but you still believe Sup Forums philosophy
Sup Forums what do you do if you're probably gay
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Just live a good life, don't act like a faggot and you'll be fine.
post pics of course.
Though more seriously it would mean accepting a natural degradation of your state.You can either try a seemly normal life with some side fun on the side, or try and get a wife. Just ignoring it is also a potential. You say probably gay,so can i assume you haven't done anything yet?
more like intense feelings/attraction for someone i know
Have you ever felt similar urges before?
Sometimes a love is strong, but isn't able to be generalized.
a bit in high school but i pushed them aside
You put on a latex catsuit, go out, and suck dicks.
I'm bi, so what I do is contribute to society as best I can and remain uncucked.
OP's pic makes me laugh because I could kick any stormfags ass. Try me you hairless untermensch
Fufill my duties as a white man, but pretend my wife is a man.
Hook a car battery to your balls and wait for the gay lightning to shoot out of your asshole. It works i swear.
>just be fucking gay.
>but don't be a fucking marxist faggot with a victim complex trying to fuck up my country just because you're all insecure.
I have no issues with your personal life's bullshit otherwise.
So do you have any feelings like these for women ever. Can you go into more depths of what theses feelings are? Is it a romanticized vision of an impossible life or just lust?
If you were able to push them aside in high the time men are the most active, you can probably do it for the rest of your life.
Use aryan willpower to not engage in anything remotely related to faggotry.
If you need help, openly ask Sup Forums for emotional support. Dont give in, the jews want you to be a faggot so you dont have kids.
Remember how men smell.
>freedom boner engaged
read bible
Fags can have kids and the zionists invented appley goodness a long time ago. Heteros are feminist SJW rabbis
Yeah you'll see you're wrong
Artificial eggs when
Donate sperm to a white woman if you want kids without sex, and make sure not to participate in homosexual activities
romantic interest and sexual.
all my relationships with women have failed pretty badly tbf.
Women dont want to have children with faggots. Stop pushing your disgusting degeneracy here, white genocide isnt a joke and youre merely creating actual hostility towards random fags on the street by posting your inflammatory horseshit.
Don't give a shit and be the man I want to be.
If I'm willing to accept I'm a Sandnigger with low IQ (engineer btw) then as a gay faggot I'd be willing to accept that I'm a fucking soctal CANCER.
You probably shouldn't believe in a (collective, vague) ideology that encourages you to hate and kill yourself my friend. There's room out there for you to like dick and also not be a naive liberal faggot idiot. Consider that the most vicious people here, we all understand on some implicit level, are the biggest losers.
Be gay.
Remember that many of the assholes on Sup Forums came here because they were sick of the self hating shit pushed by SJWs. Don't hate yourself.
define acting like a faggot. I'm pretty fem and I can't avoid it without just being really quiet all the time.
root out the degenerate parts of the homosex you do and be pure and vanilla. don't make it your mission to wave your life in others faces like every 2bit shitlib commie does
fuck butts, who cares, just don't be degenerate.
from a religious prospective you can even argue that the sinful aspects are from listing over people and not feeling romantic love.
Cocks of Sup Forums thread?
Well are you interested in women? If you keep going after them you probably have some feelings, try and grow them. If you can't you should really try find the best bf you can and just be as close to a regular Sup Forumsack as possible.
On the gay oriented threads here plenty lament the impossibility of a Sup Forums bf, but some find. depending on your age it would either be easier as you get older. How old are you?
Also remember Sup Forums is millions of people we can't give you a unified opinion that you will probably find either acceptable or reassuring.
Being a raging faggot is like being a normal woman
Women love the dick but normal women dont fuck everything with a dick at all times.
Control your faggot tendancies like a normal person
Talking a lot is kind of faggy.
Sup Forums is only one person
Pretend you're not gay. Keep it private and treat it like the fetish and mental illness it is.
First of all being gay is a choice
Now with that said just don't make your sexuality the one thing that identifies you and you'll be fine. There is nothing more pathetic than that and you don't want to have your gravestone marked as "uh he sucked dick that was his thing"
Make sure you aren't gay just because your mother was overbearing/invasive and you had a poor or nonexistent relationship with your father, causing you to objectify men instead of identifying with them. If any of this rings true with you you might want to read "The Divided Self" by RD Laing.
Anti racist leftist Bavarian is fairly cute, even if he loves fucking with pol with his annoying pro immigrant bait.
I'm not posting mine though, that Jew that runs that /polgbt/ skype already has mine.
>a sissy
>beating someone
Yea that's until the moment you get a whiff of my balls and curl on the ground saying "p-please n-no" while fingering your ass you wuss
Leftists who oppose this
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
It doesn't help that Mossad poses as CIA when they recruit terrorists.
stop being a sodomite
Get the battery
Surrogacy. Been happening since bible. They dont have them with my marriage. Just for it. And maybe know the kid
Basically don't be a whiny little bitch that cries over spilled milk and you'll be fine. And don't rub it in kid's faces.
Also live a good, monogamous life with a similarly redpilled partner/husband. Get a house, insurance, a job that matters, lots of guns and avoid niggers. Condemn muslims and sjws openly but with dignity, call women on their bullshit the same way.
Honor, Courage, Authenticity, Strength.
>muh degeneracy
>i don't want these people to like these people even though it doesn't affect me at all
just be gay, im gay, i just like dudes, im a normal guy except i like dudes, that's all it is.
