Should Trump push for recognition of Taiwan as a sovereign state?
Should Trump push for recognition of Taiwan as a sovereign state?
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Yes, that sounds reasonable.
wrong flag
Oh god yes. more
Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan should be recognized as official states of the New American Empire
He should push to recognize Taiwan as the rightful rulers of China.
The Republic of China doesn't even recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state. Why should Trump interfere in their matters?
Yes he should. Hail Hitler.
Taiwan is the ROC, unless you were trying to refer to the PR(o)C
The ROC believes Taiwan is a province of China.
>Not to be confused with Taiwan, the country officially known as the Republic of China.
I was obviously not referring to the province
The whole conception of state needs to change.
The mandarin/cantonese people need to have some high level layer of decentralised government to dictate trade, migration, currency, education and climate change. It shouldn't have any ideology attached to it and should otherwise recognise the autonomy of its inner states. It shouldn't be anything more than a localised international court writing precedents with a monetary policy and some monetary laws. Even Singapore and maybe Malaysia need to be part of this system, perhaps other south east Asian nations too. In such a world, there is no south China sea conflict since governments rule people and not lands.
Below this level of governance states as they're imagine now may exist, but anything without an idea of separation of powers should be seen as regressive.
Basically, no, but also yes.
Well of course, they maintain that all of mainland China is rightfully under the governance of the Republic too.
you're fucking retarded, Taiwan IS "The Republic of China".
who cares asia is a shit continent its nothing but desert and snow
the only smart thing to do is post gooks
And the government on Taiwan believes Taiwan is a part of China. This is indisputable.
Yes. Fuck China.
tfw nicest kid I ever met was a shy engineer from Taiwan
I miss him.
Trump is using it as a bargaining chip to get a better trade deal.
I'm traveling to Shanghai soon, is it safe guys?
Has Trump fucked up my travel plans?
Fine w. me
More exposure for Taiwan can only be a good thing IMO
Probably gonna wait until the end of next year to go on vacation there again. USD should be a lot stronger by then,
China's economy depends on exports. That requires foreign businessmen occasionally traveling to China. So China's not going to let Lynch mobs kill all the foreigners.
The Republic of China (not to be mistaken with the Peoples Republic of China) claims souvereinity over all of China and then some: Mongolia, parts of Russia and Myanmar too. To accept Taiwan as a souvereign state is to disaccept the Peoples Republic of China and Mongolia.
So are you Taiwanese? You seem to post this style of thread a lot.
every girl is a dickboy on the internets
I want an asian gf so bad
More than you want an ai gf?
nope, white guy who randomly went to Taiwan a few years ago for a tour and fell in love with it
Taiwan is the second coolest country I've been to after Japan, but Japan is also comically fucked up culture-wise. I would consider living in Taiwan but not in Japan
There's pics of her tits online, search for "nono taiwan leaks"
Yeah. The real China before Mao pushed them off the Mainland.
no, taiwan should be annexed into the USA.
we need more of those qt3.14s to displace fat feminists
Don't know what's the worse between the two.
Are tensions really high over there or is it just propaganda?
we the realist nigguh
if we can take China down by any chance, sure you can add us to your 43th states. Not trying to be a cuck but there's no way we would survive for the next century
It's like WWE.
China has been sending fighter jets to fly around the boarders all the time.
Just recently this info become public.
They can't make the first move but to talk trash.
A lot of trash talk,
Ching chong ling long. No one cares what you think, zipperhead.
China is a shit, they just fill my stores with cheap, flimsy, plastic nonsense that is borderline toxic if not outright toxic.
Taiwan on the other hand, they produce all my favorite things - the best PC hardware my money can buy. More Taiwan please. Also, Taiwan never hacked my shit or stole my game accounts, or cheated against me in a game.
Ching chongs go away
Apparently you've never been to Hong Kong.
We helped negotiate the current two system one party deal. From what I understand the majority o the Taiwanese want the status quo.
As long as we can continue to sell them arms and they can remain semi-autonomous then keep everything the same. No reason to antagonize PROC just yet
I've been to HK once and gone through HKG many times
>have to go through security for all transfers
>have to go through security AGAIN for american flights
The food court at HKG is rad, though. The pizza place is ridiculously good.
HK is interesting, but Taiwan is much more comfy and far less expensive.
The majority of Taiwanese youth do not identify as being "Chinese" at all. Probably in a generation or two, no one there will identify with being "Chinese"
No. Anglos should stop meddling in affairs that doesn't concern them. And they will.
>tfw no 台灣人 gf
fuck we need to defend Taiwan from these fucking chinks
I want to hate this thread for being posted 10 times a day, but that girl is just so fucking hot I can't bring myself to filter it through 4chanX.
I've been to Taiwan. That is not an average Taiwanese girl.
top tiers
>putting your country on the flag