How do we fix Mexico, Sup Forums?
How do we fix Mexico, Sup Forums?
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Let the citizens have guns. Enough people have had enough of the weak, ineffectual police, and hyper violent cartels for long enough that it'll sort itself out.
Plus dead Mexicans, which is always a plus.
we impregnate their women with white genes.
They need easier legal access to guns. With more guns, then they can form militia to kill the cartel. Mexicans are all sadistic people. It comes from their non-white savage Indian genes (and a bit of nigger too). So they will just kill each other which is good for everyone.
Mexico is whiter than your shithole of a country, João.
Kill or deport all the Mexicans.
Even the qts?
given how fucked up the mentality of the average mexican is: thinking about nothing more than muh football team winning/losing (even if they waste their money getting drunk and having nothing to eat) and LOOK AT DAT BOOTY YOOOO, there's simply no way to save it, at least not without spilling blood, which would be gassing all the criminals, politicians included, and starting over (killing commies and burning to ashes UNAM cancerous socialist faculty would help a lot too, that place is hardcore marxist).
what this guy says is right: people have to appreciate the value of owning guns, and that nobody but ourselves are responisble for our own security; government organizations tend to become corrupt over time (not a single country escapes it, it happens everywhere).
this, barbosa brought over shit tons of niggers, unlike venancio that, compared to them, was fucking nothing.
Also, if US government stops selling the psychos roaming this land guns and euthanizing their drug addicts it'll help a lot, believe me. those degenerates is what made those freaks obnoxiously rich and pretty much untouchable
Any of these could work, or a combination of those.
Also abolish catholicism.
How many songs you hear about falling in love with maria from el paso. nothing wrong with mexico.
ISIS vs. Mexican Cartels
But the QT's. :(
Stop the black market that allows cartels to thrive.
Cartels by a long shot. I wish it were even close, they would root out ISIS so fucking fast and skin them alive.
Extract the qt's, then nuke it.
The cartels actually get shit done.
Nuke them
Yeah its not even close.
If the US gov't could somehow trick the cartels into thinking ISIS costs them money the Middle East would be speaking Spanish in 10 months.
>looks at pic
What the fuck do you need to fix user?
Give me a qt mexican gf then I'll think about it.
Conquer them and move all the Mexicans to Brazil
>It’s not that Mexico spends too little on education. Some 20 percent of government spending goes toward schools. “Mexico spends quite a bit,” said Lucrecia Santibanez, an education researcher at the RAND Corp., a nonprofit research group with headquarters in Santa Monica, Calif.
>But a series of unusual – even bizarre – practices govern schools, with some 90 percent of the spending going to teachers’ salaries, leaving little for building and maintaining schools and for buying textbooks and computers. “There just isn’t a correlation between the spending and the quality of education,” Santibanez said.
You don't.
It's shit here.
Mexico can't be fixed
Throw in trash
>mexican qts
>How do we fix Mexico, Sup Forums?
it starts with building a wall
Sounds like you got cucked hard by a Filo y Letras druggie lmao
Learn to hit on girls like a non sperg, cuckboi
In all honesty, a wall would be the best for us
Subhuman south americans, retarded spics and now even haitians all shit on our country by using it as a bridge to the "american dream"
Annex it and use it as a highly profitable drug farm.
Deport millions of their mestizo underclass back to mexico.
Then build a wall so they can't get back in.
That should solve the problem
>checks flag
not so fast brazil
Can start by fixing my cock in her mouth, senpai.
By throwing every brown piece of shit over here back into Mexico. Fuck fixing that shit hole.
Yup. Never been to Sodom (California) mayne.
These New Mexican-American QTs ranging from the ages of 18 - 23 are top tier and actually not to hard to attain for white guys and better than our own "pure" skanks who are fucking every tree branch they can find yet denying even some white CHADS.
So yes. Tl;dr: Latina teen pussy is godly, don't knock on it before you've tried it.
Legalize drugs in America so that the cartels dissolve. Well, with the exception of the Zetas which were trained by the US military and profit primarily from violent crimes. Why is it taboo to admit that America has been giving Mexico a bum deal? Look up the Bracero program ffs.
>given how fucked up the mentality of the average mexican is: thinking about nothing more than muh football team winning/losing (even if they waste their money getting drunk and having nothing to eat) and LOOK AT DAT BOOTY YOOOO, there's simply no way to save it
Why are you able to see through the evident true that corruption affects everybody but not able to make such generalization as to how the average population will gravitate towards such distractions as the ones you describe?
