Have you been a good little goy and given your hard-earned shekels to see this cinematic masterpiece?
Have you been a good little goy and given your hard-earned shekels to see this cinematic masterpiece?
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It wasn't that bad actually. I liked it more than 7
Anyone have some links to cams? I'm bored and want to see the Jewry firsthand.
Politics aside, it was actually the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back.
There is none, it's just a goddamn Star Wars movie. Where the fuck did all of this bullshit come from about boycotting this?
Also, like said, it was really good.
Dumping based ben until the nigger faggot mod stops being a nigger faggot.
Free bumps.
>yfw the droid died
havent seen a new movie since 08 desu
I saw it with a ticket to Arrival.
This movie is way better. Its a story of Nazis saving Europe by bombing Muslim rapefugees.
We all knew somebody was going to do this sooner or later.
>I haven't watched a movie in theatre since Titanic came out
>I'm 26 years old
Yah I watched it. It was pretty good. I don't see how people are claiming this movie is antiwhite. The majority of the rebels are white males. I only saw one male black pilot and 1 female black senator rebel.
Go see Hacksaw Ridge. Much better movie.
>Ethan: Cod Infinite Warfare
>BT-7274: Titanfall 2
>K-2SO: Rouge One
The best characters of 2016 are robots, and they all die.
>There is none
>it was pretty good
Really? So you're saying what is probably the biggest movie of the year and the Jews haven't stuck their nose in it? With an (((empowered female lead))) and a non-white cast I'm hard pressed to believe that jewry isn't entrenched in this.
Good posts, here's one for you.
It was actually pretty good. Much better than TFA.
You scumbags, youre supporting people who literally hate whites and want them to disappear, the guy who made it openly said the bad guys are white supremacists and they are beaten by warrior princess feminist sjws.
Its a fucking feminist anti-white propaganda movie, and you both gave them in-theater ratings and money.
This isnt a game, you dont just support jews sometimes, its war and youre race traitors just as much as a woman who has a nigger baby.
Iptorrents man. Watching that shit now
>shows rebels being liars and cheats
>shows imperial family life of all white people in a peaceful and kid-friendly setting
>movie has Darth Vader in it
>movie has Darth Vader slaying fools in it
Would have paid just for Darth Vader.
Shitty movie except for the Vietnam Beach scene, I just wished Cheech and Chong didnt die
Felicity Jones is a serious qt3.14 Way better than the prepubescent boy they have play Rey.
I support capitalism.
It was a good movie, with no dumb politics shoved in, just Star Wars. The fact that you are screaming about what a movie you never saw is about is honestly just as bad as anyone who ever tried to ban Huckleberry Finn from a school library.
The fact that someone saying something on twitter can make you this upset makes you just as bad as anyone who ever demanded a trigger warning or a safe space.
Gareth Edwards was still able to sneak in his ultimate message.
War fucking sucks and the force does whatever the fuck it wants and supports any of the sides for its own machinations.
The force has no probably in abiding plenty of death and destruction to meme an Empire out of existence into an even more hostile now almost nomadic variation in The First Order.
The Force/God/Kek is a massive troll and Vader understood that by letting the darkest fruition of the force take complete control.
"Careful not to choke on your aspirations"
>realizes Vader pulled a force assisted double entendre because that Admiral (or whatever the fuck he was) dies by watching his war machine turn its sights onto him as he lay there helplessly.
He choked on his aspirations like Vader jokingly said.
Yeah Ching and Bing Bong dying was kinda sad.
Yeah there wasn't any actual jewish sorcery and it just showed the Rebels being scumbags. All in all decent movie.
she was a qt, and wasn't written as a mary sue
also, them dick sucking lips
Only thing that bothered me was the awkward facial expressions she gave off
combined with her buckteeth, its kind of catastrophically adorable.
>make the best character in any Star Wars movie
>he dies
The only consolation prize we got is that everyone else fucking died too
Anyone know a good cam rip?
I'm too socially anxious to actually go out to the cinema.
>showed the Rebels being scumbags
That's one thing I liked about the movie, the Rebels weren't portrayed as valiant and noble heroes, they were given a more grey and grey morality. Watch the scene where the Rebels make their first apperance, they basically kidnap the MC and blackmail her into helping them.
My favorite part was the scene with the fucking hammerheads from KOTOR
Other than that the movie was great
Also the second act was the lead contacting an "extremist rebel cell" and every member of it were literally black and Arab
Fuck dude..
Well yea, in the trilogy we just see it from the perspective of a fighter pilot recruited as the hero of the galaxy, not some slum-raised scumbag fighting to survive.
>Not the hallway scene with Vader going fucking ham on rebel scum like a goddamn force powered slapchop blender.
Watching illegal spanish webcam footage.
This does not cost me any money and is a good enough quality for the tripe being shilled in the cinemas.
That part was great but I grew up playing KOTOR and that scene brought nostalgia
Not to mention the way they dress, they look like Middle Eastern terrorists.
I agree, solid Star Wars film, and in all honesty I think I'd prefer to see side stories from this point forward. We've been following the same handful of families in the Star Wars universe for decades now, and the new trilogy essentially undid everything the OT accomplished in order to keep the plot moving, which is bullshit.
>empire isn't destroyed, actually gets bigger and better
>empire gets a bigger and better Death Star
>empire has a eviler supreme leader
>Han and Leia are no longer together
>new Darth Vader
The story was finished, and just because some jew wanted more shekels from the Star Wars franchise they had to undo everything just to move the story. You've got an entire GALAXY of weird fuck-ass aliens, bizarre planets, and a whole plethora of time periods and settings to choose from, and we essentially just redid the same fucking story with shittier actors and worse writing. Make some side stories, flesh out the galaxy on the big screen, do more stand-alone films. I'd much prefer that over rebooting for another trilogy every other decade just to rake in more money with a half-baked rewrite of the OT.
