liking me
>buy when I was just a dude they were totally into me
>There is nothing wrong with being gay
Tell that to all the gays trying to tell people they're not gay, they're women.
>their own kids have fallen for the brainwashing
>no progeny because tranny can't uterus
This is pottery justin
Only when we stop encouraging transvestites will they be given proper treatment
I agree with your post. Crush this abomination from our soil. Take their bones to the brook Kidron and burn them to ashes.
Just my opinion. Lol
This is why this tranny shit needs to be banned. This user here talking about fucking Jazz in the butt is saying it because he's been blue pilled to accept gayism by showing a virgin something that looks like a girl but surprise it's a boy and now you have a boner because you thought it was a girl but it's a dude. This is what Hollywood Jew tries to do. I don't get the gay bone but I'm old. You young fuckers seem to be gettin more faggy.
Punching a dudes pharte box is definitely faggoty gay. You faggots.
It's not gay if she has a girl penis.
Stop smoking weed before posting
(((Jazz Jennings)))
check out the mother. Its (((her))) fault no doubt
whats that family's real name?
as the other reply said
you are trying too hard to fit in
Normal young men don't want circus freak dude in dress? Sounds like discrimination to me. Need to prohibit with new laws that says you must fuck mentally ill dude smelly anus or face prosecution
>turned boys off from liking you
But they never liked him
Sup Forums there is EVERYTHING WRONG with freaks of nature, abominations such as (((transgenders)))
The Rabbi accidently cut the boy's penis off during circumcision so they decided to roll with it
Do you people really believe this or do you just have a status quo to maintain at this point?
I have nothing against transgender outside so many of them being total headcases and demanding people to treat them in certain ways.
You're a freak. Cool. I'm still going to treat you as a human being but don't expect me to use your made up pronouns.
Except the mental illness associated with it.
stop posting this picture leaf
Maybe he just likes penis user. Homos are degenerate, but I don't think wanting to suck a dick is a Jewish conspiracy.
The only men who want to fuck trannies are porn addicted nu males
I knoe that flamboyant or moderate gays usually don't hook up with traps neither.
So in a hypothetical case that a faggot kid liked him, after he became a trap there is a high chance he doesn't like him anymore.
Forget the tranny shit, what type of brown is this?
Jew with a tan
how do i find a ladyboy like this?
>Guys think "If I like her, does that mean I'm gay?"
Yeah, no shit.
Trannies are pretty hot.
Fuck Sup Forums for convincing me there's nothing wrong with trannies.
Honestly you guys are fags
>be lil' faggot
>nobody likes you
>convince kike parents to get you girly parts
>now can hang around qts but no dicc to fucc
>boys still think you're a faggot
>there is nothing wrong with transgenders
Tell them that so maybe they will be normal-genders.
Exactly. Good eye.
All ladyboys are eager of attention (Probably more than women), they are also mentally unstable, VERY unstable.
nothing other than the fact that they make it their LIFE'S MISSION to keep spewing this shit over and over and over, AD NAUSEUM, while being the center of DRAMAQUEENS on social media
most rational people don't really give a flying fuck, what faggots-in-denial do, or how they live their life, we just don't want to hear about your infantile and petty shit EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY
This thing WILL do porn and then kill himself.
I guarantee it.
See, the problem with these comics is that they portrait the trap as a literal girl with a penis.
In reality trannies are much hairier, got a man face and adam's apple, have manly voices, smell like sweaty men and are overall not even a bit passable.
you mean there never was, or now there isn't?
the guy who did this is most likely some fat hairy cunt who wouldn't pass from a mile away
These fuckers understand that they are not really women, right?
I get that they want to live out their fantasy and I can respect that, but do they really expect others to follow their bullshit.
Why the fuck would they expect guys who are into regular chicks to be interested anyway, surely they can find those who are into traps.
yea there is you fucking idiot. they are mentaly ILL. if you can pick your gender, you can pick your race, you can pick your age, you can pick your species. sanity is excepting reality on realities terms. shut the fuck up you fucking loser.
>surely they can find those who are into traps.
The problem is that trannies don't like tranny seekers, they want straight males to fuck them, I think it is a fetish kind of thing.
These SJWs and transgenders want us to appease them by using their language, their gender terms. But the thing is most of them don't even have the courage to go all the way and get it chopped off. So most these famous trannies like Jazz and Bruce Jenner still have their cocks but they want us to pretend they are female???
This is why we need to control the narrative and just say what body parts we are attracted to. "I like pussy". See, easy. That way these retards won't get confused. There's nothing wrong with it, but you know it will still bother them, but it will force them to either get their cocks cut off (which most won't do) or shut the fuck up.
It looks like something for some practical effect. Would have to watch the scene to know exactly what it is.
t. set technician in the film industry
>always looks like she has a mustache
Might explain the problem...
I'm fucking a cutie swedish boy who wears panties ;). He's an international student
Trap boypussy is best pussy.
I like ovaries. No post-op trannies for me!
nah just means you ugly bitch
>If i like a man who looks like a woman, I'm not gay
Seriously, why do we make children again?
This is such terrible logic. If a cis woman can't have kids, is it gay to be attracted to her?
To have someone to laugh at.
> 22:11:00
> 88
> lma0
oh baby a tripple
oh yeah
Unfortunately most are ugly.
Other than that I can't think of anything.
I'm gonna use this. it is just retarded and specific enough that I think it could work. They cant say anything because then they are against women. Yet it excludes the trannys in just such a way that they must accept that they are still not a complete woman.
I'm sure nature will build a better idiot just for me when I pull this card out...
No but its pointless and a genetic dead end (even if it was cause by an accident it is still a dead end for your genes)
Wouldn't pushing degeneracy accelerate natural selection into the realm of higher constitution and more alpha men? Sure millions upon millions fail to reproduce but the few that do are of higher caliber.
Gays are not trannies fuckface
>Sup Forums there is nothing wrong with transgenders.
I'd fuck the shit out of that little tranny ass. Have to be quick though, cause after 22-25 years old, she/he is going to fall apart and get fat and ugly. 7/10 on the trap scale for me atm.