What Did He Mean By This?

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Make the chinks all confused
> "why round eye want us to keep little sub?"
> "Hory sheet! It have bomb!"

Was the drone a trojan horse? Will it open the great wall during the night? Will it steal it?

Republican economics

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

He meant op is a faggot sage

Trump is 5D negotiator.

He really is a genius.

The chinese stole it, so that we would ask for it back and they have the OPTION to refuse.

If we say we don't want it, they have no power over us.
We're in charge, and nothing they do matters, so they can keep it.





well the gooks are insects;destroy the hive control destroy the gooks

It's good that they're packed so close together. Much easier to nuke the cities.

China stole it to make a big deal out of it, they did it to make a big international incident so that Big Daddy Trump stops poking them.

Trump is saying, you're nothing and fuck what you did, basically making out what they did akin to stealing a toy.

They wanted a reaction of 10
Trump gave them a reaction of 1

China BTFO


Trump is setting a trap for the Chinese. They will assume they can do this and get away with it, and the next time ends up netting a response that backs China the fuck off.

>city people voted for Hillary.
>implying city people/Hillarysupporters aren't retards.

>I favor cock waiving over getting our sub back before the chicoms reverse engineer it

They would have already done that by the time they gave it back.

most like already bought one from Israel

doubt it

Either a genuine shitpost, or conditioning. Obama was a predictable fag. Doing this confuses everyone. It creates expectations of what he'll be like when they hit a negotiating table.

I'm pretty sure I read a story in like March or sometime in the primaries where he did this exact thing and screwed a guy of out 60k or something. Basically, upon waiting for a meeting with Trump, an assistant told this dude that he's eccentric as fuck (wont shake your hand, will want to get right to business, in n out in 5 minutes etc), basically a whole bunch of shit to throw the guy's nerves before the meeting. Then when they actually met, Trump offers a handshake, meeting goes for like an hour and he's all around very personable. After the meeting the guy realizes that he got into his head, looked into the deal that was negotiated and realized he got shafted a bit.

So now Trump is doing this on an international level. Either that or its just shitposting. It really could be either.

Interesting. Is this the type of stuff you can find in the art of the deal?

This is sjw level mental gymnastics for justifying complete fucking idiocy

>China takes drone
>does it to try and make US look aggressive
>says it'll give it back if the US apologizes
>Trump doesn't want the US to apologize to get it back because it seemingly validates their territorial disputes in South China sea

Trying to be the greatest president before being president.

not an argument

The way Trump supporters respond to this tweet is a good barometer for their intelligence. If you think this tweet is acceptable, you are the exact kind of person this tweet was made for. If you think it was unacceptable and lose respect for him, you are not completely stupid.


Like I said, i dont know if its that or a shitpost. I just know if I were those gooks I'd be wary of that sort of shit

Why are conspiracy theorists so retarded?

The drone is worthless m8, it's a fucking thermometer that can swim. All China has done is embarrass itself.

You really think China doesn't know how to make an underwater UAV?...

>underwater UAV

Unmanned Aquatic Vehicle

You just made that up.


He's accusing them of stealing and taking the moral high ground before the entire world. Basically, he's telling anyone interested in doing business with China that they're thieves who have to snatch our equipment to make up for their lack of it.

>Unmanned Aquatic Vehicle

So what's the right play here, then?

>Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV)

Chinks think stealing US drones gives them leverage and makes them appear strong.

Chinks are wrong.

Trump is ratteling their bamboo cage.

6th dimension intergalactic chess!

>Not the same person
>ONE letters different this answer doesnt count reee

its still the same fucking purpose you fucking nob-goblin

Hilary fags are the most entertaining, they live their lives in such a way to be able to reply to a tweet he posts at any time within seconds.

He ignores them all. They think they are fighting a war against Trump by posting.

Hillary Clinton lost the election over a month ago. At some point, you're going to have to stop using her as a red herring everytime a Trump flaw is pointed out.

Top kek


>What Did He Mean By This?
prior tweet on the subject didn't get him enough attention and as an attention whore he is twisting shit in way that will get him some attention more to the levels he is accustomed to.

And here you are posting about it. Good boy.

fucking hell, they really are yellow jews. and there are a billion of them.

this is strength! it's like when the bully at the playground steals your toy and instead of asking for it back you say, "Go on, keep it! I didn't want it anyway!"

the fact someone has made this an abbreviation meme makes me want to just torch my town this rustles the shit out of muh jimmies.

>This is sjw level mental gymnastics for justifying complete fucking idiocy

joke's on you, Trump is just pretending to be retarded!

>underwatwr unmanned aerial vehicle

hows it idiotic to not kowtow to petty thieves humiliating themselves on the international level by resorting to shit like this
meanwhile obama's idea of leadership is throwing a hissy fit and demanding it back while the whole world laughs at the big power being humiliated by china. perhaps that big power is not so big after all if china can get under their skin so easily

madman theory
coined by nixon, inspired by eisenhower

whoa can't believe i never saw this before

add to it the fact that trump does this after chinese news reports that the chinese government has been watching his twitter
he's basically fucking with them because he knows they're reading his every tweet
they'll have no clue what to expect of him as president which benefits him

>What Did He Mean By This?

That he has taken offence and China cant just get out of it by returning the drone.

He is playing games with them. Its funny seeing the real nature of the chink emerge.

Now I understand why the Japs loathe them with such a passion.

Chinks will have already reverse engineered it 1000 times over by the time you get it back.

Literally act offended by every single thing the Chinese do to keep them confused and replicate Nixon's Madman Theory

>drone steals great wall
>flies it across the pacific
>drop the new Trump Wall (tm) along the US-Mexico border
digits make it happen