Which European country will most likely have a civil war in the next 5 years?
Which European country will most likely have a civil war in the next 5 years?
Germany, czhech em
Do you really have to ask?
Too docile.
Probably Turkey
Turkey (inb4 not an European country)
Why Spain?
>(inb4 not an European country)
It isn't.
ukraine part ii
History repeats itself.
Can I join this time?
The only civil war Sweden will have will be between Somalis and Iraqis for control.
A lot of Americans fought i the last one as volunteers.
Everything east of the bosphorus is outside europe and culturally they are filthy middle eastern shits
Also Germany could split up, but Germans would do that peacefully.
Italy seems properly cucked to split. UK seems properly cucked to spli. There's alot of shit that could go right.
Isn't Ukraine in one now? After they Spain or France
Oh yeah, forgot.
Probably some shit hole like Serbia or Ukraine
Cmon guise dozens of terrorist attacks a year is not enough to call something a civil war. Muzzies in france or germany arent organised enough to from a real army.
Ukraine is in the middle of one right now.
Turkey, most likely.
I don't know shit about Andorra but that sounds like a country where a civil war would happen, so there too maybe.
I would say Italy or Greece, their populace look really angry with the situation
Catalonia, or class warfare.
>Civil war
Does any of you retards wish to split? Like Baskia or whatever?
Ukraine? I'm pretty sure that this anti Putin shilling has unified them quite well.
under a trump CIA?
probably none of them....
Europe, not near east
>sounds like angola, probably this one
If they could have they would have already. Catalunya likes trash talking
San Marino.
I honestly think probably France.
If something doesn't change, it'll turn violent there.
Frogs are good at one thing and one thing only: protests
England or France, germany and the rest are still not pushed enough.
Will be vs commies not against separatist
But not Croissants? You don't know anything about François!
Nowhere near close. Same with Germany.
Too many Jews have too much money invested in Germoney.
Why Spain?
Arent they somewhat stable?
Why would they even fight for what reason?
Separatists will play a major role in a civil war, like in the last one
I actually think Serbia's about to get some additional land. If it manages to stay unified with Vojvodina until Bosnia falls apart, you know, we could be in for even more "Big Serbia" WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEIT
Why do Americans say Croissants retardedly?
"Qwasson" is how you say it.
Probably the street name changes.
Well yeah.
>a civil war in the next 5 years?
The EU is basically one country now. So I think wars between two countries is a more likely scenario than wars among the people of one country.
I think Greece is likely to go to war with Turkey. They hate each other, the economy of Greece is garbage, the youth have nothing better to do. Dying in a battle against the Turks seems like a better fate than forever unemployment and poverty. Allowing Turkey to join the Eu would be the domino that knocks down the rest of the EU.
Why do Brits say lieutenant retardedly?
"Loo-tenant" is how you say it.
All of them.
Okay, alright.
For the last -specially 2-3-4- years the "Two Spains" meme resurrected again. The social media is a fucking battlefield.
Wait you pronounce it as "Loo-tenant"
Isn't it "La-tanit" right?
I want including germany with France and England, I agree France is probably even more so than germany, , but there's no bigger red pill then see in the ill effects of mass immigration firsthand, which is in France the most closely followed by England thanks to them having the most immigrants due to immigration from their former colonies before the refugee crises even began.
>Will try to slave their asses and leave like the last one
Fixed 4 u
When you rule the world you can tell other people how to pronounce shit all you want, but for now it will remain Crouo-sahnt
Americans should rename croissants as "freedom bread." We renamed french fries as "freedom fries" during anti-French times in the US.
Pic related. Its how Americans serve croissants. At Burger King during breakfast with processed eggs, cheese, and sausage inside of it.
This map is outdated. Crimea is not seen as Russia.
Sounds reasonable, although they'd have to get a pretty passionate leader and some good propaganda going to motivate the Greek youth, although I don't think it would take much to get the ball rolling. How good is Greeece's army anyways?
It's lef-tenant
That croissant looks like complete shit.
Nobody here saying Poland? Have you not been seeing their Nationalist rallies alot lately?
>Maybe Sweden
Maybe if you're a fucking retard.
No way it's La-tanit.
No that's how my father pronounced it.
