The electoral college is meeting in a few days, and with all the noise about Russian hacks, I think Drumpf is finished.
You really think that after the supplications, from Democrats and Hollywood actors, as well as the threats and abuse being aimed at them that the electors won't cave?
You know she won. The people have spoken, and they want Hillary Clinton. You had your fun, now step aside and let a woman with real experience do the job.
Doesn't matter if she's corrupt, that's what qualifies her.
Say it with me: MADAM PRESIDENT
Drumpfkins nervous?
Other urls found in this thread:
No. Almost every voter is required by state law to vote for who won, and several already resigned.
Memes aside, if I were an electoral voter, I'd be way more worried about the people down the street that own the guns than some limp-wristed faggot writing me a mean email from California.
Good news is, if they fuck over Trump, we'll likely get our day of the the rope, so either way we win. Have a good one, user.
>Almost every voter is required by state law to vote for who won
Which is why people have put up money to pay the fines, or offer "faithless electors" legal council. Why are they called faithless electors? If they're committed to this country, they ought to vote their conscience. Nobody, not even the majority of this country, voted for Trump in good conscience.
>we'll likely get our day of the the rope
Keyword being likely. Just as it was likely Hillary Clinton was going to win? Right...
I love how you clowns have literally nothing to say about this! You're such a miserable echo chamber. What're you going to do when your illusions are shattered? Sad!
You're just not that interesting.
I don't even support Trump but he's going to be the 45th President of the United States. Get over it, you whiny faggot.
When 20+ electors are said to have changed their minds? OMG you really thought this was over? There are so many ways within the rules of the game to get Trump switched out for a more qualified and savvier candidate. The electoral college is going to shake things up, and you're going to be left in the dust. Where you belong!
This fuck? Seriously?
How many of those electors are actually going to vote against the will of their state and risk putting their lives in danger? Besides, assuming they all defect, over 20 is still not enough and even if there were enough, it will just go to the House and the Republican majority will vote Trump in. Accept the inevitable reality of Trump being your President, for the sake of your own sanity.
There is no point in even entertaining your delusions. You are worse than a tranny
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
I am still just loving the fuck out of the sheer amount of hopeless desperation the left keeps spewing out.
Watching them flounder around for some new straw to grasp, then seeing it yanked from in front of them and burned is just sheer extacy.
If they care about their duty to this country, they'll do it. Trump shouldn't have gotten this far. But thanks to fake news, the Russians, and die-hard bigots, he's almost made it to the oval office. The electors know that they are the last line of defense.
>it will just go to the House and the Republican majority will vote Trump in
How can you be that naive? If it goes to the House, they don't necessarily have to pick Trump. They could pick a sane Republican, an actual politician like Kasich. Aren't you forgetting that Trump has few friends in the establishment? I thought that's why you voted for him, because nobody else would!
So funny.
>put up money to pay the fines
Isnt that literally bribery
No, they're not paying the electors beforehand. Duh!
That's the most autistic shit I've ever heard
>if you break the law I'll pay your fine
Is somehow different than
>I'll give you money if you break the law
>tfw to intelligent to vote
No, it's autistic that certain states bind their electors.
You're scum.
I didn't vote for him, retard. How poor is your literacy that you missed the part where I clearly stated that I wasn't a Trump supporter?
> fake news, the Russians, and die-hard bigots
Right, blame everything but the utterly contemptible and shitty candidate foisted on the Democrat voters. That's working out so well for party unity.
>They could pick a sane Republican, an actual politician like Kasich.
No one voted for Kasich. I can honestly see a revolt happening if they install anyone other than who Republican voters voted for. It would be an unprecedented affront to our democracy and could lead to another civil war, and Congress is retarded but not so retarded as to let that happen. As much disdain as I have for Trump, I'll take his presidency over civil war any day of the week, and so would anyone with a functioning brain.
People like you are literally why this happened.
>I'm so fucking smart, I'll just sit around and shitpost all damn day. Look mom! Tendies! Top Kek!
And now look what happened.
I'm just kidding, I voted for Trump.
>wall of delusional text
>still blaming Russia
Thank you for further proving my point.
Wrong, leaf.
>How poor is your literacy
I didn't support Hillary, but I still voted for her. Maybe your word choice could use some work.
