When marijuana is legalized there won't be illegal marijuana and drug dealers


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Only if the government doesn't tax cannabis like in taxes tobacco.

>implying chinks can grow dank budz

there are illegal cigarettes mainly because of the high taxes on them. and even then, its not that big of scene compared to actually having it illegal.

long story short, legalize weed or any drug wont end its illegal selling 100% but it will diminish it greatly (ie post-prohibition)

DESU I don't even know when shits legal in Florida I'll probably get so smacked I'll think it's still illegal

>implying Soros and his paid democrat politicians won't tax weed
oh wait they are already doing it.

>legal marijuana is expensive
>because of it the drug dealers will raise the price too
>legal and illegal merchants will profit more

Sounds good.

t. Jill "Merchant" Stein

Of course not, there will just be an epidemic of LEGAL pot and drug VENDORS it's totally different.
>it's still an addictive substance... there weren't as many alcoholics during prohibition as there are now.

>legalize weed
>export it to every country
>destabilize countries that fight our dank budz

America has the best weed and shall always

Actually taxes are so high in California right now for marijuana it's driving many poor people who need medication out to street dealers for the first time

Funny thing those laws

There will always be the black market, difference is only retards by that fake shit (and here in the UK that usually means poor as fuck EU immigrants like Poles and Romanians)

16,000 cigarettes does not sound like very much to be perfectly honest. thats like 800 boxes equating to like $2-3000


where would you even buy illegal cigarettes

its not like you can ask your drug dealer to throw in a pack of american spirits, theyve got more important shit to do

Under the counter. They're mainly sold from Chinese corner stores.

the state liquor control board in washington wants to limit how potent the legal recreational weed can be.
and they want to tax the hell out of it.

by the time you buy a gram in the store, it's 10-15. black market is cheaper and doesn't try to cap potency

Keep illegal plz

Natives sell them on their reservations too

>its not like you can ask your drug dealer to throw in a pack of american spirits

I used to grab weed off this crack head who sold bags of 200 cigs for 3 bucks, dealers will sell what ever will make them money

wrong. underage smokers

Darknet markets

its simply because asians are stupid

i sell these chunghwa cigs at duty free for $90 a carton they sell on the chinese black market for 60 a packet which is crazy profit

I honestly don't care if there are.

The DEA does more damage to this country in one week than all illegal drugs could do in a century if only white people were allowed to control the market for them and society at large.

What this country needs is far less nanny state, unconstitutional alpahanet agencies and far more deportation of non-whites. Do the latter and the former problem will solve itself.

Why would they raise prices? I've been paying the same for my weed for years, both before it was legal in my state and after.

>Raise prices

Marijuana being taxed is literally the only reason some anti-pot people are actually willing to let it be fully legal though

Which state and how much you've been paying "for years" ?

yeah the rez things different though

>16000 cigarettes = 800 packs
> 800 packs = 80 cartons

So they seized 80 cartons. Big deal.

>The DEA does more damage to this country in one week than all illegal drugs could do in a century
>DEA is full of white evil men who kill innocent browns and blacks

Go back to red-united/forum antifa.

Anaheim Ca, 200-220$ an ounce.

The only thing that dispensaries have over dealers is convenience. You just walk in, choose from one of many strains, and leave.

Dealers counter this by pricing competitively. They don't have the selection, the ease of buying, quality controls etc.

If a dispensary sells an ounce for 300+, and my dealer decides to raise his price from 200 to say 250, I might just go to the dispensary and get my choice of cannabis/edible/oil.

I think you mean integration of non-whites into educated society. You can't deport an entire demographic of people without harsh ramifications both domestic and abroad. Best thing to do is educate them and get them to become more like whites which will slowly make non-whites more tolerable and productive in society.

Colorado, Washington, and California.

Not that guy, but when I went cross country I stopped at all of those shops and the prices were the same as street prices. Plus they give you free goodies if you're a first time customer.

when Colorado made it really easy to get a medical card back in 08 the black market price fell pretty hard, bc anyone with a card could buy for all his friends and lack of a tax made it cheaper than the usual $50 an 1/8th on the black market

then when rec went live and there were only a few dispensaries around at the beginning, prices shot up bc dealers watched people wait in line for an 1/8th that ended up costing $60 bc of the high taxes.

