Drumpf is NOT my fucking president
Drumpf is NOT my fucking president
He's only president elect fucktard
fuck texas
>Hates electoral college
>Post image with their counties results
>State races are popular vote
When will the plumpftards finally accept that he will NEVER be president?
yeah fuck drumpf and fuck white people!
That's correct.
And that's why you have to go back.
Back to california you go.
Sorry that Hillary's smug Benghazi face got busted up and her ambitions pussyblocked. Your tears are delicious. Keep them flowing.
Why are you shaming your president's German ancestry? Many immigrants changed their names either on their volition or had it anglicized upon arrival especially in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Dallas has really gone to shit, too many nogs.
blempf gun dai tumarw chukcem
We need to burn Dallas, Houston and Austin to the ground. Make Texas great again.
do you live in america? yes?
then congratulations, donald j. trump is your 45th president of the united states. you do not have a choice. it's over. you lost. learn to cope.
>tfw my county went blue this year
fucking fort bend man
Fuck off
yeah probably because you're an illegal beaner who will be going back to your country soon
Fuck you Dallas you soulless son of a bitch
Can't even support your cops
here's how we can fix those cities. it's super simple:
dallas: get rid of everything to the south and south east of downtown dallas. that's where all the hoods, thugs, gangs and tweaker hillbillies hang out. leave west dallas as a containment zone for hoods (and strip clubs), east dallas for a containment zone for hipsters, hillbillies and illegal aliens and completely spare north dallas since it's largely decent.
houston: purge the fat fucks and southern hoods. boom, culture problem largely solved.
austin: total. final. solution. this god forsaken pit of hipsters, whiners and communists needs to fucking *go*.
san antonio: send the deportation task force here first. beyond that, san antonio can be largely spared. remember the alamo.
t. multiracial trump supporting, freedom loving patriot who lives in north dallas.
>Can't even support your cops
idk about that one bruh. the highland park police are decked the fuck out lol.
>Diy threads
>Nigger threads
>Shitposts like this
Leftypol infiltration mod, never change.
Dallas fucking sucks
t. Houston
The only word the left has come up with this entire election cycle. Are you guys the most unimaginative low test fags on the planet?
go back 2 commiefornia faggot
>"Don't make fun of people's names just because they're different, it's culturally insensitive you shitlord!"
>"hahaha drumpf tho"
t NM redneck
get. the. fuck. out. of. based. dallas.
we dont allow drumpfkins here.
most ridiculous one yet keep going
Move to fucking Leafland then, nigger faggot.
says the plumpftard.
drumpf is a fat fucking hunk of lard. might as well call him hulumpf.
2 more days desu and he will be nominated. 1 more month and he will be your president.
pic related. It's (You)
no new orleans refugees final solution?
Not for long he isn't jorje
Considering its a big city, its one of the more conservative ones
>overwhelming nigger population
>voted Hillary
Are we supposed to be surprised?
Dallas? Hell no. Houston was more conservative, but in 2016 they voted in democrats everywhere, so it might be a lost cause.
democracy isn't about having it your way, it's accepting other opinions with which you disagree are more popular.
You know who else is not your president?
No names, but her initials are HRC.