I won't go quietly into the night, but he was right about the white middle class and how our society fell on the sword of tolerance instead of standing up and fighting for our interests. Only now, almost 70 years later, are people beginning to realize how bad they fucked up and even that might be calling this past election a stretch. How do we save the U.S. if by nothing short of a miracle?
William Pierce was right about everything
Other urls found in this thread:
His podcasts contain alot of good info, I think everyone on Sup Forums could benefit from listening to them as he puts many of the arguments for white nationalism better than any artificially created faggot spokesman like Milo and or others just trying to cash in on the hysteria of this new nationalist movement. youtube.com
Have a bump
Thanks, I am really beginning to believe that Sup Forums can't discuss anything other than alt-lite memes and BBC outside of its established generals. Is it really that hard to entertain discussion that isn't about fellating Trumps cock or being hoodwinked by the Jewish puppets who are trying to commandeer the white nationalist movement in the US?
Good stuff, bump
The guy from the murdoch videos?
who is this stormnigger?
is he like david "merchants best friend" duke or is he the real deal?
His talk about the fate of Iowa is spot on.
>england goes through with Brexit and begin a second Industrial Revolution,
>restore the commonwealth wealth, and rebuild their colonial empire
>2020 America elects nigger worship faggot, begins losing competitive edge to british empire
>British Empire regains superpower status
fucking newfags
lurk moar
In this one Pierce discusses the Jews uses the U.S. as their big stick and how they have the U.S. by the balls
Yes murdoch uses him as the model for an extreme white nationalist, but really he is just Sup Forums's form of unashamed white nationalism. He's no cuck and people hated him for it.
He's the real fucking deal, called out the Jews and wanted to send the blacks back to africa.
fug forgot my link. He also predicted a large scale attack on U.S. soil for the gains for Israel. Basically he also predicted 9/11.
I just finished The Turner Diaries and looked up the biography for Dr. Pierce, he's definitely a smart man. Professor of physics damn and he gave all of that up to warn the white race about the coming disaster.
I'm surprised but The Turner Diaries actually predicted a few things partially correct for the future, namely black advocacy for crime and criminals. That and the anti-racism march that took place in the book that turned into a forced event and noncompliance meant beatings has occurred over and over again over the last few years, perpetratored by BLM.
The world would truly be a better place if only Whites and Asians inhabited it.
Thank god some people on this board still have taste
I am just sad because I know that a utopia like that will never exist, I just hope America will become better under Trump than obama. Not difficult but still haha.
It was a joke mate.
>massacre all the whites
>live in garbage dump ever after
I can't tell what's a joke when 95% of this board is "what did he mean by dis" and "lol whitey btfo!"
>There are people on this board who haven't watched and read everything this man made.
Add George Lincoln Rockwell to your research list after WLP.
It's a pipe dream, but if we sit on the sidelines and do nothing, the Jews will win with no resistance. I can't let them win so easily, I can't let the fruits of western civilization be burned to the ground so easily. We were destined to go to the moon and have colonies on mars, not to eat mudcakes and starve like the niggers in Haiti. It's not enough to just shitpost on Mongolian basket weaving forums, we need to support white interests and genuine leaders of a white nationalist movement, because individually we are powerless, but as a collective we can enact some small change to stop the hemorrhaging of our great nations.
I've been meaning to get around to his stuff, any point or material you recommend as a jumping off point?
White Power.
We're engaging in dysgenics and actively lowering the IQ of our population. When our blood finally expires, humanity will never go to space again.
I'll bump. Pierce's words deserve your analysis, user. Shrug past the more extreme bits if you're not ready for it yet.
I'll make a quick list of everyone you need to learn asap.
Kevin MacDonald
George Lincoln Rockwell
William Luther Pierce
Jared Taylor
David Cole / David Irving - holocaust revision, I recommend David Cole youtube.com
Philippe Rushton- youtube.com
Just some of the men who have influenced my politics and my world view. I am a WN dedicated to the Alt-Right movement.