Germany, we can hope
>Poland would split up
Literally why
>Maybe Sweden
What, Somalis vs Pakistanis? You're underestimating the amounts of cuckoldry Sweden can take.
They're all hating Putin atm. Hate brings people closer together-
Last time they killed each other
You father might be a fucking retard, then.
Is it called street-tenant in India then ?
Italy, the main ingredients to start the fire are there, poverty and increasing social tensions due to the constant influx of nigs, I fear it's gonna get ugly, especially for city folks
Last time they try to make a deal with the nationals to split Spain, just they could try that
How do we kick off the civil war pizza man?
Poland isn't taking in much Muslim refugees. Most muslims would go would go pretty much anywhere rather than Poland.
Despite those rallies, Poland is still very white. Despite the emotions, Poles have nobody to fight.
Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Sweden.
All of these are likely to have a civil war.
Greek American who just spent 3 months in Greece here.
Tsipras fucked everyone in the ass very hard last year with the EU bailout referendum. As a Greek, I can say that I've never seen a more pissed off populace in my life, but I've never seen a people so delusional and indifferent to being kicked around like a can of shit. The country is split in that way. If people my age are going to fight Turkey, I hope Russia is right behind us. Young people are relegated to working in coffee bars and nightclubs. And it's not their fault. And even worse, they're totally fine with that.
Golden Dawn is the only hope in Greece right now for the time being. They are the only party who make any effort to take care of Greeks as a priority over any sort of pan-European agenda. They hand out food and clothes, and young members of the party go to elderly household and do odd jobs and fix things. They volunteer at schools for disabled children. They legitimately care. Do they care to a fault? Maybe. But I think there is some collateral damage that needs to be accounted for.
I firmly believe that Greece needs another junta, because just like every other leftist in the world, the Greek leftists who have shit all over the place for the last 40 years are suffering from delusions of superiority.
Let's not accelerate the situation. There will be rivers of blood in Europe, sooner or later.
Will Be just some niggas hanged in the street by sicilians, nobody cares It will be fixed soon
did they invade you and every other country in europe?
>Poles have nobody to fight
Refugee sympathizers, Government officials who want to put in more refugees
Also the EU, EU Quotas have it so that POLAND MUST TAKE IN Refugees.
I can imagine poles want a #polxit
it's already on that path I think, eventually, especially if dumb nigs do something stupid and the media can't shut it down, shit might happen
Acceleration is the best way to end all problems
No, they want to keep cucking the EU, while not have to take in niggers, that's what they want.
>Refugee sypathizers
Poles aren't really violent against their own people, they aren't like American SJW retards or niggers. I can assure you nobody wants this war in Poland.
well, with Germany at the helm of the EU
and the EU army slowly but surely becoming a thing
looks like there's going to be a war between Germany and everyone else
Alright, you've proven your point. I see.
Again kek
War soon and I don't even have a firearm
If Republika Srpska tries to secede - they will end up like the Serbs of Croatia lel
Ukraine has like 80% chance. Estonia 20% chance. Both because of russian minorities.
Rest are negligible. Racial tensions are going to keep increasing. Italy or Spain might go under emboldening separatist movements in Venice and Catalonia and other regions but nothing is going to happen.
Besides the obvious, the dark horse is Belgium, followed closely by Spain.
What you mean, like NATO doing their best to cuck them? Srpska's getting tired of Bosnian shit as far as I've heard. I believe the general emotion among people there is that they belong to Serbia. Bosnia doesn't make any sense.
It all depends on factors like: Next elections and their outcome, how many refugees each country continues to take in, tensions between left and right, state of how cucked the country already is.
Possible candidates are: France, Germany and England.
Germany for example: AfD is going to get at least 20% of the popular vote, Until elections Germany will continue to take in refugees but maybe a bit less (still too many), left and right tensions are at a high, country is 3/4 cucked. 50% chance.
>Srpska's getting tired of Bosnian shit as far as I've heard
Other way around, mate.
Everybody in the region, including Serbia, is getting tired of Srpska's shit. Not only that, Srpska carries shitty luggage with it (strong culture of corruption, poorly developed infrastructure, large amounts of population are at poverty level or generally poor as fuck). There is no way in hell Serbia would take them in.
>What you mean
France, Germany, Sweden, England, and Austria
French people seem quiet in this thread.