Obama's brother wishes to host an alt-right television show with some actors from Adult Swim

Obama's brother wishes to host an alt-right television show with some actors from Adult Swim.

How would Sup Forums feel about a non-white being a figurehead for their political affiliation?

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34hentai.net/image/195546/195546 - Angelica_Pickles Animated Cynthia Fuchur ManiacPaint Rugrats Sound Stu_Pickles.webm

black people =/= niggers

Its a shame he hates rule34 if the girl's tits arent humoungous. He really is missing out :

rule34hentai.net/image/195546/195546 - Angelica_Pickles Animated Cynthia Fuchur ManiacPaint Rugrats Sound Stu_Pickles.webm

Satanic trips

Why didn't Malik get elected?

It might shut up some of the left attacking this "alt-right" movement.

We might hate niggers but we're not fucking racists.

Where do we sign the petition for best Obama's show?

Everyone here is bored with the (((alt right))) shilling

Stop pushing (((Brietbart and infowars )))

It's boring and you only attract edgy teens

says the ex-pat pedophile

lurk more pls

What fucking timeline are we win

Brazil = niggers.
Malik = OG shitposting prince

We are memeing things directly into the collective consciousness. Basically installing a rootkit in reality.

obamas brother looks different every time i see him in the news. must be nigerian.

nice digits.

for those not aware. Malik is the human version of Tay.

Malik is making me rethink everything I believe about blacks

Shame. I'd rather meme Malik into a cabinet position or ambassadorship.

Malik Obamas brother btfo.

What did you think before?

Trips. It must happen now.

Because this is true.

And this will happen because Malik would entirely inoculate us from the various leftist "phobic" attacks. How can we be racist and Islamophobic when one of our most exalted family is a Black Muslim and a President's Brother?


literally /ournig/

>Implying he did not abuse the memes to get this far

You're becoming weak Sup Forums

Cant unsee.

This guy is fuckin hilarious.

And I respect the fact that he is consistent.

He called out Hillary for killing muslims while nobody else will. Showing the left's hypocrisy.

He's a black Muslim related to Obama, he's basically immune to criticism he'd be perfect. Also I love that this is real life, I feel like I've drifted into some sort of cartoon since I started coming on Sup Forums last year.

(Been on Sup Forums longer than a year. just took me way to long to graduate to Sup Forums)

I wonder if Chuck Johnson has informed Malik that Malik wants to host an alt-right television show?

Checked confirmed /ournig/

shit. They're really sticking with the "alt-right" narrative. Careful lads, this can give the FBI or CIA a target for disinfo campaign and / or false flag attacks

on the other hand, Best Obama on adult swim?
Fuck yeah

I'd love to see it because the left can't touch him without looking like hypocrites.

>he's black
>he's Muslim

The icing on the cake would be if he was gay. But he belongs to two of their pet groups that one does not simply fuck with.

>We live in the time line where the current United States President's brother browses Sup Forums and shitposts on twitter during his free time.

A moment of silence for the other time lines not witnessing this.

haha I love how all this cucks get pissed if you say this. only good nigger is a dead nigger

Shut the fuck up virtue signaling wetback. White people don't like your dumbass either


31 replies, nobody has pointed out that the person running that account is obviously not Malik.

Asking the questions that really matter...

Anyone with sense already knows it's Chuck Johnson. Why do you think he paid Malik? He paid him so that he could use his likeness to shitpost on Twitter.
Because Obama's president shitposting alt-right shit is a funny thought.
Or thot.

*Obama's brother

Too late to be typing.

Also, funny as hell that the brother of the most powerful man in the world could be bought with chump change.

Answers that the American people NEED to know.

Must suck not getting laid for so many years. Seek help.


Whoever is posing as Malik at this moment is trying to summon Dat Boi from the depths of hell.

>How would Sup Forums feel about a non-white being a figurehead for their political affiliation?
If he's a champion of self-determination for every ethnic group including "whites", he's /our goy/.

This precedent was established for me personally back in old Sup Forums.

An image explained the difference between niggers and black people. Niggers being ghetto culture imbibing chimps, and black men being honest hardworking people who integrate into society and are just black. Someone somewhere has that pic.