Nearly 50 degree difference in a 3 hour drive
Right now Dallas is 28 degrees while Houston is 76 degrees. That's crazy
cmon bump i wanna talk about this
cmon nnobody?
What's there to talk about? Canada cast Jew magic on the US.
Wish I lived in the US to have cool weather instead of constant lame weather year round here.
Actually every time the jet stream is a cunt it drops off more Fukushima radiation.
Its never cold on australia or what?
i have a buddy in australia and he says he can grow peppers year around there
so thats cool
not a 3 hour drive faggot
OP has never seen, heard of, or experienced a cold front.
I was chatting with like a guy from Greece or something and he was all like, "what your pants die in the winter what is this?"
We're getting freezing rain in Marysville OH. It's 34F.
An hour south in Chillicothe is 60F right now.
Ohio is going to be a fucking mess tomorrow.
it is in kilometres
It was 70 degrees earlier today. It's called a cold front you stupid leaf.
actually its the polar vortex, not a normal cold front
that's a pretty major temperature difference
Tornado warnings must be through the fucking roof right now on the warm and cold border regions
About a month ago, in ohio, it went from 74 degrees on a saturday to snowing sunday.
it was kinda hot outside today where i am in north ms. kinda weird since it's almost christmas
Take your frigid air back you moose ass chooching tim horton's slurping snow nigger.
Texan reporting. This is normal. We don't have consistent temperatures or consistent seasons.
Go take your red pills and lie down, gramps.
fucking canada can keep your shitty temperatures we need a northern wall
It was graupeling here in Oregon today.
thats funny
On my phone right now with piss poor reception, can anyone look up tornado reports of those areas for me?
where r u
i thought that was called hailing? i never heard of graupeling
NW ohio here, can confirm. I hate ohio weather. We get all 4 seasons per day.
I live in florida. Fuck you
>Duluth -8
>Fargo -15
it's gonna be a fun winter in the northwoods lads
that isn't sleet? or hail?
Its makes these old bones ache and takes me back to the frozen hills of Korea.
Fucking gooks.
>tfw live in Eastern ND
>tfw that wind chill
Graupel is light and more snow-like, whereas hail is hard. You can still hear the grapuel when it falls, but it doesn't hurt.
Sleet is really wet snow. You can tell it is sleet when it hits your windshield and is mostly water.
It's like sleet but fluffier. Graupel is. Proper term.
Reminder that this was a thing.
A proper term*
Like a true cacuckistani.
What did you mean by this?
Im just glad the ground was warm enough that it didnt stick.
Ah shit I hope that doesn't mean ice for me tomorrow when I need to do the Christmas shopping.
Oh well at least I learned today how to push the right buttons in my car to make the windows not be foggy.
Houston fag here
Can confirm it fucking sucks
>t.mexican intellectual
>Pennsylvania is warmer than Texas
Fukushima casts radioactive particles into the air. The ones that make it over here are carried by the jet stream. When the jet stream turns corners, they're more likely to drop back down again.
This correlates with meter readings, although it's not clear really how much of a relative concern it should be.
>high tomorrow is -5 without windchill
Hahahaha, let it fucking blow. It keeps the niggers in check. Where my 'Sotans at?
im in texas for the first time, west of dallas, supposed to be a high of 32 degrees tomorrow and i am here collecting fossil samples in the field the next few days.
today it was tshirt weather when we started field work at 8am and around 930-10am the wind started out of nowhere and the cold front moved in. i had never experienced something so sudden.
good times.
>Nearly 50 degree difference in a 3 hour drive
Dallas is 6 or 7 hours from Houston, juat fyi.
It's also weird that I'm significantly north of Dallas (and way east) , and its 75 here.
Grand Forks, ND here.
-19 at the moment. -35 with wind chill. Low is going to be -27 tonight with about -40 wind chill or higher.
Come at me niggers.
