What's with white people and the androgynous look? It looks degenerate.
What's with white people and the androgynous look? It looks degenerate
Asians are androgynous just as often. Blacks actually are too, it's just they are too ugly to determine their sex.
>no androgynous gf
>tfw no androgyne bf
TFW I have no hairy and smelly hole of any kind in which to put my penis.
An androgynous nigger is like putting makeup on an ape.
>tfw androgynous
>tfw mixed
>tfw white features but dark skin
Xenoestrogens are causing this.
That's an asian thing m8.
For whites it only applies to a certain demographic, mainly the leftist university type
Take this degeneracy back to /r9k/
It's because we are real life anime; high evolved human beings.
What's with Americans and the overweight look? It looks unhealthy
As an American, I fucking love this based citizen.
Very degenerate.
>saving thumbnails
What do you think Jordans are?
What's with niggers and the ape look? It looks degenerate.
Low T from lack of exercise and dangerous situations. Also diet.
Are you that fag that keeps posting bait threads with that kid's pic?
Asian are the only one capable of being as close to being androgynous. It's faggot subhuman gene. Not real masculine. if you love that look, go back to r/asian maculinity
>the androgynous look
you silly youngsters and your trendy trends and fads and what not...
Males who grow up without fathers of masculine role models and think that to get the girl they have to emulate her. It's Jew brainwashing and creates elliot rodgers
What's her instagram??