>he doesn't have a wife, a $60k+ salary, a house, and a kid
>he is 22 or older
If the above applies to you, you are degenerate and should quit Sup Forums until you've fixed your life.
>he doesn't have a wife, a $60k+ salary, a house, and a kid
>he is 22 or older
If the above applies to you, you are degenerate and should quit Sup Forums until you've fixed your life.
I'm Brazilian and i cant fix myself.
>mfw 26yo touchless virgin NEET living at home
Come at me Bro
>he thinks 60k is a lot
>he fell for having a wife
Enjoy when that goes down to 30k cause she takes half
>Have house in WV
>Make 35k/year
>Getting married in march
>Hate children
Before you get all butthurt about continuing the white race, they'd be hapa children anyways
Kill yourself, beta degenerate
>having kids
I think that should be a goal, yes, but
>22 or older
is a bit much.
I didn't have my first kid until I was 29 because of my PhD program (wife was 24 at the time though)
As long as you achieve it by 30, you're alright.
I only make 88k a year
But currently looking to land a home. Then comes the slut and the bastard child.
I was actually earning that for a while, until the APEC sand nigger countries BTFO the oil and gas industry by flooding the market.
Also fuck having a wife, there is zero reward for men to get married.
>tfw 19 smoke weed eryday (actually only weekends), lift, and maintain a 4.0 in my stem field
> >22
LOL newfag
but i really enjoy Sup Forums, think you could just loan me yours?
Mad I "stole" one of your women?
I'm close to the 60k mark self employed. And I'll be getting a house before too long.
As for the wife and kid, no thanks; I have too much to do for others elsewhere, I can't provide for others that way.
>tfw 78,000 year old chaos god
>only devotion is to bring disorder unto mortals
>my home is the coding of a Vietnamese scripture board
>all of Sup Forums are my children
>married to the gets
>mains link on ssmm
And the kid looks like the gardener.
I'm 25 make $120k a year and single
Guess I'll check myself then
now this really made me think
Nah I just don't want to pander to fucking women. I'd rather fuck their brains out and then dump them on some unsuspecting cuck like you.
Better check if that kid is really yours.
>working on salary
>life together
>>mains link on ssbm
The madman. Do you actually do well in tournament?
>hes human cattle living the human cattle life and still posts on Sup Forums
okie doke
What are the chances of finding a woman who doesn't have AIDS in ZA?
Fuck off KEK. You aren't real.
Extremely. Ariel, drop bomb, down+A, repeat.
I'm 23 and all I have is a $60k salary.
At least I have a qt3.14 Asian gf who's salary is right at $70k though I guess I'm weak cause she makes more money than me,
>Only making 30k
>Burning passion for music 2 years ago
>Music has improved significantly but I have become drastically more lazy
>No idea where to work to improve
Fuck I'm at a brick wall. This sucks.
How do you own a house by 22?
Good credit and a fat loan.
He "owns" it.
Basically all of pol. Pol is essentially racist r9k
>110k last year
>no wife, no kids
>rv worth more than your house
>4 months of training
le trades are a meme
ur leik literally a meme can i has autograph?
>finally single after years of being pushed around by entitled gfs
>$200,000 in the bank from small inheritance and good investments
>supporting myself and building my nest egg on easy ~30hrs/wk job
Feels good to be a degenerate tbqh
I got into audio engineering and live sound. Engineer for bands in professional studios, or my own at home. Record live music and also help setup stages occasionally. Bunch of other side things and still play with 2 bands at clubs and stuff.
It can be chaotic and hectic, but I make decent money and no day is ever the same. Plus, being your own boss is great.
Saving money and working hard as a yute
>As for the wife and kid, no thanks
What is with all of you cucks thinking you need loads of money and shit to have kids wtf lol
>Swedens fears
>{{{{buying}}}} a house and thinking you own it
>60K job
Pick one, OP. There's no way in hell you're making 60K a year at 22 unless you've inherited a business.
what kinda music do you make?
>60k is impressive for Sup Forums
Kek literally white trash
Force yourself to work, fix/focus your aspirations, get idealistic about doing your thing, and always improve through a combination of doing and learning.
I can go into specifics on how I keep it interesting if you want.
In human money not leafbux
>guess I'm weak
you're a rice burner too.
lmao you ever heard of a STEM degree?
Wanna share some of your shit?