Get on therightstuff.biz forums, find us join us.
I can't accept that future, even if it is the most likely one. I honestly think we will lose the U.S. to the foreign hordes in the future if we don't rise up and actively fight for our right to exist and drive out the Mexicans and blacks. The displacement and subsequent white flight of U.S. whites to Europe I believe might have enough of a push to wake up our collective racial conscious to drive out the durka durkas and negros from Europe as deporting them would be much easier than cleansing America atm. We'll lose the New World but we'll regain Europe. Its the future I choose to believe in, even though the chances are slim. South Africa is the saddest testament to our ability to ignore the obvious problem that stares us in the face every day in our Orwellian hellscape that is the current state of affairs.
Thanks, I appreciate the information.
republicans have been voting against our interests for 40 years
I really like his voice and he is very persuasive. he has swayed me towards white nationalism more than anyone else
Hitler was right and so was Dr.Pierce, news at 11.
republicans didn't fall on their sword, they stabbed everyone in the back
forum registration is closed
Everything he sais is right. wtf america.
Surely I'm not the only person posting in this thread who knows what William Pierce was an FBI agent? He was a plant I thought everyone knew that.
republicans now wanna scapegoat everyone else for their idiotic choices
I think the next industrial revolution will be in East Asia and/or Europe because America has risk of limitting CRISPR innovation because "muh morals" while east Asia and other countries go with it anyways.
He was the first one to open my eyes. i used to think he was too severe, but really he was just ahead of his time.
I hope he doesn't rest in peace, i hope he wakes up and fights alongside with us.
that's an accurate assessment of the facts.
Fucking hell, he was about 40 years ahead of his time.
We're getting there.
Slowly but surely.
15 years tops until we flip the table.
Really makes you think.
And Revilo P Oliver
That was pretty powerful.
reagan's dumb down, trickle down, union busting and nafta was great up until earlier this year.
corporations and the rich should be free to do whatever they want. outsourcing moving to china
money is free speech
Also check out Wall Butterworth. The man was sounding the alarm about Jewish lead black riots, the federal reserve and society pushing smut on children back in the late 50's.
>South Africa is the saddest testament to our ability to ignore the obvious problem that stares us in the face every day in our Orwellian hellscape that is the current state of affairs.
And the Jewish media will only show us that South Africa is a resounding multiracial success. Even if I only manage to redpill a few people I'm going to do it at every opportunity.
Why does he sound like an evil scientist? William Pierce is deplorable.
Pierce was absolutely based. He was one of the few Americans who could rightfully call themselves fascist.
So much smarter than retards like David Duke and the NWF fatty.
>I've been meaning to get around to his stuff, any point or material you recommend as a jumping off point?
This is THE Lincoln Rockwell starting point: youtube.com
Does he have any titles to read? He really is well spoken and apt. Would love to read more.
Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds is worth checking out. It's a surprisingly even-handed book by an author that lived with Pierce for a year. The SPLC got triggered because the book wasn't negative enough.
Great list, desu.
Great Thread. Reminds me of old Sup Forums
Pierce was a god amongst men. I truly hope one day our civilizations will honor his endless efforts to save us.
>How do we save the U.S. if by nothing short of a miracle?
Trump's election seems to be a miracle.
He is the real deal.
Greatest WN intellectual in history probably. Probably smarter than Hitler, although WLP would have been too humble to admit it.
>Greatest WN intellectual in history probably.
This. The man was a genius. A physicist and a WN philosopher.
>“All that is necessary for evil to triumph, said Burke, is for good men to do nothing; and most good men nowadays can be relied upon to do precisely that. Where a reputation for intolerance is more feared than a reputation for vice itself, all manner of evil may be expected to flourish.”
-Theodore Dalrymple
Because tolerance is the virtue of doing nothing and being proud of it.
