Black man on Sup Forums

>be me
>likes memes
>heard a lot of shit about Sup Forums from friends and social media etc.
>heard some creepy shit goes down sometimes
>hears a lot of shit about Sup Forums and Sup Forums being a Edgelords paradise
>decides to investigate
>Shit looks confusing af
>I read q&a
>go on Sup Forums, finds hentai, loli, and some other weird white people shit
>go on Sup Forums
>See Trump Pepe with caption "Fuck all niggers"
>sees comments "nigger this, nigger that"

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums is a board born out of social isolation (what other reason would take somebody to browse this place?). It chooses no color or creed.

We would not hate you if you did not act like niggers.

you have no right to speak my language nigger. ur going back soon tho

Fuck off nigger
You are a part of the problem, no matter what you do.

>finds hentai, loli, and some other weird white people shit

You mean Asian?

How's the favelas

this is a Japanese cartoon enthusiast forum so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about friend

we dont want you here

Your kind made it's bed. Now lie in it.

There is only one solution, my black brother. The drum beat of the Motherland grows louder.

it was a mistake even investigating

lurk my friend
you can learn a lot here
and besides most of these guys would never call you a nigger to your face

>How's the favelas
Great, ever since president Temer got into office our police has been given the green light to violently supress the marxist scum that is always protesting in the streets against police brutality against niggers, it feels very comfy to watch national news right now! So much leftists tears flowing!

Now tell me, how are your "family values" treating you?

i laugh because i know my dick is bigger than theirs

If you niggers hate Trump and you keep going on with this #blacklivesmatter shit, just go back to Africa? I mean, if it's THAT BAD, go back to where your ancestors came from. Either that or just stfu.

I was going to say if you get your shit together and be an uncle tom nigger at least you can retain some aspects of self worth and repe-
nevermind. bix nood mofugga

You know they won't.
>Queue video of black teen eating chicken and driving explaining conditions in Africa

It's remarkable how blacks loudly announce their hatred for white people yet follow whitey everywhere.

this is no time to measure dicks user
now is the time to educate
and improve yourself
what is the point of a large penis
if it's just going to lead you to hell right along side the people that despise you

You have to go black.

Yes it was now get the fuck out

muh dik nigga nomsayin, wyypeepol jus mad cuz muh dik

Dude fuck off.

Have you seen what they say about Swedes? Or Turks?

Take your Princess Faggot act elsewhere.

>not a nigger
>goes straight to "muh dik"
nigger confirmed. you were doing well before that

>I know my dick is bigger than theirs
How do you know that?

git gud nigger

do you have a life outside this board keyboard warrior?

>he use the 'my cock is bigger' on Sup Forums

what about making friends into reddit young larper?

curiosity kills the coon, senpai.

He saw A LOT of dicks.

kek, do not worry my melanin enriched friend

we at Sup Forums are a board of peace

Get used to it, being put down occurs amongst all groups, your own propagates the slurs used in the media.

>"black man" couldn't go 4 posts without devolving into muh dick

Sup Forums was right again

you had your (you)s so now get the fuck out of my board before i call hiromoot

>muh dick
>not "Muh money"
>not "Muh education"
>not "Muh family values and warm home"

Literal fucking apes, so glad I married a white man.

You're here forever.

y'all like running yo mouths don't you?

Considering the fact you're still in a place which happens not to deem you welcome at all, I'd say you have no life either. Why would someone with a healthy social life feel compelled to stay in a hostile chinese comics forum? Are you lonely or something, "muhfugga"? Sorry, I'm very bad at ebonics

goddamn nigger. Nah seriously fuck you.

Not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black (Slavs for example)

precisely what are you going to do about it nigger?

Do you have a life outside of picking cotton nigger?

Hey man alot of it is satire, and the rest are old liberals who have recently turned racist from liberals

He's gonna say how big his dick is over and over again

beats running from the cops like your hopeless brethren.

I know how you feel, man. Just stick it through they are all joking. Keep in mind that if we came into a face-to-face encounter then we'd fuck their shit up. We are physically superior and all they were taught to do is argue. Can't debate a nigga when you getting your ass beat,

if you were actually black and not just patton oswalt you'd make a post like this

If this isn't b8, please know that I love smart black men and thing you are all awesome. If I wasn't religious, I would worship Kanye, unironically.

>muh dik



>black man

There be a difference...

How were we able to roll over your entire continent and enslave you like bitches?

Face it nigga you weak!

Kill yourself, пидopac чepнoмaзый

step 1: muh dick (failure)
step 2: chimp out (beat up white boy, go to jail with other black people)

shut the fuck up idk why people who are new here even bother to post like they know anything about this board and the history of this board

We'll become brazil 2.0 if trump fails to stem illegal and legal immigration.