I met some Australians on a gondola at Steamboat and they said there are ski resorts in Australia
No it's not. It's maybe 3 and a half at most. I've made that drive before
Alaska here: suck my icicle dick and frosty balls. The lower 48 will be back above freezing in 2 days and it will be beloe zero up here... all this bitching and moaning when it gets below 40...
>Nearly 50 degree difference in a 3 hour drive
This is crazy why?
In the Vic mountains sure. That's literally the only place in the country where you're getting decent snowfall.
28 where I am too
Someone forgot about the Upper Midwest it seems.
There were tornado watches all over west Kentucky today.
It's in the 20s in Toledo right now, and near 70 in Athens. Same state.
The weather service already warned everyone in Ohio "stay the fuck home tomorrow before noon".
75 degrees here, nearly midnight.
Someone forgot that the uppe midwest is interior continental and is always comparable to fucking Juneau. You never hear montanans bitching about the cold
yeah, my bad, didn't understand what he said
it is rare. look at pa. warmer than texas
I didn't realize the Texas panhandle got so cold.
You never hear Montanans. I live in a river valley, I get the same cooking effect as mountains provide to a degree. Don't act all high and mighty because you're surrounded by ice injuns.
46 here, socal, this map is normal, i bet you believe in flat earth too.
Yeah it's pretty balmy now after getting coated in ice this morning.
What is Obama hiding from us...
Dallas here. It is pretty chilly. Thankfully Texas' cold is usually the dry sort, ice and snow happens but it's not too common.
The drive from here to Houston is more like 5-6 hours.
Houston is pretty warm year round but it has the awful downside of being humid and nasty all day. It's called the armpit of Texas for a reason.
Merry Christmas you filthy animal. Please continue redditting up this thread
Oh look, literally my almost exact forecast.
>The drive from here to Houston is more like 5-6 hours.
Huh, back in August I made it in 3.5hrs.
Beats me. Folks who would know something are strangely tight lipped, but the overall pattern suggests to me an outlook of just having to deal with things that can't be helped and aren't the worst of our worries.
That's prime for a tornado
Serious question: how much does it cost to heat your homes? Do you have oil furnaces or what?
Good Luck Winter Chan!
A few years I was riding my motorcycle from Nashville to Tucson in November. I left Nashville with sun and temps in the 70s. In Texarkana we had severe storms and tornados. The next morning I rode through Dallas with temps in the upper 20s. I had to stop every 45minutes to thaw out.
Electric element heater. Surprisingly efficient.
Is Perth decent at all? Your map made me curious.
Ive driven from Dallas to Houston in 3 hours faggot.
I live in an apartment and the only thing that is gas is my heat. It cost me max $48 last January which was peak cold temps for last winter.
This is a 2 bedroom apartment. 800 square feet.
Tomorrow night is going to be COLD AS FUCK EVERYWHERE.
That a nice picture, American friend.
>Near minot ND here
I use an oil furnace for emergency use only (if house gets below 60) but I primarily heat with a wood burning forced air circulation unit.
>around 60 degrees today in Southern Indiana
>predicted high of 25 degrees tomorrow
>tfw all this rain is destined to freeze overnight
quick changes in weather can happen anywhere. Colorado experiences shit like what you describe all the time in the winter.
see. the leaf knows best
actually. scratch that. It was $40 for January and I should also add I have vaulted ceilings so not sure if that adds in the heating costs but I also live on the top floor above a business so maybe that helps.
Williston here. I'm comfy as fuck
>southern indiana
Nigger it's going to be in the negatives tomorrow night
that place was nice before the oil boom. then the drugs and hookers and foreigners and degenerates moved in
-25 at 8 am.
We are literally getting the homeless from the oil areas in Grand Forks...
The quality of sun seems to create a lot of attractive women for some reason.
The over regulation and nanny-stateism can crush the soul a bit though.
Top floor is the best. You get all that extra heat, it almost feels Jewish.