Did Trump really say he was considering letting illegal immigrant children stay in the US?
What the FUCK?
Did Trump really say he was considering letting illegal immigrant children stay in the US?
What the FUCK?
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Literally why does it even matter? Who even has time to worry about this kind of meaningless shit?
Leave, nigger. Those spic kids will be full-grown spics ruining the country in a few years.
I would be ok with letting children who have spent most of their lives here stay if they speak fluent English
CTR...listen guys...Like I don't know why you're here. It's been weeks now. You don't hardly come but when you do anymore, it's the same shit as if nothing's changed. but it has now. You're over. Your reason for being has vanished. Everyone else has moved on. ...I'm concerned for you stragglers who haven't gone back to hell yet.
7D Chess
He's going to have those spic kids voting Republican for the next 40 years.
Did he really fucking say this?
You're a retard.
I don't want them to vote Republican. I want them to go back to Mexico
Yeah, in his interview with TIMES. He acknowledged the situation and said his administration was going to work something out.
God damnit, I was willing to ignore the obvious Jew puppetry because of his willingness to de-spic America, but now that that isn't happening I don't know what to think.
Some of his cabinet picks are pissing me off too. Bro Nathaneal made some video the other day about how Rex Tillerson was the one who fagified the Boy Scouts and forced them to end the rule against queer scouts being in the organization. As an Eagle Scout, it really made me think, I didn't even realize it was Tillerson that did that.
I'm holding out hope for Trump, hoping that he'll shape up once he's in office, but I've moved past the belief in his infallibility.
If some kid came here when he was 2 and now he's 19, why would you want to send him back to Mexico? Deport his parents, but the if he was raised here then he's pretty much an American at this point
deport them all.
Are saying Immigration is bad?
Mexico will be enriched by these educated people.
Yeah the T-Rex pick was bad optics honestly. Neither the right or the left like the guy in truth. Trump probably has a damn good reason for picking T-Rex, considering how important it is to pander to his base.
Intersting bit about Rex, did not know that.
And it's not so bad, Hillary didnt get into office after all.
That's old news.
Have you seen the numbers? They are flooding the US with anchor babies. We are talking hundreds of thousands.
By fucking 2050, everyone will be Mexican, and whites will be a small majority.
Do you think they will care about us?
Have you seen the gore they produce in Mexico. Place is living hell
>he's pretty much an American
No, he isn't. He's an illegal. He has no claim to America. His parents just broke the law and made their son pay for it.
>he was gullible enough to believe anything Trump said
No, the tax payers pay for free college, healthcare, food (wic).
Skys the limit for illegals
Except he's living off welfare or not paying taxes. Adios amigo
Not an american citizen or a legal immigrant with a visa?
You have to go back. Sorry Paco, I love your people spicy food, but you're ruining my country.
>Let's them stay
>They all starve because they're dumb children, let alone Mexican
>California loses 2 million of its voters due to them starving
>Trump wins 2020 election
69D Chess Right there
>If some kid came here when he was 2 and now he's 19, why would you want to send him back to Mexico?
Because he's here illegally. He's breaking the law being here without authorization.
>Deport his parents
>but the if he was raised here then he's pretty much an American at this point
After I steal your car, how long do I have to drive it before it's "pretty much" mine? How long would I need to be a squatter in your house before I "pretty much" own it? How long do I need to rape your wife or daughter before we're "pretty much" married?
These little shits, and even little anchor baby shits, need to be fired back over the border by trebuchet. I don't give a fuck if they were brought here at birth and are 99 years old. They aren't "pretty much an American." They vote 80/20 democrat and they're actively trying to convert our country into Venezuela 2.0. I'd be pleased as punch if over half died in the deportation process.
As a courageous man once said: "You have to go back."
He also talks about letting tens of thousands of immigrants enter our country, but legally.
>polcucks will defend this
>After I steal your car, how long do I have to drive it before it's "pretty much" mine
The car would never be yours, but we do have statute of limitation laws where you wouldn't be prosecuted for stealing it. And if you sold it to a good-faith buyer for value, there are lots of situations where that buyer would get to keep it.
>How long would I need to be a squatter in your house before I "pretty much" own it
Depends on state law. Adverse possession laws vary, and most states require that you occupy the property in good-faith, but in many other states it doesn't matter if you thought the property was yours or not, and a few states fucking require that you knew that the property/house wasn't yours when you starting living there.
They arent going to leave their kids behind...
literally Trump's CTR
fuck off Trump shills
>As a courageous man once said: "You have to go back."
