Would you fuck a pure redpilled African Sup Forums? Pic related, pure Gambian

Would you fuck a pure redpilled African Sup Forums? Pic related, pure Gambian.



Looks like she attends LGBT fairs and all those time wasting activities.

No, but I might hook her up with another African I might know.

Ew, a shenigger.

I dunno. I dated a Senegalese girl who was awesome, but if she believed half the retarded bullshit you "redpilled" faggots believe, I'd probably want to shoot her

Fuck? Yes. Marry? No.

I would not.

Ofcourse. Wjat are you? A faggot?

No way that's pure Gambian



I'd rather strangle a puppy. And I love puppies.

I'd hit it.



Awww I love puppies too user



>implying it's not the secret fetish of every Sup Forumstard to fuck a black chick while screaming "HEIL HITLER" at the top of his lungs and wearing an SS-cap

Ultimately, 99% of the people here are just lonely dipshit teens and early twenty-ers, like most of Sup Forums.

Her bone structure and facial features appear very European.

>that tummy


I want to fuck that nigger Sup Forums

No red pilled is a deal breaker. I would do her as long as she is not redpilled.

Nice laptop, using an XPS right now


The biodiversity of the African continent humans is incredible.

>literally every feature white except for skin
Sure I'd fuck her, she could pass for a tanned white girl. I'd even have bastards with her. But I wouldn't keep her.

in a woman i look for a nice face and nice personality, nigress can have both
it's like everything mixed with polish looks good

fuck yes breed no

Shut up, niggerlover

>>Oh god this is my chance. Please be real. Please be real.
Hey baby wats up?

In the ass, yes. I would fuck one in the ass till it bled so long as I got pleasure from it.

Vaginal sex though, hell no. Can't risk aryan bloodline being tainted by dindu.

Not going to lie... Fucked quite a few jungle bunnies.

You'd be surprised how many black girls have white master/black slave rape fantasies.

I would pretty much fuck anything human female and consenting at this point.
>maybe I should buy a dog

Of course and anyone who wouldn't is a faggot.
>But, muh racial divershity is not /ourguy/

fucking herdlike sheep over here. I dig the meme magic, the lib hate, the making fun of Canada. But all you little pussies with your little white boi complex are gonna get mopped up on the 'muh day of rope' when you find out that people like me are fucking ruthless and intelligent and willing to fight with anyone to destroy these pedo satanists and go our separate ways afterwards.