Thats not the child's mother that was a babysitter lol

imma just screenshot all this and show my wonderful adventure of Sup Forums, look at all the edgy couch potatos get insecure when i bring up my dick smfh

OOGA BOOGA Do you understand me OOGA BOOGA

>Thats not the child's mother that was a babysitter lol

Oh, that makes it OK then...

You didn't. You paid our brothers to capture one another because you were to pussy and afraid of muh malaria and shit.

You white boys had to wait until you developed machine guns and some medicine to come in because y'all knew you'd get your shit handed to you. Whites have always hid behind something to beat their enemies. First it was the castle walls, then the machine guns and now the internet. The plot thickens.

I don't even mind well behaving niggers, most people don't, chill.

Nigger that

Fuck man don't be so fucking sensitive. There's a big fucking difference between blacks and niggers.

Do you know how many times I've been told on Sup Forums that I should be killed because I'm Canadian or that I am pro-Israel and Zionism?

Man up bruv. Get past the bullshit and find camaraderie among freedom loving brethren.

yeees yeees we didn't kill you like flies


Reasons Sup Forums should not be racist:

1. It's degenerate
2. It was created by Jews to divide us rather than fighting them
3. Malik is our homeboy and he browses Sup Forums

it's just funny because you're so predictable. I don't necessarily dislike black people in real life, until they chimp out or aggressively ask for money (doesn't happen much, I'm 6'5"), but y'all really are an uninspired people.

Post pic of dick plz


well, stop being a nigga then. all solved.

>her ass is a Little Boy
that is some next level dialogue right there

>Thats not the child's mother that was a babysitter lol
All the same shit to me. Blacks are violent and criminally inclined, this is fact.

advanced bait or actual dindu? either way get fucked OP

>You white boys had to wait until you developed machine guns and some medicine

Pretty much. But we developed advanced technology and medicine.

None of that came out of sub sahara Africa, or will ever come out of there.

King of the jungle? It's all yours. Whites are Kings of the atom.

No it doesn't but that dude was making a generalization that black mothers are violent and used that webm to support that but the back story for that was that woman was a baby sitter.

>damn white people and all their inventions

You should kill yourself cause you're a leaf

>be nigga
>been here since 06 or 07
>irl niggers are all about "black culture"
>all this "culture" is about are bitches, money and what you do with them
>tfw you're called not "black enough" if you don't want to be a nigger
>tfw all good black leaders died in the twentieth century and those still around don't have any pull on black youth
>get on Sup Forums
>everyone's user and everyone's judged purely based on their ideas

Sup Forums is a board of peace and an anonymous mongolian finger puppet message board is the answer to end racism

Sup Forums is satire, everything you see on here is just for the lulz

>mfw this bait isn't even good but everyone is falling for it anyway

>black man on Sup Forums
>brings up dicks within 4 posts
Already screenshotted this for confirmation bias dawg

Is this a white nigger thread?

Known page? What known page? You are talking nonsense, user.

>developting societies and having infrastructure is for pussies
The nigger mentality

It's becausee this place is full of degenerate pussies who feel better by glorifying colonial Europe while shouting nigger, i noticed the majority of posters are from countries that are full of far left sjws and non whites. And to top it off they're usually mongrels that shit all over homogeneous nations.

>In the case that you aren't larping

"Nigger" is a mindset. I don't hate blacks. Many people who post here are black.

But the black community has a problem. It may not be what you want to hear, but you must acknowledge it if it's ever gonna get better.

The racism here is a meme to get your attention. We want to improve the situation.

Watch this.

all americans are niggers, regardless of skin color

especially floridians lmao, fuck florida btw

>white people shit

nah mate its the japs

it's called intelligence my nigger

>the best sort of nigger

Get out of here, subhuman

kys you pro israli-kike dick, foreskineating zionist faggot
It's satire lol

a big dick isn't much
I've seen those blacked webms faggots post here, white girls do not look pleased having to fuck smelly apes
you guys really arent man enough to deal with your own women

If you're a black man and not a nigger, what's the problem?


>>go on Sup Forums, finds hentai, loli, and some other weird white people shit

If it's any consolation, oldfag from Sup Forums here. We hated niggers too.

The newfags killed Sup Forums so all us oldfags came here to Sup Forums.


nobody cares

Y'all sho nuff soundin' like a nigga now

What are you gay? How many white dicks have you seen? You want to suck on some white chode?

>You didn't. You paid our brothers to capture one another because you were to pussy and afraid of muh malaria and shit.
Nope, you niggers were already enslaving each other before we got there, we simply traded some booze and fancy european hats for some of the nigger slaves, a deal which the black kings of africa were all too eager to make.