>he fell for the "STEM starting salary" meme
60k ameribux is nothing unless you live in a literally who state in which case you should just off yourself anyways
>in school for shit degree
>deliver pizza for a living
kill me
>literally who state
This doesnt offend non-commies lol
Have all that but kids
>got a bro in infosec starting 60k
>gf is a nurse started at 62k
>be engineer start at 64k
stay neet brah
>Telling this to a board of basement dwelling Nazis in the current economic climate where most millennials are opting out of marriage, staying at home, etc.
but IMO, doing all that shit by 22 means you've been thoroughly blue pilled conditioned since day one, since high school, to go to university at 18, despite being incredibly young and naive enough to get your immature and childish little brain molded and washed so you can feel comfortable in your little purchasable bubble of security and racial culture.
Wow what a faggot - please get in touch with reality like the majority of us.
TFW 18
I'm good
Lol get real faggot. This generation is poor as fuck
>tfw no gf or wife, 0k a year salary or income, no house and no kids
but at least im only 19!
>kill me
>be me
>food delivery driver
A job which directly improves people's lives by not having to go get our food ourselves. Thank you for your service
the (((bank))) gave him a loan
>on NEETbux
>free to do as I please
>don't need to bring more suffering into the world by getting a job, wife, and kids
>The Walking Kikes
Not having kids or getting married until I've paid off my property. Until I've secured my place in the world I ain't adding on expenses
What is your profession and how does one acquire it?
>$100k/yr TX
>student loans paid
>broke up with ex
>buying apt in march
Feels good enough
>No job
>No friends
>On the computer all day
How am I doing?
Why not change your degree to something useful? Then no one would have to kill you.
Dude you're in Canada.
I make 120k (USD). No kids. No wife. No house. 24 years old.
No plans on ever getting married. I prefer to just fuck hoes and discard them when they're dried up.
I don't even spend my money. I'm just misering it all in the bank. Feels good, man
marriage is too risky and as much as you want to act like you're fulfilling some manly virtue by being married, you are now owned by a woman who has you balls in a vice grip provided by the state for her use. Do you feel the pressure yet?
How many men have said "I know women can fuck a mans life up but MY wife is loyal and would never ruin our marriage." And then went on to get fucked by divorce and infidelity?
What are we to do if were discontent with women and the state of marriage and the family unit?
Shitposting and lying on the internet.
I used to do it a lot while I was wasted when I lived with my parents as well.
If you're that successful at that young of age you don't waste time on a site like this
What is your job?
I've been in school too long.
degree is double major business admin and marketing. marketing because it was like 6 more credits.
marketing because
>Literally who country talking down to literally who states.
I write software for robots.
Luckily the industry is full of retards that only know python, so I quickly rose to a senior position and now I'm managing 2 people.
I have one in Computer Science. Starting off in Software development for 40K. I could go for Systems analysis and make 60K, but I'd want a masters for that.
27 year old neet reporting in. Nothing to show for myself except a near crippling heroin addiction that I just ended.
Just fuck my shit up now senpai
>I'm 7'2"
>master race
>make 420k / year
I wish I was you
Wow.. I take that back. How do you swing 420k a year
Stem degree. Didn't you know?
>near crippling heroin addiction that I just ended
Fuck dude, late is better than never. A good friend is locked up due to opiates, I've seen first hand the damage that shit can cause. At least you're still here to do something.
Might not be a useful degree, but it might look good on a resume. What do you plan to do after school?
Is this OP a baby boomer?
You're right.
See you in 6 months Sup Forums
Dude for real? I was doing biochem but my crippling heroin addiction came first.. I can do STEM but I was a retard
what do? Still need to pay loans and get back up on that pony but until I do what degree did you do. I am thinking chem instead of biochem because biochem I feel you get pigeonholed doing a bunch of research as some underpaid dork
Yeah I know dude I got really lucky.. I loved doing that shit though. I was making 90k a year dealing it. I loved my life. Till I let my emotions get the better of me. I lived like a fucking king dude. So mad. So SO MAD
We're all on this wild ride together, bro.
I wish you all the best.
I'm not sure if you'd really want to be me, though. Money isn't everything.
I'm in college learning to be an engineer. I'll be fine, m8; life doesn't need to adhere that strictly to schedule.
power lineman
go to a lineman college and spend 10k, or a lineman union if you want to be a slave for a few years first