Don´t you think you are being overly harsh in your judgement?
I am completely serious with my question tho.
>Also abolish catholicism
Care to explain your position?
3) send bus loads of illegals and anchor children OVER THE WALL
4) decriminalize hard drugs and legalize the soft drugs.
5) If the cucks up north and in commiefornia want the tequilaniggers, wall them off and let them do as they please.
Our duty as a country is to ourselves, not any other country.
Thing is, nobody needs you particularly to fix anything. It's not up to you, really, although the OP suggested it that way.
However. Completely ignoring the advantages that come by having a strong neighbour isn't wise in any way. Hopefully the future leaders of your nation don't share your points of view (as for your current one we'll see, as he already backed out on the whole wall fiasco).
soooooooooo... fuck em all to death?
That won't fix anything
My duty is to find the godliest tier pussy this world had to offer, like my nigga Harambe before me. Like my Anglo male hero James Bond.
Are you up to the challenge? Pic related.
>strong neighbor
You're a liability at best.
Everytime a latina QT thread gets posted it gets erased
I just want to see that sweet bunda in a dress in a kitchen
I see that you fail to see meaning of my words. Perhaps a time away from pol might help?
in short, you're a butthurt beaner. BUILD WALL
Part of your duty as a man is to spread your genes. Just stick with the lighter-skinned ones.
Well memed. 8 out of 10.
It's a shame America treats countries across the planet far better than it treats it's own neighbor Mexico.
Specially the one that shares such a border with them, huh?
>It's a shame that a great country treats other decent countries better than a complete trash dump of a country
makes me ponder a bit
What's wrong with the tan/brown ones?
Mexico's problem are like ours, drugs and corruption. So they need this.
>trash dump of a country
I've been to Mexico and it's quite nice. The people are very friendly in general and the weather is great, beautiful sights, everything's affordable. It's very sad what's happening to them, nobody is happy that the drug cartels are running rampant in cities like Juarez. A lot of people stand up to them, but it's a very frightening situation so it's understandable why the wouldn't fight entities that are basically as wealthy as small nations.
we kill all the regarded ugly short brown peoples or send them back to Guatemala. then we racemix with white genes.
You fucking millennials. Don't even fucking know how much has happened before you were born. The Crime and drugs exported from Mexico to the US is out of control, in no small part thanks to illegal happenings within the CIA. Which is probably the most cucked of all US agencies.
Thats nonsensical user, as somebody from Monterrey that's as white as milk, I would like to know why you think that would help in any way.
Uhh Im jerkin to this girl on B. AKWARD...
Mexicans redpill me, I don't care about whatever the statistics say. How white is Mexico? I'm not taking Scandinavian white only, I'm talking from pale to Mediterranean or the tan skin of Texans and shit like Clint Eastwood in one of his movies
like you fix all latin america
you genocide all the natives, mestizos, niggers and mulattos
>anyone here who honestly believes Trump doesn't love Latina QT's.
>this nigga owned miss universe an area Latina bitches dominate like BBC do white girls here stateside.
Here's my list of /pol approved QT's if you've lurked enough:
Latina teen, Eurasian teen, Asian (preferably East Asian; primarily Japan and South Korea).
That's it for me. Anything else is major hit or miss and while many "traditional" Western European white bitches have a good batting average in terms of looks they have way too many bad qualities that will drive you to an early grave.
And why does this matter in any way?
Because race and IQ are undeniably linked? And smarter people are superior to dumber people?
Yet there continues to be an influx of people of color who contribute to sciences (and have a higher IQ than your regular white) and, well, are here.
But that's irrelevant right? Yeah, its jewish propaganda and its not actually happening. Its all about the potential really, so if the white man really tries he eventually tops all of those people because hes white and has superior IQ. I get ya.
But back to your question, as to how white, perhaps most mexicans would tell you the northern parts of the country are pretty ''white''.
Dont know about the south, I dont visit the south.
how would that help? our image increases internationally- people won't views us as brown short dumbass beaners. our woman will be regarded as top tier, and our overall iq will skyrocket without southerners holding us back both intellectually or financially.
Mexico definitely need someone like Duterte. But you have to make smart moves to bring down all cartels one by one
Partaking in the genocide of the people who form part of our core population would increase the way people view us internationally? Stripping them of their individual freedoms because they are not as white as you would like them to be?
user, have you considered that perhaps you should also be part of those people who should be killed to make this country better?