>It would be an unprecedented affront to our democracy
Another Democrat losing within living memory because of some archaic technicality is an affront to our democracy. Donald Trump's election, without winning the popular vote, is an affront to our democracy. Maybe you meant "an affront to our republic"? But word choice doesn't seem to be your strong suit.
There wouldn't be a civil war, but with Trump we'll have WWIII.
>Look mom! Tendies! Top Kek!
>Trump we'll have WWIII
oh really? Mr.LBJ
however when Obama killed Muammar Gaddafi
make europe so unstable to refugee crisis
brexit happend
>I only voted for Trump because of his immigration policy
As if you thought of its consequences. But I bet it was really thrilling to cast your vote last November. Got that blood pumping. You sure showed the world, you stupid cunt.
>brexit happend
because Putin wants a weak Europe. That's why.
Jesus, man, do you just believe everything you read on this site?
Yes, how dare states bind their electors to vote for the person the people of the state voted for. If the California's electors voted Trump despite their people wishes would that be right? No! And the popular vote means jack shit because if it was popular vote the strategies and voting demographics would change drastically.
didnt vote lol
u mad lefty
You outright claimed I voted for Trump and it only made you look like an even bigger retard.
>I didn't support Hillary, but I still voted for her.
That's still supporting her, dingus, but I guess you're too daft to realize there were more than two choices.
>Another Democrat losing within living memory because of some archaic technicality is an affront to our democracy. Donald Trump's election, without winning the popular vote, is an affront to our democracy.
Our democracy isn't direct, you borderline literate buffoon. The founding fathers were smarter than you. The electoral college exists for a reason, the explanation for which I'm sure will elude you.
> but with Trump we'll have WWIII.
Like we wouldn't with $hitlery and her idiotic no-fly zone over Syria? Give me a fucking break. That cunt couldn't be a bigger warmonger.
The California electors never would vote Trump. But these other electors, because of Trump's obvious deficiencies, can be persuaded not to vote for him. Of course the popular vote means nothing, but it showcases how unpopular a supposedly populist candidate is. It doesn't matter because we have the electoral system. And the electors have the opportunity to vote their conscience, especially in times of crisis. President-Elect Trump is a crisis. It's like America got a swastika tattooed on her forehead.
what will they say after the electoral college votes for trump? whats the new thing?
The rumors are true, there are at least 20 faithless electors. What they forgot to tell you is they are blue state electors that are going to vote trump. 326-212 Trump Landslide.
>because Putin wants a weak Europe. That's why.
Yeah... Putin Order to refugee so they fucked up Europe
>Jesus, man, do you just believe everything you read on this site?
Yale Students Demand Removal of White Authors from Curriculum
UPenn Students Remove Shakespeare Portrait for Lacking Diversity
Teach For America: Math is the ‘Domain of Old, White Men’
Algebra 1 will no longer be taught in middle school under Obama Common Core
A professor at Lone Star College in Texas required her students complete a white privilege assignment to measure how privileged they are.
No, I just don't belive your intelligence
>president elect Trump is a crisis
Literally only to California
Remove all votes from California and Trump wins the popular vote by over a million
Oh dear, I seem to have hit a nerve. Was it because I challenged your intelligence?
Clearly you're as dumb as you think I am. There weren't more than two options. It was either Trump or no Trump. That's still the dilemma the country is facing. Hillary had a shot at winning, a far greater one than any other candidate on the ticket. And hopefully she still could keep Trump out of the White House. Of course you have heard all this already but you just like having complicated problems explained in a simple way. Did I make it clear enough for you, champ?
Heaven forbid leftists pull crazy stunts at universities. How does that confirm your world view exactly?
But didn't these same people say it was in the bag with 99.9% certainty in September?
> libcucks BTFO
If that does happen it would actually be pretty fucking bad for everyone except crazy anarchists and doomsday preppers.
If you really think that trump is awful for the country then it is probably best to let him show us and get kicked out in 4 years(if he isn't impeached).
I bet it was really thrilling to type out that post just a minute ago. Got that blood pumping. You sure showed the world, you assuming cunt.
>Remove all votes from California and Trump wins the popular vote by over a million
Right, it was all those damned illegals.
Oh look it's Patton Oswalt trying to win validation from the /leftypol/ shills!
