Dude quit wasting water! don't you care about the environment?

>dude quit wasting water! don't you care about the environment?

This is just a meme right? Don't we have some kind of "cycle" for water that gets wasted? pic unrelated

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People who claim to be environmentalists are in general the most ignorant people of the environment. They know absolutely nothing and but instinctively spaz out when anyone cuts down a tree despite it being an endlessly renewable resource or kills an animal despite them literally evolving to feed us.

I raise rabbits for meat on my home and whenever someone sees them they usually go "aww you raise rabbits, cute!" Then when I tell them I eat them they act like a monster. Yet they don't bat an eye at the chickens right next to them

Are you fucking retarded or just a 15 year old nigger with a 80 IQ? Pretty weak bait faggot.

Is that real? That's a dope ass party trick

We have things called "water reserves". These reserves are decreasing at an alarming rate and is a threat to our future water supply

>cuts down a tree
There are much much more efficient ways to produce wood goods/paper/etc (Bamboo, hemp, etc).

>kills an animal
This was very beneficial in the past, low maintenance, turns thing that aren't edible into food, perfect for winter. However today, they are only a drain on resources, land, time, water (2,500 gallons of water for one pound of beef). It is more economic to get our nutrients from plants. Not to mention cows produce more CO2 than all of our transportation industry, and also produce a chemical that acts 120x stronger as a green house gas

That rabbit must have had some pretty spicy food.


did he died?

it's a Indian rabbit, doesn't need a loo to poo

I was raised to think like this with rabbits until I tasted one. holy fuck those little shits are delicious. If I catch one in my yard, no one sees me doing it out of season and It's not ill, that little fucker ends up legs confit, Loin battered and fried, breast and cuttings in stew . . .

I',m legit getting hungry just thinking about it.

You're aware that there's more than one type of wood right? And that they all have different properties and benefits, and hemp and bamboo doesn't cover then all?

You're also aware that there are more animals than just cows, and that raising herbivores is literally a way to get nutrients from plants, specifically ones inedible to humans

>It is more economic to get our nutrients from plants.
I'll take a lack of arable land for 400 Alex. People seem to forget that the major driver for Amazon deforestation isn't cattle farms, it's soy farms.

Not only are they delicious, they're perfect to raise. They eat grass so you don't even have to buy feed, and they reproduce and grow so fast that you'll constantly have several at slaughtering size at any given time.

I also don't know any place in the world that has a "season" for hunting rabbits, but obviously that's area specific. Most places they're ear round though since they're everywhere and breed so fast and literally never in danger of having low numbers and are small

The wisest decision for environmentalist is to suicide, cause they will directly affect the carbon footstep that way. The other one is to change opinions of others but it isn't really believable when they use just as much stuff as other people. The reason they're environmentalist though is that they don't realise human's nature is to eat and destroy everything, humans are trash after all.

Saturday night, the mentally ill are out, as is tradition.

Water isn't an issue in a lot of places, and many of the water restrictions that do exist do so because of politics.

In CO, water is pretty damn scarce, and these cali cocksuckers are getting us in the compact and when the move here and shit up prarieland with their 10,000-sq-ft-homes-on-1/8th-acre-golf-course houses. The compact guarantees them seniority on volume and the river has run consistently lower than it did when the compact was signed, and the water table around some parts has dropped by over 100 feet. In my water district we've had to deepen the well 4 times in the past 10 years. we've started to pull on other watersheds and now many reservoirs are starting to run lower than normal, nothing alarming yet, but it'll come if the current growth of CO springs and Denver keeps on the way it has been.

so yes, water conservation is important, but necessarily because of nature - more because idiots in California abuse their water and waste it on crops unfit for the land on which they are grown.

if we told the calis to go suck a dick we wouldn;t have as much of a problem

We should just kill all animals to save the environment.

I always laugh when some libacuck screams at me at the local lake that I'm ruining the wildlife from fishing.

It's like these stupid fucks don't realize hunters and fishermen are hardcore environmentalists.

Like shit, I'm such a cuck I choose to be the worst fishermen. I never come home with 1 fish because I don't kill them, even use barbless hooks.

Idk. Something about smacking the shit out of a fish in the head makes me one depressed faggot.

>pick every image with sushi

>You're aware that there's more than one type of wood right?

Et cetera, or "etc"

and others; and so forth; and so on (used to indicate that more of the same sort or class might have been mentioned, but for brevity have been omitted):

>You're also aware that there are more animals than just cows
See above, I'm not going to break down every animals impact, I'm going to give you an example and leave my case at that

>and that raising herbivores is literally a way to get nutrients from plants, specifically ones inedible to humans

We don't do that, we feed our livestock with corn, soy, ETC that we grow ourselves, further wasting resources. That land, and water could have been used to produce a lot more food on a vertical farm

>People seem to forget that the major driver for Amazon deforestation isn't cattle farms, it's soy farms.
It's actually for both, and tons of that soy is then going to be fed to cows


The best thing to do is de-industrailize food production. Food is actually losing nutritional value because we aren't picky about what seeds are being passed on to the next generation of the plant.

Rabbits dont have enough meat worth killing them for. Fuck off.

