W-What time did we just enter, Sup Forums?
W-What time did we just enter, Sup Forums?
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lol. wow. I never thought i'd see the day.
the fifth stage, acceptance
Feels Goodman
Discarded, into the trash it goes. No one cares about your fucking white male opinion CIS Shitlord.
>H.A. Goodman
Literal chad
Even in acceptance of total defeat, they post a picture of that crazy bitch celebrating like she won
They are failing, the only people who are listening to this "MUH RUSSIANS" bullshit are Clinton supporters who at this point have drunken the kool-aid and ate the pizza. No one else in the entire world honestly believes that America is simultaneously weak enough to be hacked by Russia and strong enough to not have their elections hacked like Obama, the MSN, and Democrats say.
Wait a minute, was that user that said he can publish on huffpost about 2 days ago actually for real?
Last week some user post a thread about him having credentials for that shitty website. i guess this is him but he should have waited more to create a massive redpill article instead of this.
That guy has balls.
are people bring back bees-posting?
>you're here forever
Important note at the bottom, pic related
Likely just a Trump fan, the liberal tears and blame game will continue on for a long time :^)
forming a new narrative, stay on your toes.
It's never going away.
>Being this new
>Not knowing who H.A. Goodman is
I need that entire folder
ok here it is
Didn't someone post something about getting approved as a write on hufpo a few days ago? Or was that for somewhere else?
If thats you user, 10/10
>implying I should know the name of every fucking leftoid out there.
Check his Twitter, he's actually pretty red-pilled. I'm surprised Huffpost allows this.
this was the only good one
Day late and a dollar short.
If they allowed themselves to be blinded by ideology and become a propaganda machine for the DNC, how can we trust them in the future? I also don't believe that they can clean up their act overnight. Techniques which are designed to deceive the reader/audience and slander ideological opponents have been trained into them for decades. It's reached a point where shit like quote mining, "experts" which know nothing about the subject and/or are just there to ideologically indoctrinate you with hollow rhetoric, failing to address inconvenient truths, and constantly interrupting guests which oppose the company's ideological stance are just things that news outlets do. One of the things that makes the alternative media such a breath of fresh air is that some of them look down on this behavior.
If I were a journalist with integrity, I'd leave the sinking ships and go join one of the new guys, or I'd leave with some of my colleagues to start a new publication.
(((H. A. Goodman)))
Read the actual article though.
>It wasnt russias fault
>It wasnt wikileaks fault
Go fucking LARP somewhere else. Goddamn.
HA Goodman is like Michael tracey. Actually diligent and honest journalist who supported Sanders and is trying to save the Democratic party from the shills and psychos.
>this is 1984
Holy fug
What he is trying to say is it's Clinton's fault that she acted so improperly and this isn't fake news saying it it's James Comey saying it. And by the way the FBI also didn't say Russia hacked anything.
Which is a great point because everyone is screaming about the Podesta and DNC hacks while being completely silent about the fact that Hillary's unencrypted private server was hacked.
Even if it was Russia, they haven't hacked a single government agency so who cares.
A year ago Chinese state hackers hacked into the government OPM and stole the personal information of thousands of government employees and military and the press said nothing.
This /thread
Link this shit to me, I can't find it.
I don't believe this is real.
Depression won't have a hashtag. Acceptance will be after enough have killed themselves that "the adults in the room" decide to make nice with Drumfetschitlordscum the 1st King of the Chads
The fuck?
>Some is speaking the truth on a liberal platform
>Oh, he's Jewish? Disregard everything he is saying!
How autistic are you?
So the suicides are going to start after the electoral college meets? I can't wait....
This might be our user
I think the depression was the #Canada tag where everyone wanted to move.
>check to see if real
>land on this
oh well, sounded too good to be true anyway
It's like if the japanese gave up right after midway...
Those are only the stages that are considered healthy and normal. The left keeps falling into these deluded cul de sacs -- Jill Stein's recount, "hacks," the electoral college, etc. I full expect that we're going to see a bunch of nu males next call for a military coup d'etat before the inauguration, and then impeachment every day.
The thing is that they're whipping themselves into a continual higher and higher peak of hysteria that has no positive outlet, feeds upon itself and seems to get worse based upon continual frustration. They're all a lost cause and doomed to failure. It's fascinating to watch.
Bee movie except every time they say bee it gets 2x faster
>it's a real thing in jewtube
Michelle Obama today on Oprah called Trump's presidency "The end of hope for Americans"
sounds like depression to me
Do you have something against jews? Are you a second hitler pr something?
The author was probably that guy that came on here a few days ago saying he had been hired by HuffPo and wanted advice on how to redpill/cause chaos.
Does this mean Trump is (((their))) goy and they did all of this shit just to make it seem like we are finally getting change so that we wont violently revolt and overthrow them and they can continue with their globalist scheme???
H.A Goodman did the best WikiLeaks research on his YouTube channel, he voted Jill Stein, but preferred Trump to Madame
>A man wrote this article
Gets that noggin joggin huh
How the FUCK did he get accepted into HuffPo?
I hate kikes and I hate you.
Came here to say this. Kek
It was published on the 13th so they might have pulled it after the CIA and FBI both came out and said Russia hacked and leaked in favor of Trump.
You really think a guy who writes for the Jerusalem Post and Salon comes here?
David Goldberg and Jew Goldstein are both regular contributors to Sup Forums, so why not this guy?
>Came here to say this. Kek
That would be fucking classic. Wish I screenshot that shit now. Thought it was shitpost, but may have been a legit shitpost.
Yes, it's completely obvious to me. I think that sentiment would be pervasive here if it wasn't for all the the_donald cucks, general shills and JIDF shilling against us constantly.
I love national treasure
didn't read the article, but I'm guessing his argument is that she lost because wasn't far left and progressive enough especially in economic policy
What's fascinating is comparing these same people to 2008. They were building up Obama like a god who could do no wrong and by the end of his term that image is very subdued.
Now they are completely losing their minds about Trump that he won't get anything done and will probably be impeached. If he just manages to stay in office through 2020 he will exceed expectations. It's like these people just love being proven wrong every day.
>Trump isn't a serious candidate
>Trump won't get any endorsements
>Won't exceed 30% polling
>Won't win any primaries
>The EC won't vote for Trump
>Trump will be impeached
And on and on. I have read the news a lot since the election hoping to see them break out of this hysteria but aside from a few spots of lucidity I realize now that these people will never get it. I wonder what will they say when he wins the popular vote in 2020?
For those unaware Haha Goodman is a Bernie Sanders shill who was saying Bernie will still win after California and even after he dropped out.