Do Britishers really believe unpresidented is the incorrect spelling? Why do they spell so many of our words the wrong way?
Do Britishers really believe unpresidented is the incorrect spelling...
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they dont actually speak english
american english and their accent is closest to actual historical english
Nottu diso shit agen
> say the ameridumb
Why do people act so autistic when someone makes a typo?
Britishers speak English like garbage (that's rubbish in British). There's no u in color either. You're an embarrassment to our language.
Why do people act so autistic when Trump makes a typo? He does this shit all the time so people Tweet him/talk about his tweet to correct him, thereby propagating whatever message he originally wanted to give. This isn't even new analysis. People have been saying this for a year now and these brain-dead liberals still do it.
>nuclear armageddon
>"how can he be friends with russia what a moron"
Leftist logic, boys
Nobody asked you leaf. You're even worse at English than the British. You even let people speak French. Leave now.
>responding to yank bait posts
wew this will be fun
How come all amerikeks are such mutts?
What is a precedent? Pretty sure it is not a president.
>Trump won't go to war with Russia and Syria! what a traitor!
>Trump is going to start WW3!
how come all tripfags are cancerous scum?
How come amerikeks can't do anything original? Stolen country, stolen language, mix of races making them the mutts they are, this post and the list goes on.
You lost to faggot farmers and then had to fight niggers with sticks to make up for it.
Best part is that the niggers gave you a run for your money.
>You lost to faggot farmers
>It ain't me starts playing
libcucks man. they should all be gassed.
The song's called Fortunate Son, butterteeth.
what nigger? jazz, hip-hop, dance, entertainment, cool women, good sports. We're the fucking best. Britain is the absolute worst. The latest best thing you did was figure out how to cask an ale, you toothy faggot.
>jazz, hip-hop, dance, entertainment, cool women, good sports.
Are all amerikeks uneducated? In all seriousness though, the quality of those posts is abysmal.
It's like the inferior mutt loses his footing when confronted by a superior species.
This. Almost every single British rock/pop musician or band of note was influenced by American music first. They just repackaged it.
>the pretentious Britbong
>tfw Britain was making music before Amerikekistan was a country
>mfw amerikeks consider producing rock bands are serious achievements
Plebeian scum
Then why do you continue to emulate us?
>he triggered them so hard he turned them into spellcheckers
brits please
you know we talk the best english
>Implying I'm British
Not so fast muttboy
Brits aren't even human
once the UK switches over to Arabic our language will no longer be stolen
Nuke this thread of paid smelly mouthbreathers
So you're just a fuckboy for British soccer hooligans, eh? They just pass you around after the Manchester U match, bugger you all night long, boyo? Then you come here and espouse their superiority because they make you cum? You cheeky cunt!
>England 75%~ white
>USA 56%~ white
I doubt it'll be the UK that switches their language before amerikekistan m80
The Wharton School of Bullshit
who? some little cuckmale?
Oh no, I'm superior to actual Anglos too but that doesn't mean you're on the same level, far from it.
Mayor of London is Muslim. They've already taken the most strategic area. It's only a matter of time, Ahmed.
Yale Students Demand Removal of White Authors from Curriculum
UPenn Students Remove Shakespeare Portrait for Lacking Diversity
Teach For America: Math is the ‘Domain of Old, White Men’
Algebra 1 will no longer be taught in middle school under Obama Common Core
A professor at Lone Star College in Texas required her students complete a white privilege assignment to measure how privileged they are.
Why is England 75% white u fucking nigger
Because we fucked their alphabet when we threw all their T in the harbor.
You voted a nigger into the white house, twice.
It's most likely because of the high amerikek immigration.
>england: thousand years old, made about 60 million white people
>america: 200 years old, made 210 million white people
keep talking about how minorities all want to move here, we know
No, we lost to a bunch of hippies, who we apparently couldn't firebomb.
We beat the rice farmers handily, by any military measure.
It's a subtle but important distinction.
>considers partial mutts and full mutts to be white
Colour me surprised, mutt.
>We beat
No you didn't.
Mate, we literally created your country and 3 other first world countries. What is the population of Anglos worldwide?
>be American
>speak English
>complain about the way English people speak English
This American is a dumbass. Jesus, leave my fucking Sup Forums you newfaggot.
Americans don't want to go to your shitty island. Only middle-aged sandniggers
And we corrected our mistake. The damage to London has been done. Muslims are 12% of the population and rising. Do you think that gets better with a Muslim mayor?
Curtis lemay the best.
Bombs away.
God I hate our colleges now.
Btw, how are you guys doing over there with your Rasputin or whatever? Serious Question.
>210 million white people
>America white women vote obama twice
>51% White women college graduates vote hillary
>10 million america white women have sex with black/hispanic male
>at least 5million white women have black/spic child
And this is why we have the electoral college, folks.
>and we corrected our mistake
By voting in a greedy kike puppet? Nice.
Why the fuck is Birmingham on the UK when its in fucking Alabama?
>england goes through with Brexit and begin a second Industrial Revolution,
>restore the commonwealth wealth, and rebuild their colonial empire
>2020 America elects nigger worship faggot, begins losing competitive edge to british empire
>British Empire regains superpower status
Deal with it, Faggot
Let's compare that to your long line of feckless, emasculated leaders who follow everything the Americans do. You're nothing more than our sidekick.
>You're an embarrassment to our language.
Incorrect, there's no shared ownership. If you hate english speak mexican, your entire country will speak it in 20 years anyway.
Have a memory of a gold fish, do we?
You dolts have been dreaming about those last 3 points for the past 40 years. Keep dreaming if it'll help you sleep while Muhammad fucks your daughters.
Ass of a faggot
>Imagines muhammad fucking british girls while tyron fucks american mutts in real life
Can amerikeks get any more cucked?
See Thick cunt.
Hurr durr you said it so you must be imagining it. Delete yourself.
>a 70 year old man made a typo while tweeting
wow it's fucking nothing.
>big league
Well you clearly put some thought into it, and you getting this insecure about it doesn't help your argument.
Yeah, I don't need your life story. It's an anonymous board, not Facebook, you cum guzzling queen.
I'm not insecure. I'm superior to Anglos. You have to believe me, it's the crux of my argument.
>I don't need your life story
Then why do you ask?
Honestly the level of amerikek stupidity is astounding.
Germany goes Reich again and beats you again until your kids come to rescue your ass.
Oh wait you are Korean, well we will just leave you to our good friend of the Japanese empire then.
Yep, never asked where you were from, dum dum. Shouldn't your superior-to-Anglo intellect made you aware of that? Or are you just sticking to your bait script?
But you're still asking questions about me, so make up your mind, I understand that you may not need my life story but it's painfully obvious that you want it.
Never asked one question about you personally, I asked about the country you were defending. Your level of projection and lonlieness is astounding.
If you're not a Brit, you're doing an excellent job of playing one.
>Germany goes Reich again
>Shouldn't your superior-to-Anglo intellect made you aware of that?
You just asked me a question about me you thick cunt, also thanks.