>It's actually for both, and tons of that soy is then going to be fed to cows
You didn't really address the part where arable land is a limited resource and you can't simply exchange X amount of cow for X amount of kale. You can raise cattle in the American South West but you'll never get anything worth eating to grow there.

I live on long island and we have more water than we know what to do with!

although we are about to have a problem. As you may or may not know, we had the grumman plant here and back in the day they pretty much just dumped their waste materials wherever they wanted and they have seeped into our groundwater. It is known as the "toxic plume" and it's spreading. There are already some places where you can't drink the tap water, within the next 2 years the plume will have made it to my water supply.
long island has one of the highest cancer rates in the nation, coincidence? doubtful

it's really truly amazing, nassau county is the highest taxed county in the country and we are on the verge of not having clean drinking water, and nobody is doing anything about it.

we have been spamming all of our elected officials with petitions and mail blasts demanding action and they wont do shit.

I hope trump does something to help out, I might send him a letter personally

In Colorado, our small game season on rabbits is Sept. 1 - Mar. 31. You typically have to license as well but not many people are going to stop and ask if they see you going after them. I've never bought a license, but if you're out of season you have to be careful - the libtards around here will nail you for anything if they see you hurt a poor widdle bunny.

>He's never had Hasenpfeffer

>I'm fucking retarded and don't know anything about the environment: the post
You know trees die right? Most of the "tree removal" happening in North America right now is clearing out dead trees and shit. People in rural areas still use firewood too and that is nothing environmentally unfriendly about that.

I'm not even going to touch
>2,500 gallons of water for one pound of beef

It can't cycle out all the tainted estrogen and pharma that is creating the nu male population. We must preserve it for our future

>smacking the shit out of a fish in the head makes me one depressed faggot.

Dude, just learn to run the spinal cord. also keeps you from smacking your hand like a dumb ass if you're fishing drunk.


>You know trees die right? Most of the "tree removal" happening in North America right now is clearing out dead trees and shit. People in rural areas still use firewood too and that is nothing environmentally unfriendly about that.

Nobody is arguing that retard, but we don't get wood from dead trees, MAYBE bark, but even then we don't


You literally chastised cutting down trees. Some trees get cut down for a reason. You know how many fucking trees there are on this planet right now? They aren't just going to disappear overnight.

Are you kidding ?
Rabbit is at big at a chicken, maybe even bigger.

You're right we good wood from live tress - mostly farmed ones. you really think they just go in an willy-nilly clear shit out without at least replanting? plz, nigga. they haven;t done that for decades. there's more healthy trees in the US right now then there was 100 years ago.

I want to put some rub on those thighs, grill em, and devour them. They look so delicious.

One thing to consider with deforestation is the soil loss when done in mass .

Everyone here needs to watch Tapped. Companies like coca cola are going into rural areas and draining their water supplies for their bottled water lines.


theyre not meaty like a farm raised genetic freak, but theyve got enough meat to eat and they come in huge numbers for easy pickings

Also the petroleum plastic bottles give you cancer

u know forests and jungles are homes to a lot of animals.

Is it possible to fatten up rabbits, like we do with our chickens? These things look a little lean for my tastes.


you need to read about the kola superdeep borehole
theres water all the way down

There's these two rabbits that like eating my grass at night. I love seeing the little guys. One was hit and killed by a car recently. I can't imagine killing one of these little fun creatures.
Hold me Sup Forums

damn rabbits are fucking ripped.

rabbits don't have fat. They call it rabbit starvation if you ate nothing but rabbit meat you would die of protein poisoning because your body isn't getting any fat from it

And if the cattle didn't exist it would be used to feed humans or at least the land would be used to grow a crop that can feed humans since feed soy isn't edible. The point is that usable farmland is extremely limited.

A lot of hunting is done due to overpopulation of certain species.

Also, it's funny you cry about losing water reserves, because its places like California that are literally pouring water into a desert. Ironic isn't it? The most liberal, the most "environmentally conscious" state in the union is fucking our water supply because they want palm trees in a fucking desert. Stupid faggots actually tried to get water from the great lakes pumped across the country to feed their stupid fantasy of a tropical California.

So fuck off with your environmental concerns because I have a feeling you're a resident of the arid southwest.


Pretty sure that's how that rich fag died, the one they made a movie about.

>overpopulation of certain species.
Because we hunted all of their predators

nah McCandless was a fucking idiot who died because he was a moron.

rumor has it you will die faster if you eat nothing but rabbit meat than you would if you ate nothing at all and just starved

I shoot the little cunts when I'm bored of an arvo and feed them to our kelpies. They fart like mad and its stinks to high-hell.

I figured there was a catch. Considering how fast rabbits reproduce, and how easy it is to feed them, if they didn't have such a major flaw, they would be our primary meat source, when compared with cows, pigs, or chickens.

No, your south west idiocy is showing. We have wolves and coyotes in Michigan and yet deer are still overpopulated. The DNR has to kill scores of the things after hunting season is over because they breed too fast and not even hunting season can cull the herds.

Would be interesting to post a study that compares illegal alien population in CA vs the aquifer levels