The same man who is going to let millions of illegal immigrant children stay in the US?
I would say Trump played you, but thing is he actually didn't. What happened was that you and other white nationalists projected their views and hoped onto Trump. Trump was never your guy.
Trump has also said he dissavows the NPI and dissaproves of other white nationalist organizations.
I hate illegals as much as the next, but why the hell are you pretending Trump is on your side?
Pick one.
>meaningless shit
>"We're gonna deport all these illegals, because they are BREAKING THE LAW!"
>"America is a country of LAWS!"
>"Actually I'm gonna let most of the illegals stay lol"
Keep talkin shill.
This. Who tf cares
>Trump's CTR
It's called Sup Forums
>literally Trump's CTR
I voted for Johnson to support 3rd parties. (the winner of my state was never in doubt) And I'm all for deporting adults who come across and children who haven't spent virtually their entire lives in America. Iwouldn't even be opposed to border patrol agents shooting people trying to come across. I just don't want to send people back who came in as infants and are now reaching adulthood.
That looks fake as shit.
Why are specifications for the wall's construction on the same page as the questions used for vetting? Makes no fucking sense.
Stop trying to divide Sup Forums, evil Jew shill.
IDK... maybe cause it has to do with the central cause of immigration.
>wants big government to decide who can and cannot come in to work
how retarded are you?
He has to go back.
Unless he served in the armed forces. That's the only exception as far as I'm concerned.
America is American. Every immigrant group seemed to get this except for fucking Mexicans...they can wrap their anchor babies up in those Mexican flags they all seem to have at protests and head the fuck home. We're not making excuses for these parasites anymore.
>Trump has also said he dissavows the NPI and dissaproves of other white nationalist organizations.
I agree with everything you said, until you said that. What's he supposed to do when millions of screaming niggers are chimping out and threatening to kill him? If you seriously believed that Trump was a white nationalist or would be openly sympathetic to them, you're retarded. He was never the solution to our problems, but was a gigantic leap forward for us, considering he was the only politician to speak about illegal immigration and globalization. He has to be somewhat normified on race. He can be sympathetic discretley, but if you expect him to openly endorse NPI, you're a dumb nigger.
Considering he openly called out Somalis for being shitty niggers existing in the United States, that's pretty good compared to what we've had, and could've gotten with Hillary.
I didn't vote for Johnson because I wanted him to be president. I did it in support of outside parties. I don't like that the only people who can realistically be elected are those who are sanctioned by the democrats or the republicans. More votes for 3rd parties helps to legitimize them. Obviously it would take many election cycles to break from the two party system, but every vote helps. My state was never in doubt, so I might as well use my vote constructively.
>He has to go back. Unless he served in the armed forces
Sounds like a pretty good compromise to me. I would support giving the hypothetical lifelong illegal resident that came here that option: join the military or go back.
>I did it in support of outside parties.
If anything the average person got from the third parties this election is that they get someone like Trump elected
>Sounds like a pretty good compromise to me. I would support giving the hypothetical lifelong illegal resident that came here that option: join the military or go back
*as long as he came here as a very young child. Replying to my own post here because I forgot to include that
>join the military or go back
meanwhile half of you sissy out shape white cucks post on Sup Forums saying how american you are
You're either not reading what I write or you're an idiot. As I keep saying, my state was never in doubt. Voting for Trump or Clinton would have made no difference. If it would have made a difference I would have voted for Trump.
You are the one who is not reading or an idiot. Regardless of your state being in doubt or not, third parties were shown to be massive jokes this election cycle and will have a much worse performance in 2020
>He's going to have those spic kids voting Republican for the next 40 years.
So how he is any different from Jeb and Marco?
he isn't just dont let poor polcuck realize he got duped into thinking Trump was "different"
Americans shouldn't have to prove that they belong in their own fucking country. However, I do believe the fitness level of the average American male needs improvement.
literal autism
Yes, he's "considering" it.
Just wait till he takes office, man
>You are the one who is not reading or an idiot
You're probably right; I'm pretty drunk.
The 3rd party candidates were a joke this cycle, but so were the major party candidates. The whole thing was a shit show. I'm glad Trump won because he was the best of the lot, but I hope we can do better in the future, and I hope we can eventually have more than two candidates that have an actual chance of winning
Haha this seems like fun.
>head to Sup Forums
>enter general discussion
>lol who cares about this meaningless shit
Fuck off bottom feeder.
MFW when Sup Forums realised all politicians are crooks and liars
>Trump's face when pol still pretends he isn't one of them