Rogue One

Is it true they all die and a dread white male named Luke has to pick up all the POC's and women's slack?

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Spoiler alert here.

>I care about star wars

>Diversity squadron




>discussing Disney movies on Cuck/Pol

You goys are adorable

It's was pretty good actually, all the annoying characters died in hilarious fashion

>diverse cast led by a strong independent woman against white supremacy
For fuck's sa--
>they all die
Wait, it's actually not so cucked. Is this meme magic at work? Who did this and when?

How did they died tho

How are the box office numbers? Hoping for a repeat of the ghostbusters flop.

Luke will be declared gay, Mark Hamil will say Luke was always gay and Lucas will have to concur or face the consequences.

Death star

>feel imperial boarding craft dock on your ship
>lights go out in narrow hallway
>door is jammed, your entire squad cannot get through
>hears heavy breathing
>see red light erupt, outline of black figure appears and walks towards you

>blasters open up on vader and do jack shit
>he's cutting down the rebel cucks 1 by one

>plans to deathstar are handed off last second
>vader begins cutting down the door

>rebels get away

Well, Luke eventually change professions, and become "Cock Knocker"

i laughed out loud when the black was killed almost immediately after he tried to do something useful

same, shit was comedy. was sweet to see Vader rip the rebels a new asshole

I don't know, but if they all die and Luke is the hero of the story then I'm not worried about the flopping being needed.

I kinda want to see that scene.


vader is badass the whole movie and all of the minorities are killed

Sup Forums hating this movie is strange!

The end is basically Trump killing Hillary and her shitty followers. In all serisusness though they should make a whole movie about vader hunting all the jedis and killing rebels along the way.

There's a really kino scene where the male and female leads hold hands as the Death Star destroys them. Reminds me of Melancholia's ending.

>don't want to see this because its a multicultural love fest
>all the characters are terrible except the robot
>they all get mowed down by storm troopers and blasted by the fucking death star
>Vader annihilates dozens of rebel scum in less than a minute

Overall not bad

never thought of it like that but that's pretty funny

Movie would be perfect if there werent so many fucking minorities and strong womyns. 1st third of the movie is weird as fuck as you see Al Qaeda take on the empire.

The robot acted like a jackass for no reason.

based movie

yea i watched it, and the diversity squadron got fucked on in the end.

was pretty satisfying to watch them all die.

>we need to hit that switch a few yards away, but were being fired at!
>black guy: "I'll do it!"
>shot seconds later

The robot guy was the real MVP in RO.

Just saw it tonight. It was a load of bland, paint-by-numbers garbage. No interesting characters, couldn't get even slightly invested in them. Near the end they realized they were running out of time and started killing them off in rapid succession like a fucking edgy try-hard anime.

Also there was a shitload of lazy cameos, including those two fuckers who started the fight in Mos Eisley in A New Hope. Literally didn't even make sense for them to be there.

That writer can Twitter all they want, there wasn't really any 'ebil white empire' stuff in it. The empire was all white British guys, but that just keeps in the casting theme from the original three episodes. The rebels were team diversity, but the ranking officers were all whites or maybe-Hispanics. The only black in the upper ranks was was 'wuz kangs' looking woman that pussied out and said they wouldn't help fight.

Fuck, he didn't even get a full step in before he got domed.

This. At least he got a hero's death.

It was just a quick cameo to make the level-9000 Star Wars nerds cream themselves. I nearly shit myself when I saw 'the director' for the first time in the white uniform. In the EU only Grand Admiral's wore white dress uniforms, thought there might be a hint drop about a future film, but nope.

Nice. am going to have to see it now.

Of course they mean Trump = vader but whatev.

All of the characters die, yes. Female character also fails to get any support for the raid against the Imperials, and it's the man who convinces a bunch of rebels to do it.

They even get killed by "muh can't aim" storm troopers? What happened to Mary Sueism?

>vader dropping a dad joke level pun on the director

The round of snorts that went around the theater was very amusing.

They spelled it out very early on that their would be a huge body count. Its pretty much the prequel to A New Hope.

>Female character also fails to get any support for the raid against the Imperials, and it's the man who convinces a bunch of rebels to do it.

Of course.

Tfw you camp opposite faction starting zone in a MMO.

Aka A White Hope.

Is that what he does?

He just fucks up a bunch of rebels without any effort whatsoever. Best scene in any star-wars film imo.

>That scene where the Death Troopers show up on the beach and start BTFOing the Rebel ground troops

finally a star wars where the good guys win

The marketing misled people to believe that Jyn was somehow leading rogue one because grrrrl power, but it was that spanish dude.