No asshat, I asked if the Cali electors voting Trump from their conscience would be right. If Californian electors doing it is wrong then Texan, Wisconsinite etc. electors voting against their wishes is wrong also. So tell me, if some, most or all of California's electors voted Trump would that be right because the electors' conscience said it was right.
Oh hey! Didn't notice you were still here.
>How does that confirm your world view exactly?
Warren Buffett Endorses Hillary Clinton and Calls for Higher Taxes on Wealthy
Minorities exploited by Warren Buffett’s mobile-home empire
Recovery Has Created Far More Low-Wage Jobs Than Better-Paid Ones
America’s Shrinking Middle Class: A Close Look at Changes Within Metropolitan Areas
>support Wealth redistribution by race and gender
Sherwood Forest is burning, Mr.Robin hood
holy fuck
cant wait till trump is inaugurated
I didnt say anything about illegals.
Urbanized people who are completely out of touch with the blue collar working class is the biggest problem.
Although, while we're on illegals, you're delusional if you think none of them voted. Maybe not millions, but to think that 0 voter fraud happened in California is ignorant
t.21 year old poli-sci troll trolling younger nu-Sup Forums retards. At least for now until they get wiser.
its ok leftypol youre still here not breaking any conditioning
>implying healthy consciences voted for Trump feeling it was """right"""
You're setting up a fantastical conjecture. If California went red, the electors would still vote for Hillary. The voters would shake it off, and it wouldn't be a big deal. Like what's going to happen this week on a national scale.
>1 post by this ID
Thanks for making an effort.
I hope you guys keep making these threads after he's in office
This place has devolved into a place for useless normies to come and shit post their dumb fucking ideas of shit they think will piss the people off who don't even give a shit about their vapid opinions and existence.
I wonder what and when was the exact moment in time this place went over the edge.
Y'know, a week ago delusional butthurt like this would've made me laugh, but after Keith Olbermann it's just not the same. I tasted the good stuff and can't go back to the shitty off-brand anymore.
I'm glad that you read a lot, but it's a pity that it hasn't smartened you up. Bush tanked the economy and Obama fixed it. Sure, it's not perfect, but do you really think Trump will put out the fire? You're free to choose, Milton. But I don't think you chose wisely. Cheeto Hitler is no solution.
Apparently CTR is getting paid more. David Brock got a bill passed for them.
Don't have the link but I'm sure some user here can show you
> Hillary had a shot at winning
The results proved otherwise. Democrats had their chance, but the Dem establishment blew it so they could anoint their corporate whore. Worked out so well, didn't it? Even Martin O'-fucking-Malley would've stood a better chance.
>And hopefully she still could keep Trump out of the White House
The worthless cunt will never be President. Your hope is completely unfounded. Accept it already.
Yeah, me too.
I'm chasing the dragon, the salt dragon.
No, answer my fucking question. Would it be right if Hillary won California and it's electors voted Trump? Don't say how impossible it is because that isn't the question. Actually what state are you from? I wan't to know what you would think of if you're state's electors went against the majority there? Would you like that?
No effort needed for shit level baiting m8. You should try divination with Tarot Cards, I recommend the Thoth Deck. They will give you a better prediction than your head.
So world-weary! Thanks for your input.
To every idiot who says they will take up arms and riot please repeat after me.
You won't do shit. Leftists wont do shit and rightists also won't do shit. On the extreme right we have fucking loser wannabee operators who March around in camo and keep threatening to do something and have done the same shit for years.
The left is made of angry college students and disgruntled city dwellers.
No one will ever do shit because the vast majority of normal folks don't want to be associated with extremists.
Shut up Sup Forums fuck
Is this the last hope you people have? Like, just the off chance that the college decides not to elect him?
Things must be pretty grim for you.
It wouldn't be right if Hillary took Cali and its electors voted Trump, but that's only because Trump is the wrong choice. If an elector voted against Trump, they'd be making a good decision.
NO this was happening well before this election and the clinton shills poured in. This goes back to at least the Half niggers first term. This place has been on a steady decline for a long time. This is just the final nail in the coffin. I saw some dip shit college faggot wearing a pepe shirt the other day. I see pepe on normies twitter pages everywhere.