Now that the market is saturated, the dispensaries are all reasonably priced, so the black market adjusted back down to compete

The explosion in home growing 50 or 60 plants is to produce for the out of state markets more than the in state market

That's not really the point. For the first time, the government was finally taking a cut of the profits on its sale and distribution

I always find interesting americans know everything about drugs but are total illiterates regarding everything else.

Literally redneck merchants

Anaheim reporting in, I grow and sell ounces for about $300

You're totally right.
Let's just go ahead and ban cigarettes too.
I mean. there are already illegal ones so it can't get any worse right?

what are rappers going to rap about once weed becomes legal

I feel sorry for people buying from you. I buy straight from a grower who also sells part of it to dispensaries, so I get some quality control and choice of a few strains.

I've known him for years though so it might influence the price.

why don't we decrease tax on cigarettes and stop the anti-tobacco organizations funded by the government ?

Then we can talk about weed or whatever Bob Marley shit you are doing.

>why don't we get rid of literally the only benefit they offer to society
Wow this is some next level stuff.
You're a real genius, denmark.


drugs are degenerate and definitely not Sup Forumsish.

States would ban that in an instant.

We need to push anti-globalism hard to the normies when Trump gets here, self-sufficiency and necessity imports only. Vice-luxury will be local only to prevent nationalized business cartels, excluding liquor obviously.

Weed is weed. Sativa, Indica, Hybrids, Wild Landrace and heavy CBD properties plants.

Nothing spectacular like specialized liquors.

>H-hey government is corrupt and bad and marijuana should be legal but let's use the taxpayer money to crush things I don't like!




The fuck are you even on about now?
If weed is legal I want it taxed just as heavily.

They're indulgences.

That's how it fucking works.

Tax it too heavily and a lot of people will defer to the black market. Thus reducing expected profits and making the only reason to legalize it null and void since not enough people might use the service.

Well, based on colorado where they're taxing the everloving FUCK out of it, I'd say that threshold is pretty damn high.
Turns out people would rather pay a premium than get arrested for a felony. Whoda thunk it.

I dont know about australia, but the sin taxes are the reason liquor is so damn expensive.

>Turns out people would rather pay a premium
Turns out american idiots fell for the ~le legalization will fix mother eart xDD

What are you even "arguing" anymore?

What, that's not why I or anyone I know wanted it legalized. The possibility of jail time was. Not some hippy bs that you think all smokers are.

>pothead don't even know how to follow a simple argument such as >buy premium >fell for the meme

your motivation is irrelevant to the topic in discussion.


>Turns out american idiots fell for the ~le legalization will fix mother eart xDD

And not one person I know who wanted cannabis legalized for that reason. How the fuck did we fall for the
>Turns out american idiots fell for the ~le legalization will fix mother eart xDD

I'm explaining why legalization is a good move and that people will be willing to pay those steep taxes (and help their communities as it has in colorado)

And your rebuttal is meme arrows and DA JOOZ meme.

So again, what are you even "arguing"?

Also, I'm not even a pothead. I have no desire to even try it. I just see the free money sitting on the table and tons of people willing to pay it.

>200-220$ an ounce
welp, I think I found the only advantage of living here, cheap weed.

>and help their communities
slight kek

Yeah turns out getting hundreds of millions of dollars in free money is pretty helpful

Yeah this isn't mexican brick weed. Lab tested high quality bud only.

>when murder is legalized, there wont be murderers

Smokers are disgusting subhumans. Period. They shouldn't exist in this world, those drug addicts. Pollute the air. Decrease workplace productivity. Increase cost for everyone due to public health costs, and decrease hospital space when they inevitably get into health problems from smoking. Smoking should be criminalize and the punishment should be mandatory execution if caught, Rodrigo Duterte-style. If you don't have enough self-control to not kill yourself, you really shouldn't be alive. Disgusting subhuman addicts.

>I just see the free money
>DA JOOZ meme

>Literally redneck merchants


If you think weed is so bad then why don't you want to tax the fuck out of them?...
Right now it's cheap, plentiful, easy to get and the states sees ZERO benefit. To the contrary, they waste billions a year trying to enforce laws against it. You prefer the current circumstances to legalizing and taxing it?...


>free money
>citizens have to pay more for a certain good
I'm sure you'd love paying more for your favourite consumable.

>If you think weed is so bad then why don't you want to tax the fuck out of them?

because any human being with an IQ above 80 that is not born in the USA knows that if marijuana is legalized in more states the number of people out of the workforce and having mental issues will increase and they will ask for the state to give them free health care.
And because the jews control the health care industry the politicians will pass a law giving them free treatment. Thus tax will increase for the middle class because they are the only ones who can pay the bill for the junkies.

it's literally a lose-lose situation.


