Some SJW poo in the loo that was "anti-gamer gate" is being torn up by the precious little feminists he so wanted to protect. Pictured is one of the more ridiculous otherkin that are attacking this designated dumbass.
Couldn't have happened to a better guy but still will make you sick.
Some SJW poo in the loo that was "anti-gamer gate" is being torn up by the precious little feminists he so wanted to...
Bump for the will of Kek
God, people get so riled up over the pettiest bullshit. No perspective. I swear.
I want to see more of this. I want to see his reaction, and in the end, I also want to know what it's about.
Come on fuckers, this shit is getting good and loaded with ample opportunity to praise Kek
one of us soon
Kek. This always happens. There was some guy in the SJW community on YouTube who for feminists who ended up being a registered sex offender.
The pictured broad is retweeting other weird and untalented broads who have tales of first world problems. Every single one of them should be shipped to Aleppo as soon as possible, so they can write their last wills in the dust of a bombed building
No "man" can truly identify with your average woman, let alone these little bundles of histrionic personality disorder. They're too stupid to know what any man could tell them, no one would hang around some tramp unless pussy might be involved.
>accepting a poo in loo
just let the bull fuck your hotwife already cuck
True, I saw the poo in question and he looks like John Waters if he were shit from the ass of Ganesh
Wait is the the faggot who was making a videogame ? If not srry just woke up
No he is some writer of science fiction, who edits some unknown science fiction rag that some dumb cunts want into.
>serial abuser
what are the claims against him?
nu males in those groups are always weird little betas who try to get with the mentally ill, so it wouldn't surprise me desu
Oh you'd have to read some of those threads to really get it, but their complaints are so esoteric as to amount to them complaining he didn't kiss their ass enough. He "gaslighted" them and "negged" them and no clear examples of how.
so link or screenshot those fucking threads faggot
The first bitch that has been rallying others
Then this bitch :
how the fuck can you prove anyone gaslighted anyone without a video/microphone/email/twitter record?
gaslighting is the stupidest trend ever.
people inherently have faulty memories, just because someone says "i never said that" or "you misunderstood my sarcasm" etc doesn't mean they are trying to neg you or turn you into a mental case. Its so fucking stupid.
That's the whole point. It's a word virus, designed to shut down debate, not incite it. Like racism or patriarchy or , my fav, "misogynoir " the very act of questioning it confirms the bias of the person who called it. It's ideologically motivated exaptation.
More chiming in
Women's bodies are property of the state
Another one? How many of these anti-GamerGate feminist male allies have turned out to be scumbags by now?
Truly. But I think the real story is how little he seems to have actually done for them all to turn on him. "Make them feel bad" seems to be the most common complaint.
You almost want to feel bad for Benny Lava, but then you come to your senses
Could you screenshot some of the actual complaints? So far I've been browsing his site (pic related) and he doesn't seem particularly into left wing politics. Without knowing anything else I'm going to throw the following theory out there and you tell me how close I am.
>be beta "artistic" guy
>fall in with some lefties because that's who's in "creative" circles
>don't prostrate yourself enough or like the right hashtags on twitter
>some feminists get themselves worked up reading rape fiction
>with no actual rapists nearby they decide to take it out on the next man they encounter
>this poor fucker lands in the crosshairs
>gets a bunch of nebulous complaints that slowly build until he's literally Hitler
>all the bitches pile on and the other beta males do too to show their subservience
I've seen this same pattern play out a few times with people I know.