That part was fucking rad
The movie sucked. I watched it with a free ticket, wont pay for this shit. Script was cringe worthy, robot wasn't even funny
there needs to be a movie centered on a single bounty hunter (not a mandalorian) trying to complete a difficult mission
Tell me where leaf friend
Nigga, they were literally space ISIS. They get introduced by raiding an imperial convoy by blowing up a goddamn civilian market, using civilian buildings as cover, and firing indiscriminately into crowds of mixed imperials and civilians. They were causing as much damage to the locals as the storm troopers were, if not more.
Same here. The side story is looking better than the main movies so far.
But goddamn that scene was great. It just turns into a fucking horror movie out of nowhere.
>mfw Jyns dad dying scene
Is the black guy a Clone Trooper?
masterpiece of shit
The black guy is the leader of an extremist rebel group that kills civilians purposely
>mfw K-2S0 death scene
That was fucking sad, it was worse than when everyone else died
Jyn and Cassians death scene was the best death
All the shitskins get nuked TWICE, space-Jerusalem along with it, and they make the Rebels look like the fuckin Taliban.
It's surprisingly pro-Empire.
>kills like a dozen stormtroopers alone while hacking a terminal and eating dozens of blaster shots all over
>sacrifices himself to ensure the mission succeeds
>snarkiest droid since HK-47
K-2SO will be missed. So fucking sad.
>worried that Jyn and Cassian will have some ultra-contrived reason to make out on the beach as they're dying, with no prior romantic inclination between them
>they actually don't
VII managed to set the bar so low this movie actually exceeded a lot of my expectations
Anyone notice the amount of women who went to see 7? I don't ever remember Star Wars ever being popular among women
Does it havr a name?
I was amused that by trying to add diversity to the cast they actually became more racist by making a blind Asian kungfu master that repeats "I am one with the force".
Being a "nerd" is seen as trendy now. You can bet your ass a huge portion of them never watched the OT.
It's already around the internet. No need to pay the Jews to indoctrinate you to Feminism.
Sure are a lot of wheezing, pouty, and shrill, UK accents in this galaxy far far away.
yes you stupid motherfucker, and I'll go at least 8 times more just to trigger your faggot ass... I'm also buying all the lego star wars figures, only the ones with the disney logo. You mad u stupid cunt? what...?? are you pissed off your dad gets more pussy than you??? fuck you.
Kek I watched the same one
go here, look in the comment section. links there.
lots of ads, so have noscript and ublock. I recomment vidbull links, but others suggest openload and thevideo links.
I heard it was shit
it's ok. Lot of reshoots, so a shit ton of footage from the teasers/trailers aren't in the film.
>Sheldon K-00per
The last third is okay, but the middle is absolute horseshit.
Yeah that's right. Chile always was a country of marks. That's what you get, when you name yourself after a meal.
Nope i streamed it for free nigger fucker.
kek this sounds hilarious. I might actually try to find a webcam steam for this one.
It's another episode of women ruining everything that men like. Why can't these whores fuck off our hobbies?
Texas, are you okay? I'm not mad, I can only pity you for being such a model example of a good goy.
Im 26. I dont watch these fucking pop culture movies. The only time i watxh a movie is when. My wife wants to watch a comedy. Paul blart or some dumb movie on metflix.
Id rather meditate
I also see The Force just like Kek. It felt just like the same. The ching chong with the Force magic avoiding death with RNG, that whole thing felt like meme magics.
Yeah I heard of female Star Trek fans who complained about the fanbase jokes
How did ((((they)))) let this movie go foward? I don't understand since it felt kinda redpilled like you described.
He didn't choke,Tarkin stole it and liquidated him
The last time I walked into a movie theater was a year ago when I went to see the Hateful Eight. That was because I wanted to see it during the 70mm roadshow. Everything else is redbox or netflix and even then it's only if I have friends or family over and they requested a movie to see, or I just pick something that I think will entertain guests.
It's horrible, if they can't handle the banter they should get out instead of trying to "change" it.
Maybe Disney isn't as Jewish as we thought.
Pirate it, so the Jews don't get your money.
He was an asshole with no respect for the pecking order. You can be an asshole to everyone except the people more important than you. If he wanted a good word in for the emperor, he should have never allowed such treason to fester within his own ranks. The guard placed on his science team was clearly far too lax if a known defector was able to speak secretly with anyone, let alone a non-clone cargo pilot so poorly vetted that a single conversation was enough to make him to straight to space ISIS with top secret documents.
Patreas got fired over less incompetent actions. The weapons director had the gall to speak out of turn to a Grand Moff. He was showing Tarkin that:
1) He thinks Tarkin is small change and wants to go straight to the emperor
2) He is not loyal and willing to speak out to a superior officer in front of the entire fucking bridge crew
3) He is incompetent enough to allow a security leak and then NOT KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM, and arguably worse
4) He considered the leak to not be a big deal
Then he got an audience with Vader, and instead of kneeling like an ass kisser and saying exactly what it was he had planned to fix everything as soon as possible, he gave excuses, and poo-pooed him off. When Vader asks you the obviously pointed question of why you are squirming as if he caught you with your hand in the cookie jar, you DON'T answer with "I just have a lot to do." That is both denying to Vader that you fucked up and/or showing him you don't know you fucked up, and telling him that you think your time is more valuable than his time. He was lucky to get out of that meeting alive.
>paying for the cinema jew.
Bunch of good goys, but not us
At least he fought to the very end
what comment? just give me the link
The box says it all:
>woman hero
>two white guys look like depressed cucks
>ethnic men look brave and heroic