I know it seems memey but everyone needs to listen to every single one of these broadcasts, asap.
It is THE greatest guiding philosophy for the real movement (reddit cucks need not apply). Everyone should take notes on his ANALYTICAL and well structured approach to talking about issues.
If there was someone able to fill his shoes right now, we would be benefited greatly. It's not me. I'm a reasonably educated person, but I do not have what it takes to fill that role. Maybe someone here does. Nobody has ever come close since his death. Spencer, DD... all are temporary faces. There needs to be a new real leader, and if he's even CLOSE to WLP then we will win.
>308 broadcasts @ ~24 mins each
Fucking hell man. Some of us have work
Do you drive to work?
One podcast on the way to work, one on the way home.
Live pretty close to work, about 8 minutes.
Have a bump lad, most of the newfags on Sup Forums have no idea what you're talking about.
Eh well just listen when browsing Sup Forums or doing whatever you do.
I listened to them while studying. Several in a sitting... I guess it did take me several months to get through them all.
Each broadcast is filled with so much information. For now, I guess just listen to random ones.
And if it's your first time hearing about him, just check out some youtube vids of him. Devoted fans shortened some of his more powerful or entertaining broadcasts to about 10 mins and added some interesting visuals to go along with. They're a great start.
Here's one of my favorites:
Autistic rant
hello shlomo
I'm familiar with him. I think he's great. I have a sansa clip+ that I can listen to them on while I'm walking around or whatever.
It just feels a little weird, given that I'm a half-breed, because I agree with his general viewpoint and even support it even though I'm far from racially pure likely for his liking.
You know what? I'll get into this shit. I will pick Pierce up. I will bookmark this dude right now.
In return I'm gonna push Dalrymple. He's an extremely well traveled, learned, and cultured psychiatrist and prison doctor who spent his career in the slums of Britain, among countless other areas in which the rawest form of humanity was exposed to him. He compiles his philosophy from the notion that civilization and humanity must be understood, not from the principles of governance and politics, but from the psychology of the human creature itself.
But he's not just a clever mind, his work is a true pleasure to read. He encompasses what it means to have genuine, earnest compassion and love for humanity without turning his work into an angry, sentimental rant about how deep his emotions run.
That's why we need a new leader, to help us discuss the half whites... I think the severely decreased number of full-breed whites, and the increase of mixed, he would likely accept a plan if it worked. Impure whites, in my opinion, are not stained forever, and can be "corrected" over a few generations. He wasn't an ethnonationalist either, and hated "skinhead" types. He even strongly agrees that there are many defective people within the white race that should be prevented from creating offspring, WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY encouraging the best of our people to breed much more. Pretty standard stuff I guess.
But overall I think Pierce would prefer a mixed race ALLY over a white ENEMY any day. Just my thoughts.
sounds about right, few weeks ago reading the surprisingly not censored wiki article about the history of poles in the USA I got a similiar picture.
before the WASP middle class satifsied their egalitarian fetish:
>Historically, Poles took great pride in their communities; in a 1912 survey of Chicago, in the black section, 26% of the homes were in good repair while 71% of the Polish homes were
>Polish neighborhoods were consistently low on FBI crime rate statistics, particularly in Pennsylvania, despite being economically depressed during much of the 20th century.
>Poles had invested millions of dollars in their churches and parochial schools, and World War I drives drained their savings
> Polish Americans were seen as bigoted and racist towards Blacks during the 1960s
>Poles resented Black newcomers to their urban communities, and resented white liberals who called them racist for their attempts to remain in Polish-majority communities
>Poles in Chicago fought against blockbusting by real estate agents who ruined the market value of their homes while changing their communities into low-income, high crime centers.
>anti-Black discrimination became highly unacceptable but anti-Polish discrimination did not have the same legal safeguards. Highly offensive jokes commonly replaced the word "black" or "nigger" with "Polack". As an example, historian Bukowczyk heard a student in Detroit tell this "joke":
My library has:
In praise of prejudice: the necessity of preconceived ideas, 1st ed.
