“The Security Council is sitting in private on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 17:00 GMT, while NATO officers were arrested this morning by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.”
Fares Shehabi, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):

Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan
Very urgent
The Syrian authorities were able, thanks to information thorough, arrive at the headquarters of senior officers and western regional in the basement of a district of Aleppo-is, and capture them all alive.
A few names have already been ex filtered to Syrian journalists including me.
Seen the nationalities (us, French, British, German, Israelis, Turks, Saudis, Moroccans, Qatari, etc.. etc) of these scumbags and their military ranks, I assure you
Syria holds in this moment a big treasures to carry out the negotiations with the countries that have destroyed.


Other urls found in this thread:'_Protection_Act


>David Shlomo Aram – Israel


I hope Assad put those fuckers to death

daaaaamn, I bet the info that got those faggots captured was obtained by those damn russian hackers

>David Shlomo Aram

absolutely haram!!!!

>shlomo is a real kike name



This is big!


HAHA, war reparations payments incoming, I hope Assad takes them for billions.



Assad isn't going to get a fucking nickle. Why did he announce this capture, in Allah's name this was the first absollutely stupid retarded thing he has done the whole war.

Now the west has "enemy signalling" "hostages" captured by "the war criminal Assad" to "prove" to all audiences that Assad is the bad goy.

Plus he will return them quickly and get FUCKING NOTHING.

>foreign mudnationals trying to overthrow your country

abloo bloo bloo, boo hoo

>Captured by Syrian special forces

This is either staged by the jews or the coalition are fucking retarded to let this happen

similar to my reaction when I learned the money in Israel really is called a shekel

The American is Scott David Winer not David Scott. Intel Officer based in Jacksonville. I know him because he got arrested for a misdemeanor a couple years ago, but was still green lighted by higher brass to go to Aleppo...thats about all. Peace out.

>the coalition are fucking retarded

well they thought arming and training al Qaeda was a good idea

>9/14 Saudi or Qatari

What a coincidence

no this is what happens when SHTF, Aleppo's West front buckled and North folded sooner than expected. Russians are all over and a covert retrieval of assets is unable. Make matters worse, no one cares about Aleppo and nobody is biting the media bait regarding humanitarian efforts to retrieve civs, thus you have trapped assets in a proxy war, taken for CoIntel bargaining and interrogation.

Having a Jordanian in there as well as Israeli and American is a pretty big deal.


What are war criminals? these cunts have absolutely no right to be inside Syria fighting for head hunting insurgents, this exposes the hypocrisy of the whole "civil" war narrative fed out by the mainstream media, this was always a Zionist controlled and orchestrated insurgency against a sovereign state.

checked, first for kek's will

>this exposes

Who will 'expose' it? You are 100% wrong. The entire western media is complicit, in US/NATO support of ISIS/headchoppers.

Putin can say anything he wants, but the media and lying US state dept will just spin it as "our proven enemy Assad is now holding US hostages threatening to drag America, oh so reluctantly, into the war against Assad"

Which is what those fucking jews have wanted all along.

Fuck me, Iran and Assad keep making blunder after blunder the fucking cucks.









>Obama sent advisors to help terrorists
I'm fucking shocked

Give you three guesses as to the ethnicity of David Scott Winer

Bamp for FUCKING HUGE news.

Bump, this has potential

David Shlomo Aram? and Scott Winer? This must be troll.

As an American you have my permission to execute this faggot traitors especially that one American faggot.

You can't send Troop into a country without a declaration of war signed.

>>Assad can keep these people in Jail for along time they are not troops they are consider combatants.

I'm really wondering what the us rhetoric will be


>The American is Scott David Winer not David Scott. Intel Officer based in Jacksonville. I know him because he got arrested for a misdemeanor a couple years ago, but was still green lighted by higher brass to go to Aleppo...thats about all. Peace out.


Kill them all except for "David Scott Winer". Send him back as a gesture of goodwill after trump gets in office.

Peace out.

>gesture of goodwill

fuck your mother

I hope they send him back in pieces.


Unlawful Enemy Combatants

Immigrant detected

>after trump gets in office
It's a gesture of goodwill to the new administration that wants nothing to do with this shit, and a snub against King Nigger if they do it right after he's left office.