I don't care about (((them))) and these contributors are exceptions to the rule. Humans are like animals and races have evolved separately. Therefore they have biological and more specifically genetic differences that determine many things including behavioral inclination and IQ
Europeans aka white people are the most superior group on earth for this reason. Its an undeniable fact proven in history and can be attributed to genetics and evolution. That's why it matters. Reality is defined by biology and according to biology white civilization is the most superior on earth.
Hope that gives you some background amigo
No such background was necessary, been long enought in this place to be familiar with the ideas that are generally accepted.
However, I would advice you to do as you said, to stop truly caring about them (anybody, white or not) and perhaps start caring about you.
A fool is a fool, whether he is white or not. Worst of them all, are fools who think themselves superior and choose to remain that way due to their misguided perception.
Cheers amigo.
legalize drugs so all the drug cartels implode, wont happen though because all the politicians in mexico are in the drug cartels lmao
that's what happens with communism. Or rather, socialist policies. These government led institutions have an infinite amount of money (obviously not, it comes from our pockets which is what fucks it up), and since there's no other organization that can replace them if they aren't producing results, corruption never gets expunged
also i don't mean socialist policies can't work, but they won't work with corrupt shit-holes like mexico
Build a wall and make them pay for it.
I guess I'm Hitler than, don't take me wrong I still like my Mexican brown people but not the retarded ones that give us a bad rep. I also hate them since they're the ones that always vote for the same corrupt politicians and are always causing disruptions
Our politicians are shit, the government is shit... but that doesn't imply Mexico is a shit hole user.
It is the people what matter. And while the people remain on this defeatist loop of servitude, then what else do we have?
It's the whore of Babylon.
people have the government they deserve, even if it's the defeatist attitude, but personally I know a bunch of people who have bribed officers and it's this type of conduct which translates into terribly managed organizations such as CFE, PEMEX, SEP, etc. where the higher ups laugh at the people's fucking face and stuff their pockets with the nations treasury as fast as they can and if caught get away with a slap on their wrist
>tfw no scheming domineering telenovela villainess gf
Building the wall is going to be the biggest favor ever to the people of Mexico. It will take a huge bite out of the drug and human trafficking funding he cartels....
pay me and I'll do it with a couple of bad hombres. hell we'll make the middle east into a tourist paradise for drugies
I think there's merit to this. If you're being honest, what kind of price would it take? I'd love to see it happen.
People this, people that, I mean sure it all comes down to the collective nature of the group that conforms the nation.
I believe in the strong advantage that educating and preparing yourself gives and, while we can point out fingers to who's shitting up the system, perhaps we ignore our own faults that have been carried by our apathy and lack of action. It is there, in realizing the roll that the individual could take, where lies the solution.
And such roll can only be achieved by, as I said, preparation.
We as to blame too for many things (including for being here on this shithole of a board).
Legalize all drugs. The cartels that are fucking up Mexico would go out of business.
Kill all their men and breed with their women.
well it is a nation, is it incorrect to address those who conform it?
either way i'm gonna try my luck in canada or argentina, i like the landscapes in those areas more (mexico's tropical/desert isn't attractive to me) so all is going to be in the past soon
depends I actually hate muslimes pay me what I would make as a surgeon and I'll do it. I actually want to make a group like blackwater "academy" here.
Put up a massive wall on our southern border and just let it burn. The world will be better off without Mexico.
cause they are selling most of their drugs in mexico right?
First you start by not arresting Autodefensas.
After the meme wars and learning about all this pizza shit it truly broke everything down for me. Don't get me wrong I'm still rooting for my nigga Trump but deep down I know it's all up to the individual and what they make out of any given situation.
If having total order means evicting fucking QTs that look like porcelain Japanese dolls, clean, cooks and is dedicated but doesn't fit this "only white" bullshit then I don't care.
I know we're responsible for 99% of the technological progress but we're also responsible for a lot of major fucking shit too. We're the living embodiment of a deity.
Zeus loved fucking human girls left and right but also understood when he had to lay the hammer down. I don't want forced social engineering in all my media but even without it I know Angie Verona for example is a bad bitch and zero amounts of white pride could fucking change that fact.
All in all I think /pol white males need to simply seek to better themselves along with carrying a frigid sense of knowing when to cut through the shit. Being a major alpha confidence and physique wise will get you over 50% the other is sheet will.
Like I've said before. If we're so great then no level of social engineering should cause us to do one final white chimp out so the rest of the world can eat us alive. Think smart.
You can't save the white race if you can't even save yourself.
I have no idea of what the fuck you are saying user.
I guess I agree?