There really is no Trump analogy. SJWs just trying to rustle your jimmies.

>Death Star plans successfully transmitted to the Tantive IV
>Imperials regain control of Scarif
>Half the Rebel fleet is wiped out (the remaining ships retreat) and their ground forces are utterly destroyed
>All main characters dead
It's hard to tell who really won in the movie, the Rebels suffer more than the Empire but the ending shows the Tantive IV escaping which leads directly to A New Hope. And we know what happens in that movie.

She was the protagonist, though.

Two white guys, an escaped slave and one of the white guy's girlfriend saves the day?


>Both Sup Forums and the writers of the movie made a big deal about the movie being some kind of sjw propaganda or being about "fucking white males!"
>It's nothing of the sort

That scene alone was worth my money. That and the action sequences in the final act. But the music was shit, the writing mediocre, characters just so fucking forgettable and forcibly diverse for no real reason, made the movie a 6.5/10 for me.

>>don't want to see this because its a multicultural love fest
It really isn't unless you consider any instance of nonwhite people appearing in movies to be a political statement.
Nothing is made out of it.
>all the characters are terrible except the robot
I kind of liked the blind guy
>they all get mowed down by storm troopers and blasted by the fucking death star
>Vader annihilates dozens of rebel scum in less than a minute

Sup Forums swallowed the bait from that writer pretty hard, that's really all there is to it. I'm not really sure what the point of the bait was, other than just straight trolling.

All the characters die. It's was a pretty happy ending to see.

sure, but her role was overstated. She didn't plan anything. Her only value was that she saw her dad's message

They made 145 million in their opening weekend.

Obviously, they were trying to sell SW to a different market, women.

Is CGI Peter Cushings any good? Just finished Brides of Dracula and saw that they put him in the movie as a CGI character, sounds like a terrible abuse of his image

The CGI Cushings and Leia were very well done.

looks good now, but won't stand up to well in 10 years.

It was pretty good, didn't feel any disconnect. Same with Mon and Leia (don't know if those were CGI or not).

>infiltrating imperial base
>encounter landing pad with conveniently chest high cover
I love how they're just lazily copying video games now

>don't want to see this because its a multicultural love fest
Its actually not. The different genders/ethniticites working together isn't slammed in your face. There is a right and wrong way to do this stuff. Episode 7 and Rogue One did it right, shit like Ghostbusters are prime examples of real love fest shit shows. If the politically correct garbage is showcased, who cares honestly? If you're that much of a bitch then you're just the right-wing equivalent of a trigglypuff.
>all the characters are terrible except the robot
There really were no characters with any traits. I guess the lady and the main dude had somewhat of an arc, but none of them were really characters.
>they all get mowed down by storm troopers and blasted by the fucking death star
That is the idea moron. They died for the plans. They knew it was a suicide mission going in.
>Vader annihilates dozens of rebel scum in less than a minute
Which was the best scene in the movie.

Good to know

He's the best character in the whole series

>If the politically correct garbage is showcased

"All publicity is good publicity" isn't quite true, but its close enough.

This was just a good Star Wars movie, some films are overtly political but this really wasn't anything but a good time.

Leia was, Mothma was the same actress from RotS.

>if the politically correct garbage is showcased, who cares honestly?

Keep your faggoty PC crap out of SW.

Or even worse they may actually reveal that the girl was not actually her daughter but his wife's daughter. He may have even changed his name like Obi-Wan and became Cuck Skywalker.

>Episode 7 did anything right

Yes, because a desert woman can master things in 5 minutes and do them better than Han Solo someone who's a veteran of multiple wars. Can't forget that she can fight sith lords just as easy!

It was better than I thought tbqhwyf

That's how I felt, but VII didn't set the bar very high. Good to see Vader back in form. Would like to see him kick the ass of that bitch from VII.

>Keep your faggoty PC crap out of SW.
Well I corrected it, I meant to say "isn't".

But can you honestly even say something is PC if it isn't/doesn't feel forced? Episode 7 is a perfect example. They had tons of races/genders working together, and they never mentioned it or pointed it out. It just happened. Most likely because Disney wants to appeal to a larger market, not some sinister PC undertone.

I only care about PC shit when it is blatant. In Ghostbusters, they literally marketed the movie on it being anti-patriarchy. They ended the movie with the girls shooting the ghost in the dick. THAT is schlock. THAT is something I'm going to get upset over and protest. But in Episode 7 literally nothing happened. If in Episode 8 they make Finn gay with Poe or they get him to fuck Rey and constantly shove it in the screen non-stop, I'll be upset because yeah that is crossing the line. I'd really just prefer them not to have romance in Star Wars period after the prequels.