Under Geneva Convention Laws Assad can Keep these Combatants in Jail until the War is Over and the Country is back to Peace Time.

If he's the kind of guy Obama would send to Syria to help Al Qaeda and ISIS we don't fucking want him back, he'd be a massive liability and is probably a Soros loyalist.


Are not American jews allowed to serve in Israeli armed forces? why yes they are sir, yes they are.

>yfw you have a law that allows you to invade a country if they try to put one of your soldiers on trial

>NATO officers were arrested in East Aleppo.

[citation needed]

I'm 'literally' dying of laughter.

are you retarded? see


come on then. fucking American piece of shit cowards

Still no fucking actual sauce for this. 100% bullshit.
Russian media would be all over this shit but there's nothing.

It's 7:30 for you Mohammed, shouldn't you be done with breakfast and out looking for white girls to rape?

Old news. The US government already cried about Russia not telling them where they're bombing next because cia agents kept dying at ISIS training grounds

just the ICC in the hague

Kys faggots. Go lick Obamas ball sack on reddit


>croatian catholic?
>shiite muslim iranian?
>welsh atheist ?

>invade sovereign nation for no reason
>get captured
Many such cases. Sad

pls execute them

so our government is working with terrorists who saw the heads off of Syrian orthodox Christians. well hows that for a merry Christmas.

Nah, that user is right. Sending him back as a gesture of goodwill will massively help relations.

Your president is an atheist of course he would pander to Muzzies and won't care about Christians. Add to the fact Hilldog would behead her own daughter for more money and power.


>We have some confirmation on this from our own Syrian sources. The numbers are much higher than just the 14 names released by the Syrian MP via Facebook. That report of 14 officers might be a different group, as it had specific names. My report has only the numbers and nationalities…and the news that they were not really “captured” but were allowed out as part of a deal between all parties involved. You see the Moroccans are missing in these numbers.

>No. of American officers is 22
>British 16
>French 21
>Israeli 7
>Turkish 62

immigrant detected. if not then prove by singing rose tattoo. if can't then you must go back.

It's not rape when they throw themselves at you rather than fuck a white guy

This. If he executes an American while Trump's in office, he will fucking level them.

he looks more like you than me. you take him.

>Israel whine everytime about how it surrounded by Muslim arab countries
>trying to destroy secular governments on it's borders


>rose tattoo

Fuck off paddy, you have to go back to Eire too

Sorry we're Christians. We wouldn't vote for someone like this even if he's the only candidate in the election.

Nothing to explain. Jews are the parasites of mankind. If you don't know that, what are you doing on Sup Forums.

you love living around white men but I can't figure out why. go home to your goats and stay there or we'll blow up some more of your shit, pussy.

Sunnis except for a few Palestinians are Israel's proxy army for the time being.

They fight to bring down secular strong men and Shia aligned nations, Syria ticked both boxes.

They want the chaos. If muslims managed to get a stable government they'd actually be a threat.


Pics or it didn't happen. Shit tier Russian propaganda site

Many have suspected something like this is why Kerry and co were sperging out so hard over a leppo. Serves them fucking right for helping fucking Al Qaeda. Enjoy torture, arseholes. WW3 or the mother of all deals in Russia's and/or Syria's favour to get them back.

I hope Assad will keep them alive, never hand them over the CIA, and squeeze them of whatever they know until the very last drop of truth.

>the source in the article is a dead link to a facebook (which is blocked in Syria) page allegedly containing a post of these names made by a syrian parliamentarian who is allegedly the head of the chamber of commerce of an obliterated city

Critical thinking isn't your strong suit, is it?


way to scrape the bottom of the barrel

>updated 19:42 US EST on Dec 17, 2016
pick one

They support Hamas and Hezbollah like the Iranians.

>barack hussein obixnood backing his jihadist friends

what a surprise

they caught shlomo LMFAO

Wait, so Syria has captured 22 American military officers? And numerous French, British, and Israeli officers as well (no one gives a fuck about Turkey sorry)???

Plz confirm if true or not.

Have you even googled brah? Already a shit ton of other sites up with same info.

Their secular neighbours united and tried to make them swim back to the west.
So as long as the competition has too much to worry about within their own borders they cant pose a threat like that again.

>will just spin it as

No one believes the press anymore

not any good ones though