There hasn't been a legit dank meme is ages and people keep pretending like this place isn't over run and controlled by kikes.
>Thot Deck
The thing is, we had tantrums repeatedly from people thanks to Trump winning, and Trump's general campaign. Protests, violence against supporters.
I mean the mindset that folks are apathetic doesn't align with reality. Though in a lot of ways, it's ending up better for the right, because the leftists are the ones whining more.
I keep seeing you fucking everywhere faggot.
Why haven't you left America yet? You said you were going to leave in December.
Otherwise fuck off Controlled Opp
What more is there to say? if they fuck with this shit it's going to get ugly.
Things that you cannot obtain. The only action you can get is sum dikk fagboi
Here sweetie pick the one that best suits you, and fuck off.
>WE own Pepe, he's OUR original idea and not of some liberal chode who sucks Hillary's clit!
>city people
Exporter of no physical goods of any sort, save for hipsters walets and mustache wax
Please, I get hot sweaty breathless action out of you every time you pound your keyboard to reply to my posts. I'd give up dikk for more of that!
>. Bush tanked the economy and Obama fixed it
No, Obama policy hurt white working class
And Yet , Democrat keep blame white people
>Trump = Hitler
>Steven Mnuchin was born on December 21, 1962, in New York City, as the second-youngest son of a Jewish family
trump is Russian puppet
trump is Hitler
Just choose one
you can't have both
>Drumpfkins nervous?
I can have both thanks. But I appreciate the either/or meme.
Then why hasn't Putin been taking in refugees if they're so beneficial?
Where's Russia going to put them? Siberia? We could put these refugees in places well out of the way for most Americans. And they'll live. Plus we're not like Europe. We don't have a culture, apart from immigrants that is.
>implying humanitarianism should be "beneficial"
I'm sorry that the world's downtrodden aren't profitable enough for you, edgelord.
1. People are threatening these electors, as well as offering bribes. Saying they should vote with their conscience while taking every measure to subvert that is nothing more than laughable.
2. Hillary Clinton was never likely to win. I mean when you lose through all the measures taken to ensure victory, its pretty embarrassing.
3. No one cares. No one believes its going to happen. Move on to the next pot to stir, this ones been done.
Minor incidences in the grand theme of things. There will never b another civil war is what I meant despite the prevalence of fantasies stating otherwise
Well a washinton state elector isn't voting clinton, so even though she lost, she already lost an electoral vote.
So far, one elector in texas has said he will vote for Kasich.
So yeah, what a crisis.
>Wants to put them somewhere out of the way
>hurr we can't put them in Siberia
Maybe the West should stop trying to whiteknight the third world and let them figure their shit out? Not our problem they can't form a government because Sunnis and Shiites just HAVE to oppress one another
You're just afraid of this country changing. America's going to become browner and browner one way or another. Sorry about it. LOL
Great you've answered my question and then immediately hid behind the opinion that Trump is Sauron. So if in 2012 they went to Romney or 2008 it they went McCain it wouldn't have been wrong? Because, what I believe is that this talk of conscience is a masquerade for just trying to strong arm, con, bribe and cajole into getting what you want and that it's only "right" because your side is doing it and the other side doing so is impossible or abhorrent because of your narrow as hell worldview. Never mind that you're either a shill, moron, or troll.
>I can have both thanks
Hitler hate russian
FDR hold hands with Stalin
If putin has trump,
There is no WW3
Because China will be isolated
Chicago tops 700 homicides — with a month to go in violent 2016
democrat city is extremely segregated
Chicago north side (white) and south side (black)
And manhattan Chelsea and Midtown is mostly whites
ratio of whites to blacks is ridiculous
california white suburb and soutern california (East LA)
None of these communities wish to integrate with each other
And You Think Democrat are not Hitler?
>Projecting this hard
I'm anxious. If they fuck over Trump, more magic will happen.
Russian hacker here
you americans still do not realize that we are gonna hack the Electoral College vote too?
does not matter if you have 250 electors who are faithless, Trump is going to be the president comrade, because we say so ... ...
глyпый aмepикaнeц ... ...
Lol ive read this while thread, you are just a special kind of stupid. You like putting yourself above a pedastal and belittling people.
>inb4 hurdurfur drumpkinghsidbfs btfo.
PS. Kys, but live stream it.