be gamestop employee, 2nd day

> be gamestop employee, 2nd day
> selling games and shit
> black couple walk in
> here we go
> they ask about an ad where the Xbox one S with minecraft is $230
> "ayy yo I got dis email yesterday, mane"
> "sir, the deal's last day was yesterday, they are now $250."
> keeps saying the email tells him about deal, but manager comes by
> "Sorry sir, I'll get that for you."
> nigger says get the battlefield 1 xbox one (normally 300 dollars)
> manager doesn't argue, just gets it and rings it up
> thank you and have a nice day
> manager: "I hate how they didn't even look at the email, just the title."

Why do niggers think they are entitled to the best fucking deals on the planet for consumer goods? I mean they get free money from me anyway, but these fucks think they are going to negotiate with me with a fucking 20 dollar difference. My manager only came around to avoid a chimpout while we were busy.

Because it obviously works

Your manager is a bitch and you can tell him I said that

Your manager made the right decision, the amount of damage you risk by pissing off a black shopper is far higher than losing a little bit of profit on an Xbox

also this

The answer is in your post

They keep belieing these things because people like your manager just give them what they want. From early childhood they ahve been taught that everyone is racist and if you just get loud poeple will give you what you demand.

I guess that would make sense.

Still, I wanted to stand up and say no and just see their reaction

Your manager is a good businessman. At least the store made some profit that day, even with selling for $250

Your manager is a fucking cuck

they operate on a completely different wave length . step 1: attempt to intimidate. step 2: argue nonsensically 3: steal or threaten 4: pay begrudgingly
their neurons fire randomly

But what if they were white?

Agreed this is the correct thing to do. But imo op you should just say, I'm really sorry.. I'd put it through at that price but the payment system is locked down, I can't get around it at all.. blame the computer.. blacks are scared of computers

is this guy a burn victim

atleast you got their money for a shitty xbone

No, he's a nigger

Good man. Stand up against the negrosity!

>My wife made the right decision by letting our chimp neighbor fuck her without a condom. The amount of damage you risk by pissing off a black bull is far higher than letting him get my wife addicted to black dick.

You Canacucks are fucking cancer and your fucking country needs to cease to exist. If you dont stand up to the negrons and show them that chimping out isnt the solution to everything they will never learn. discipline and punishment for bad behavior is the only way way to break animals of bad habits.

If you can train a lab rat to navigate a maze based on electrical shocks, then you can train a nigger with an average IQ of 85 to not throw violent tantrums when whitey """""oppresses""""" him.

Hang your manager from a fucking tree if he's going to bow and scrape like that. What a fucking bitch to whimper about it after perpetuating this horse shit.

>just see their reaction

He would have called his boyz to come over and beat the shit out of you. Don't make the black kids angry

This and this

It worked.

Your manager should have said no.


>I'd put it through at that price but the payment system is locked down, I can't get around it at all.. blame the computer.. blacks are scared of computers


>here we go