The new Vichy syndrome: why European intellectuals surrender to barbarism, 1st American ed.
Not with a bang but a whimper: the politics and culture of decline
Junk medicine: doctors, lies and the addicition bureaucracy
Our culture, what's left of it: the mandarins and the masses
Life at the bottom: the worldview that makes the underclass
Actually all of those sound great judging by the titles. Any you'd recommend reading first, or is the best not here?
Thanks leaf. That makes me feel a bit better. I don't see myself breeding anytime soon, but if I were to, I'd want it to be with a girl genetically similar to my breed, which would be half Western Euro - Half East Asian. It makes sense and I wouldn't want to dilute pure genes any further if it can be helped.
bump pierce is pure red pill
taylor sees nothing wrong with the Jew. If your list would wish to fight it out, then something is wrong. Only Rockwell and Pierce deserve to be there. Rushton and Irving aren't really 14/88.
Well shit, you're way ahead of me.
I'm partway through Our Culture, What's Left of It which I would definitely recommend for a starter. I've never come across someone who can shit on liberals and commies with the style and grace he has in OC.
>he's jewish
Well fuck me, I didn't even see that. Still..
>Raised in a non-religious Jewish home, he began doubting the existence of a God at age nine. He became an atheist in response to a moment in a school assembly.
and yet he then goes on to write about how to regret religion is to regret western civilization. I'm gonna be honest here, I'd still recommend the man and hope you give him a chance regardless. He legitimately, passionately, and eloquently opposes anything a Kike influence might be said to promote. I truly and earnestly believe this.
It's a decent list. It's when he reveals his naivity by fellating the alt-right that he lost me.
Oh I just saw that. "Join us". Lol sod off with that horseshit. That's the joke at 8/pol/, seems like trs shilling has come to fruition so as to completely unveil itself on this place.
I wish William Pierce was still alive. Now we have people like David Duke who aren't nearly as respected or as smart.
Jared Taylor avoid the jewish question.
Richard Spencer has mild assburgers.
Andrew Anglin is a non-white FBI informant.
Sam Hyde is a recovering beta male who has to hyde behind 10 layers of irony and be a silly faces loud noise dude to not get blacklisted from everything.
Ramzpaul is too much of a pussy.
Where is [current year] William Pierce at?
Ah my bad, i've never read him. I was referring to my school library, so was looking for a suggestion for a book or two or three to check out.
No you raise a good point though. Theo never names the Jew (to him our follies are based on being humans, not particular types or ideologies of human), and coming from the bloodline himself, it all implicates him in a manner that should not be taken lightly. It's not a bad thing to see a Stein and feel mistrust off the bat. But I would absolutely vouch for him
This is the quote I meant to share from him in the previous post. He has a lot of really good ones, one of them about what humiliation as a tool of propaganda does to the human spirit made its rounds among alt-right circles, but I think this one captures something as deep as can be about how he feels about that special part of us that needs to go forth and be unleashed in life.
everything you said is so true. fucking nobody alive comes even close to Pierce, we need someone new.
bump everyone on pol needs some pierce
Someone needs to step up.
I'd love to be the next William Pierce, but I have no credentials.
I am not a physicist and I'd probably be just as autistic as Richard Spencer if I started writing books and trying to ''lead''.
leaders arise when needed, and I know when the time comes somebody will answer the call. frankly I'm not articulate enough and also have zero credentials, yet anyway.
He's great. Loved his piece on Haiti.
Well it is 2:30 AM here on a Sunday morning, right now it's mostly night owls and shitposters.
He was right on a lot of stuff. I remember I used to hate the cosmotheism autism but now that I see just how much we've lost our sense of religious drive I understand it, plus dem tax breaks.
Except one thing,
It's 2016 and the Turner Diaries still haven't happened yet.
We're getting there and are closer than you probably realize.