I already pay taxes on just about everything.
I avoid retarded indulgences like alcohol and cigarettes because the "benefit" does not even remotely warrant the price.

It would be the same with weed.

But, I will gladly let other people spend their lives away for shit they don't need.

It must suck having no self control.

> if marijuana is legalized in more states the number of people out of the workforce and having mental issues will increase
I would absolutely love to see a citation for these bizarre claims.

Again, since you apparently missed it last time, weed is already plentiful and easily obtainable. Legalizing it will change NOTHING in that respect.

All legalizing will do is allow the government to take a cut.

Honestly though, you've made it pretty clear that you're a tinfoiler that will not be swayed by common sense.
So whatever.

If this was in any way true the country would have collapsed by now.

When marijuana is legalized the prices will plummet because YOU AMERICANS WILL GROW IT EVERYWHERE DON'T YOU FUCKING DAREEEEEEEE

>I already pay taxes on just about everything
Since you already pay tax on everything, it doesn't matter if it gets even worse, does it?

>I avoid retarded indulgences like alcohol and cigarettes because the "benefit" does not even remotely warrant the price.
I'm sure that you spend money on some "indulgences" that others would find retarded, and I'm sure you'd love if they got more highly taxed too.

>I will gladly let other people spend their lives away for shit they don't need
No one has said that they need weed. Need is a silly term anyway. You only need something to satisfy a want.

>It must suck having no self control
>everyone who smokes weed is addicted to it

Growers licence allows me to grow more than I could ever need.

>I would absolutely love to see a citation for these bizarre claims.
>potheads are capable of working
>potheads are not the most consumers of SSRIs and anti-psychotics
>Potheads can't afford buying anti-depressants and anti-psychotics



Also it lowers the IQ by at least 6 points

If you consider most americans are in the double digits IQ, the losing 6 points is pretty harmful.

>Since you already pay tax on everything, it doesn't matter if it gets even worse, does it?
>I'm sure that you spend money on some "indulgences" that others would find retarded, and I'm sure you'd love if they got more highly taxed too.
>No one has said that they need weed. Need is a silly term anyway. You only need something to satisfy a want
And this is relevant to the topic, how?
It's just semantics.
>everyone who smokes weed is addicted to it
That's not what I said.
I said they have no self control.
Because they don't.

Of course there will be.

But legalized marijuana will mean law enforcement will have to go after dealers and bootleggers instead of throwing people in jail for possession. People buying from illegal dealers will just be putting themselves at risk when normal, law abiding citizens can just walk down to their local dispensary when they feel like smoking dank buds. This way the tax payer isn't getting fucked over for no good reason and that money you save can be reinvested into cracking down on illegal distributors.

This is as ideal a situation as you're ever going have when dealing with a drug as easy to grow, store and distribute as marijuana. it's pretty obvious that criminalization doesn't work.

Yeah no hit Sherlock, it's expensive because it's illegal. The moment it becomes legal it'll cost less than a burger.

- Increased welfare dependence
- Greater chances of being unemployed or not getting good jobs.




>mixed results
>Again, correlation

If you're going to pretend to know what you're talking about you should probably learn how to read study results and determine their relevance.

I am not a smoker but I'll buy a pack to puff on so I can get my dick hard reading you whine about smoke. If you want to fuck yourself up go for it. It's not like smokers get on organ transplant lists.

>pollute the air
Kek, we got bigger fish
>decrease workplace productivity
Nothing to do with the drug and entirely up to the person. Just have regular scheduled breaks. If they are late or smoke outside those breaks penalize like any else.
>decreases hospital space
It isn't the medicine and insurance jew fucking our ass its the SMOKERS!

Does your family know you're gay?


Keep lying to yourself, Bob Marley.

>. The OR for cannabis users developing depression compared with controls was 1.17 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05–1.30]


Just because you can type "kek", "jej" doesn't mean people will believe in the "safer than peanuts" meme.


you potheads always end up out of the work force relying on welfare. That's why in California the biggest (and most lucrative) industry is Health Care.

