Can somebody find the graves of these fuckers and piss and shit on them or preferably dig up their bones and burn them?
Can somebody find the graves of these fuckers and piss and shit on them or preferably dig up their bones and burn them?
Lol look at those good goys smiling.
kill a veteran today
what's even more sad is most of todays army who gladly do it all over again
Are Americans not aware it was hitler that declared war on the USA? i bet you also apologise to the guy raping your wife
Next time use a font we can actually read.
>triggerd axis cucked LARPers literally making pee pee and poo poo in their pants because the nazis got BTFO
are Aus too ignorant of history to realize the US was giving munitions, money and assistance to UK and Russia before it was officially declared?!
The US was at war with Germany before Hitler declared it. Practically. The declaration was mere formality.
National Socialism is the only truth. Stop being a cuck.
>National Socialism is the only truth.
>its a "stormfags are too retarded to understand what a deceleration of war is" episode
>posting a picture of a zionist jew punching an anti-Israeli hassidic jew to make some sort of anti-semetic point
>Its a blaming America for Europe's inability to fuck their women and make babies episode
How are whites the master race if Jews can so easily fuck your shit up?
you mad bruh
you got your own problems muh nigga
> 60%
They were selling, including materials to Germany.
hitler declared war on the USA so he could pursue unrestricted submarine warfare against British and sink all merchant ships. Hitler was a dumbass and ignored intelligence reports of American manufacturing capability. He declared the USA was weak because it was multicultural. It was just another miscalculation by these druggo.
You're both cucks
Why would I be mad? Im not the one crying over spilled nazi blood
good goy , hold on tight to that constitution .. 60% and falling
your grandson says thanks pic
>hold on tight to that constitution
I will since its been around for 200+ years
keep holding onto that failed 13 year long dictatorship and continue spouting memes
That's the Screaming Eagles you faggot. I bet you won't have the nerve to fuck with one,!
This post is why Islam is Gay.
Moar ball memes
101st Airborne would skull fuck their gay Islamic bodies. Ike they did in the Iraqi desert when they were kissing our boots.
You'll be kissing them in the streets soon Islam. Islam is Gay.
Hey retard, Hitler and his cronies did far more damage to the cause of white ethnic nationalism then anything the jews ever did.
13 years free of the jew is better the an eternity being his bitch
yeah, thats a nice virtue signaling line, but it means dick unless you are retarded enough to believe in the jewlluminati
Friendly reminder that the alt right is white nationalist. Not necessarily national socialist.
it's all a coincidence
USA might have been an axis power if Japan didn't bomb us
>that pic
so in other words, jews dont control shit since their backed president choice lost and lost hard.
thanks for proving your own point wrong stupid newfag
Sup Forums really should despise Hitler and the Nazis if they want to be consistent. He fucked Europe and white nationalism permanently thanks to his autistic tard rage, and is indirectly responsible for countless white deaths and a large amount of the prevailing anti-white BS today. Both World Wars were a huge mistake anyway. Think of how many more whites would be around today had those conflicts never occurred. A big reason why there's so few masculine men around anymore is because they kept getting sent to their deaths in pointless wars.
No way. The kikes would have never allowed it
> ”can somebody”
> too much of a coward pussy to do it yourself
yfw those Krautfags are still alive, drinking beer, eating knoblauchwurst, and listening based fürher speeches