American women
They don't look like Americans to me, they are all too white and thin.
Those are russians
Brazilian cant tell difference between Russian Twerk memes and Burgers.
its like their vaginas are possessed by a demon
Also, explain this shit to me:
Very true!
I knew the OP was from him. He's pretty good, I should watch the rest of his series.
So the US is a version of Brazil with more white people now?
Your country is a worse brazil: semi-naked animals walking on the streets and kids dancing degenerate music everywhere.
>Also, explain this shit to me:
progressive art also known as "Destructive Behavior for The Goyim".
United States is becoming not Brazil but Trinidad and Tobago.
Brazilian funk is conservative compared to this
You described the Haitians that live here because the burgers would invade us if we killed them all.
Don't worry, we will send more of them your way.
Let's see how it happens
Step 1
Sub-humans in tropical semi-civilized countries imitate locals and black tribalists dancing
Step 2
Anglo merchant goes there and finds nice. Imagine he can make white girls dance like that
Step 3
Contact radio stations and night clubs to play degenerate music and hire "dancers" to entertrain the public
Step 4
George Soros organizations promote "Black Culture History Month" and teach tribal dance to high school people
Step 5
wait 4-6 weeks and watch whites imitating Indians and tribalists.
The only advantage of United States and some european countries is that because of the cold this shit don't happen on the streets
Unfortunately during summer shit like that happens.
The only countries free of this are the ones with 12 month winter (which is to say almost zero).
Those countries tend to be just as fucked up as ours' are but they do it all indoors, I have done some travelling, the entire world is a shit hole.
in case anyone wants the source
That video is Russian, mongloid.
doing indoors is bad but it's like choosing the lesser evil
It's not
As beautiful as can be if your looking for a faithful friend thats me!
26 years old. I love to have fun and find the brighter side of things. I'm in love with music. I'm ready to appreciate life in a different perspective. Also a very bubbly, outgoing and spontaneous person.
In search of a real true friendship that will last through in the worst of times. Someone I can trust, respect, be a loyal friend. Preferably someone a bit older than myself.
that video made me sad
everytime a goy cry a happy merchant smile!