Let's assume all your bullshit is completely true (to be clear, it's definitely 100% not true) why not make cigarettes illegal too?
Or alcohol?
We KNOW cigarettes cause lung cancer and we KNOW alcohol causes liver failure. We KNOW both can cause conditions that force people out of work (emphysema, alcoholism in general etc)
And we KNOW their effects are far more widely felt because they're more widely used by several order of magnitude.

Clearly isn't that the battle you should be fighting if you're really concerned about these things?

Damn, please stop if you aren't even going to try. It sounds like you're mixing all drugs into bad bag. Weed isn't putting people into the hospital.

Holy shit that price would make a jew take up smoking

Biggest jobs for potheads

>Pizza delivery
>Fast food
>Music store
>Massage Therapist (!)

Check this idiot out.

>Kek, we got bigger fish
True. There are bigger problems. But that doesn't mean this issue magically disappears just because there are bigger problems. It is a problem. Period.

>Nothing to do with the drug and entirely up to the person. Just have regular scheduled breaks. If they are late or smoke outside those breaks penalize like any else.
Smokers aka drug addicts NEED to smoke. They will take it when they NEED to, even if they are at work. Regular scheduled breaks work, sure. But it's time spent to smoke rather than doing what others would do in break time. And penalizing smokers? Why not keep a GPS tracking tag on them too?

>It isn't the medicine and insurance jew fucking our ass its the SMOKERS!
It's both. Both are screwing the normal humans over. Note: both. Just because insurance does it, doesn't decrease the fault of those drug addicts.

>Does your family know you're gay?
Resorting to "you're gay!" comments. How childish. Isn't it past your bedtime? I know it's the weekend so you don't have middle school but doesn't your daddy tell you to sleep early anyways? Or is he not in your life?

Confirmation bias.

I've never felt a need to smoke cannabis. I have however seen people get dt's because they haven't had a drink that day,


Good thing Jeff Sessions is our AG, so no need to worry about the legalization of marijuana any time soon, expect it to take a couple steps back actually.

>We KNOW cigarettes cause lung cancer and we KNOW alcohol causes liver failure

Alcohol causes liver failure after a long term use.
>cigarettes cause lung cancer
Smokers don't lose IQ or get psychosis or depression.

The only use of "weed" is CBD but CBD is absent in most (if not all) weed sold at stores and on the corners

My asian international friends would all buy black market cigarettes. They used the Chinese app Wechat in order to find cigarette dealers.

yes, I've never had a physical need to where I HAD to smoke.

Next time you bring up someone NEEDING to do something you should make sure it's physically addictive and not psychologically like every fucking thing else.

My argument was not a reductio ad absurdum. I was by no means saying that you would be ok with taxation increasing exponentially, but asking whether you'd like to pay more tax or not. The answer I'm guessing is no.

And what would happen if your chosen indulgences were one day seen as sinful?

>And this is relevant to the topic, how?
>It's just semantics
It is relevant, because you were saying that cannabis is something that people don't need. People don't need a lot of other things, should we tax them to shit too?

>I said they have no self control
Many people only smoke weed occasionally, and not just because they can't afford or obtain it. My friends and I are not potheads and are neither poor nor unable to source weed. That doesn't mean we smoke it every day or even every month.

You didn't answer my question.

Why are alcohol and cigarettes okay when they have known health issues but weed isn't okay based on your (speculative at best) studies?

CBD alone isn't as effective as a combination of CBD, CBN's, THC, and terpenes. They work together for greater effects.

Recreational smoking is contributing absolute fuck all to pollution.

Why do the same rules not apply to smokers? If you're late from a break penalize them because they broke the work rules/policy/contract. GPS what the fuck? Just look at a watch or the time sheet.

Hospitals always have ample space, medicine, etc, unless there is a catastrophe and you can always get medical personnel. At least in America.

So you're gay, maybe a smoke would straighten you out?

>mfw i'm smoking winston red's 100

Likely 16,000 packs.

>That's not what I said.
back peddling and moving the goalposts this hard. Maybe you should take a puff faggot.

Your question is being presented in a very bad way. You are arguing alcohol and tobacco cause "cancer".

>Surprisingly, fewer than 10 percent of lifelong smokers will get lung cancer.

If only 1 in 10 smokers actually gets Lung Cancer can we really say that Lung Cancer is caused by cigarettes?

What the media don't tell you is that people on medical "marijuana" project get engineer hemp high on CBC and almost 0 THC.

The ones sold at the stores are the opposite.

The ones sold in legal stores are absent or very low on CBC

Everyone country has good and bad weed m8.