

Remove this at once.

you donot see me standing on mike mouse so why do you show this?

Stand on him.
I dare you.

dude u aren't supposed to take picturesh delete this now wow





Is that real?
What happened to that guard?

how is this offensive?

i dont get it

I don't understand it either

why do muslims worship a box?

is it filled with 5 year old girls?

Is that king nigger in the background?

Non muslims can't even go into the country because they aren't holy enough to be next to the cube, I'll let you figure it out

muh meteorite god

Muslims say foot are dirty and cant touch holy things with them
He is a muslim guard

delet this

Arabs come from a long line of pagan tribes that worshipped the space rock inside of it. When they took up Islam for whatever reason they still made this space rock into an idol.

but isn't the holy item inside the cube? why would the cube itself be holy?

Just goes to show that all religions borrow from others.

Also, it is quite funny how initially mohammed's main rivals, the tribe that owned mecca, was against him because they thought he was going to destroy their main source of commerce. Look at mecca now, the Saudis rub their hands like greedy jews every single year.

This is the Kaaba. This where, those who are allowed to make the pilgrimage, go to in Mekka.
There some reports of deadly stampedes around that thing.
after that picture im somehow curious whats on it that they have to cover it.
Whats in it is the bigger question, perhaps they stole the arch of the covenant or something in it.

It is also their Achilles heel. They start having kittens just because of a picture. Can u imagine what happens if you blow it up. Just for keks someone should do it.


Cube is still holy

This is the most holy "building" in islam the Kaaba. This is where they go to, which are allowed to take the pilgrimage to Mekka.
There are some reports of deadly stampedes around that thing.
I somehow begin to wonder whats under that black sheet, that they have to cover it, obscene stuff?
Whats in it is the Big Question, some say a Meteor. But who knows perhaps they syole the arch of the covenant or something else nobodynis supposed to know...

Damn didnt checked if the post really didnt get out, sorry for redundance..

It isnt the arch and you germanics should go back to your pagan religion and leave christianity alone

There is a video on YouTube of the inside.
Not much there really. A table and some type of jugs hanging from the ceiling.

It's an old water storage device, eventually they started revering it and then stopped using it to store water.

They literally wouldn't have a reason to continue living.


Dafuq dont know where your flag is from but youre deeply misguided.
It was a jike perhaps muslims STOLE the arch.
And switzerland has more to do with christianity than you know.
damn kill yourself, cant seperate different countries accuratly.
Theres a big french part of Switzerland.
Calvinism originated there.
Ever heard of Vatican Swiss Guard?

Must be a urinal..

Nothing to show here, except a bored Saudi guarding the Black Stone. Your point is?

is that a space portal?

>using toilets outside the west


its a vagina

That's the meteorite
That pic is bullshit

That has to be the most absent minded person of all time.

>Man, just another day guarding the cube. What the fuck am I even doing here? Jamal can't get in to steal shit, I dunno if there's even an entrance.
>dump dee doo doo, boo boo boo, can't wait to go home and jack off to some western porn
>I'm gonna now lean back and rest my foot in a really awkward position
>...oh fuck, my foot is on the cube. I'm dead now.

He probably got executed. Not joking.

So its like big game of capture the flag? We go in, steal the rock, and shatter it at the Vatican and upload the video to youtube and WA LA, crusade part 2

It is haram to insult the holy gamecube

I am a red blooded american and I stand on mickey mouse every chance I get.

i think there are secret time crystals inside