One thing it definitely did do right was it not forcing the diverse cast on the audience. It just happened, it didn't make it a point or a feature. It was just a bunch of rebels who happened to be diverse.

Vader going full curb-stomp on those poor rebels was almost as amazing as his dad joke level pun.

>did do right was it not forcing the diverse cast on the audience
>Finn is black for the sole reason of diversity
Are you memeing or just retarded?

So what was the "DONALD TRUMP'S WORST NIGHTMARE" bullshit?

Something some Twitter moron made up. Apparently if there are females or persons of less than sour cream complexion in a film, it is supposed to terrify Trump.

>Finn is black for the sole reason of diversity
You have any facts to back that up?

John 'Thunder Thighs' Boyega is a fine actor. Like I said, as long as they don't start shoving a bunch of Rey+Finn romance scenes in I'm fine with him. The same goes for Finn+Poe, it just wouldn't feel right. It doesn't even sound like either will happen because they all just seem like friends in Episode 7.

Yeah, Finn liked Rey at first. But it is literally never brought up again.

>writers, producers say latest films full of PC crap
>Mark Hamill says Luke Skywalker might be gay
>last two films have female leads
>both films have diverse cast, making females and minorities as the good goys, while the empire, full of white dudes, are the bad guys.
>Both films have scenes where female leads kick ass while man side kick stands there, contemplating, because gurlll power!!!
>shit ton of other crap

So basically they have a diversity cast that gets rekt to shit by the empire and they think Trump would hate it because of the diversity cast?

>You have any facts to back that up?
Did you not pay attention to who was directing and what he's said about casting?

Yeah, J.J. (((Abrams))) openly stated that the cast choices were made for diversity purposes.

Just like at work!

He just seemed like such a spergy moron through out the entire film. The whole Finn+Poe BFF after 4 minutes just made it worse. The fact that he is black doesn't affect the fact that he is a shitty character.

Pretty much. The Imperial officers were pretty much older British dudes, but that's how it was in E4/5/6

So wait, even Mary Sue muh "perfect use of the Force I never heard of" died?

Please say yes, or at least a cripple.

She's not in the film.

only force users in this movie are Darth Vader and some blind jackie chan guy

You're thinking of E7. Jyn isn't a force user in this. There is one dude who seems to be force sensitive, but also has a whole 'martial arts monk' thing going. The only overt Force user was Vader, who curb-stomped anyone he laid eyes on.

What about her "romantic interest" Black sidekick?

I heard they removed the line 'I rebel' in the final movie and re-shoot the movie to make the female lead more emphatic and less cocky.

Looks like I'm not the only one who rolled my eyes on the first trailer. I don't know why people think a female lead must be this emotionless person who destroys everything. People don't really like Katniss so much in Hunger Games, they like the violence and the love triangle.

That guy an heros early on.

He would literally not even be alive at this point. This takes place between RoS and ANH

>Force wielding Mary Sue
>in this movie
Are you dumb

Most likely, considering how I haven't seen it or even the trailers yet.

Diversity in these movies is done for money, not for an agenda. The fucking prequels did this, too.

RotJ started including tons of black, Asian, and Hispanic pilots/soldiers because that was the point Star Wars really blew up. You're a fucking moron.

A perfect example would be what happens in the movie. Did anything happen in Episode 7 that shoved Boyega being black in your face? No.

Compare that to Ghostbusters where they literally shot the ghost in the dick in the end. They were clearly shoving their agenda into the audience's face. They fucking marketed the movie in that agenda. Meanwhile, Episode 7 doesn't shove anything in your face. The cast is diverse, and that is it. It isn't trying to tell you anything or force anything. They did it for money.

I can agree Episode 7 wasn't good, but the morons saying it had some agenda are full of it. The cast was diverse for the sake of marketing, it had no agenda.

>Her mother gets shot trying to shoot the patriarchy
>Forest Whitaker dies in Superman's dad fashion when they did a test run of the Deathstar.
>The sassy black robot gets shot to death fighting stormtroopers.
>Some black guy tries to be a hero and dies within seconds. It was hilarious.
>The blind Asian guy finishes what the black guy started but dies anyway
>Other asian guy blows up soon after
>Deathstar blows everyone else up

So is Disney actually going to do something useful with the franchise like make some movies about the Thrawn saga?

>blatantly told by the director it has an agenda

WTF is this shit movie I keep seeing spammed? Didn't we just have a gay Star Wars movie? Why is there another one already? Why is this here and not on Sup Forums?