You have plenty of time to figure out what is wrong with you. Attending Uni I assume. So i suggest avoiding the lgbt2SQSP clubs and avoid whoring around.
How much emotional turmoil would you say this is causing?
No chance your just suffering one of the /r9k/ style obsessions with someone is there?
>tfw NEET
those things sound nice tho user
The republican party? Angels have no gender and they raped all strangers. Like your president
Xq28 gene
Do I have to direct this to Common Filth I mean you /polgbt/ fags should know this by now *tisk tisk*
What kind of gay stuff are you into? You're keeping it masculine, right? I only ask because if you go for the effeminate there's a real chance you'll start liking little boys.
Being gay is a choice
Nah im good
Like Putin?
theres places for fags to go meet other fags. dont try to come on to straight guys or act like a faggot in public. act like a respectable homo and you will be respected.
Just fuck traps and pretend you're straight like everyone else does faggot.
Your fundamental life trajectory is fucked in unthinkable ways, though. You're not going to try to raise kids with your partner without a mother, are you? Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
femboys and traps turn me off, only into average looking men
only emotional turmoil is thinking that i'm gay for the past 1.5 years, come to the accept that i probably am recently.
They are nice. Wake up and go get them.
>"Hey! I've decided that from now on I'm going to like dudes! Maybe later I'll decide to not feel attraction to males and go back to liking females!"
not how it works
I'm not asleep I'm just crazy
i dont understand this not being sure shit. go fuck a girl if you dont get hard then go fuck a dude. yall some faggots
> like Putin?
What do you mean by that?
Do not do this, it fetishists qualities that men cannot naturally have.
Vote democrat or you won't be able to see your gay lover on his deathbed in the hospital. Republicans are all talk. Everything you hear them say about democrats is projection.
Look up a video on youtube called "kiss of putin". In my view and others' it is prolly correlated with his homophobia
Being gay is OK. Western culture has been gay since Greece, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
No you are lazy and stuck in a rut. I was there too once.
You seem fairly normal, so I say fight the good Sup Forums fight, but accept that one day it will come for you as well. The ride never ends, but it can be fun until the end. Also for a thread soliciting advice you seem rather uninvolved, is this sliding?
been a pretty long rut user
gay here, that's exactly how it works, you massive retard.
How do you feel about monsterboys? Do they make you kind of embarrassed and uncomfortable in a way you can't really explain?
Alright then it's a fucking mental disorder, you can't win, fags
I'm still convinced it's a choice, there has to be a reason why most major religions condemn homosexuality
>fucked in unthinkable ways
okay buddy
>implying i'm having kids
even if I had kids, theres numerous studies to show that raising a child with same sex parents has next to no effect compared to raising them with straight parents
>where do you see yourself in 50 years
Probably dead, but if not I hope I have a nice house and a husband
The Greeks laid the foundations for Western civilization and they were gay as fuck. Just don't make it an identity thing.
You know damn well that the only right wing death squads who care enough to hunt down closeted Sup Forumsacks are homo leaning themselves and doing it specifically to overpower them and rape them orally.
I wonder how that empire fell again???? Hmmm... What about Our culture that is very tolerant towards sodomy? DAMN JUST LOOK AT THE POSITIVES DAMN BETTER START FUCKING MY DOG TO GET IN SEASON!!!!
It's the alt-right, a bunch of white nationalists that love the very thing that makes whites weak kind of ironic actuallly
You start to think for yourself.
There is no "Sup Forums philosophy". There are just tens of thousands of people with different ideas. Some of them are shit. Some of them are shit. Some of them are shit. Others are shit.
Variations of it are acquirable by anyone. It has to do with virility projection. At least that's what I tell myself
I was attracted to females when I was younger, but around 13-14 I started noticing guys more. I didn't want to be gay, but I didn't exactly get a choice in that and I can't exactly just fucking choose to be attracted to chicks again
>what is gay gene?
only leafs are dogfuckers
is kid buu a monster boy?
but my parents are always asking if i'm in a relationship or not yet.
Who here /tfw no Sup Forums bf/?
>only leafs are dog fuckers
I always wonder about what the people who choose to come into gay threads and tell us we are mentally ill and fetishizing are like in real life. Closeted? Just unhappy?
Don't be gay.
Cut them off fgt
There is no gay gene. This was proven within the last two decades, liberals are calling it prenatal hormone imbalance now.
kek guilty
There have been homosexuals for the entire of human civilisation, the goal is for those committing it to do so in private and to recognise it's a deviancy.
In Victorian Britain there were huge numbers of gays they just did it so privately no one ever brought it up. They also universally all had wives and kids. If a gay was caught doing gay shit then the belief was it was his fault for not keeping it on the down low.
What I'm saying is if you're gay that's fine but please be a fag in your own time
Yeah. Do you think of him as a kid or as a really short adult? Be honest, this is important. If he's just short you don't have a big issue.
Just don't suck dick.
You mean to tell me that everyone else in this thread is a conservitive
LMAO all these fags support Blaire White and fap to traps
Regardless of whether or not you approve of homosexuality now, it's widely accepted. You guys are a minority in the grand scheme of things, kek.
There is literally nothing you can do about it other than moan on Sup Forums like the "neo-nazi" basement dwellers you are.
Captcha pic: Happy baby
I smell shekels
I'm gay and I don't support trannies. I think they are degenerate.
>caring about deviancy in (the current year)
> It's widely accepted
Not even California could get gay marriage into law through direct democracy. The Supreme Court did it. Don't pretend it was a remotely popular decision in the US.