Reminder that Reddit always organizes raids against us, and our mods do nothing to combat it...

Reminder that Reddit always organizes raids against us, and our mods do nothing to combat it, while censoring us when we do the same thing

It's not a raid, it's a rescue!

Since when does Hiro let Reddit control 4 chan?

What kind of vetting is done on who becomes a mod?

This isn't reddit, why should reddit fags control this board.

Its time to tweet he hell out of Hiro till he sees what is up

Hey Hiro, wtf?

why do they let us do it on infinity chan but not here?

>haha yeah Sup Forums is great freedom of speech and all that
>except silence these guys

Sounds like Judaism to me.

They are trying to become janitors in order to censor us. Fuck off back to where you came from

Like it actually ever affected channel 4.

We dont silence them, they're free to talk, we'll just call them faggots and sage their threads

Hiro only cares about shekels

Why do you suppose this place is called cuckchan, OP? Prolly just bullies being mean. Don't worry, your homosexual moderators will keep you safe

Hey Hiro, you have lefties here pulling down threads by co-ordinating with each other via IRC and email, check out this one:

Bump for justice

It's not enough. We get banned for "raiding" and "doxing", while they don't.



Wow, what a bunch of fucking faggots. lel

They think if they shut down 4pol they will have accomplished something. Like there aren't a million other places to shitpost about Jews.

This is why we have to crush these parasites while we can. The time for mercy has long passed.

Kek, smite these vermin with the fury of a thousand suns. Thy will be done. And in Jesus name we pray, amen.

Those parasites are mods now. It's hard to do anything about them.

We already saved the pastebins and other stuff.

We can continue in absence of a thread.

They can drive us to the shadows, but that just means we're harder to see.

Have a cry about it, you mongoloid faggot.

thanks for the bump

Safety squad mates, do not despair, come see us at 4 * 2 chan, /RWSS/

Seriously I got banned for promoting fire safety, how fucking retarded is that WTF.

Makes it pretty embarrassing that they keep getting rekt. An organized invasion defeated by a handful of Australian shitposters.


I got a 28 day ban last month for suggesting that we redpill redditors on niggers by using statistics

>doxxing is against the law

I wasn't aware that posting publicly available information was a crime.

>implying this won't just cause another mass-migration onto cripplechan

>Sup Forums code

Reminder that raids against Sup Forums do nothing but waste the raiders' time

Reminder that 4+Sup Forums is the source of most of our successes because mods let us have raid threads.

Also why are raid threads even banned? All it is is shitposting somewhere normies can't handle it.

>tfw /i/ got nuked

Reddit raids us all the time under the guise of "activism". It's only "trolling" when we do it

If you have a concern for a place that might not be safe for your friends, let a Safety Squad member know, we will investigate!

Save your friends today!

This. The shitposting will betray our opponents because they belong to us.

Sup Forums needs to be closed down and it will happen.

what I don't understand is why you guys even care, seeing as you have stormfront? Go there and stay there.

You will have to go back eventually, Ahmed. What I don't understand is why you even care, seeing as you have sandniggerstan. Go there and stay there.

my name is not ahmed.

you want to try again?

Ok. Is it Mohammad?

>It's illegal in US law to perform raids
It's against the fucking law for a few tards from 9Gag and Plebbit to spam threads?

>Sup Forums
>implying Sup Forums need help to out shitpost the shitposters

>Even better is that the mods have something called an IRC messenger but I don't know how to access it.
what a bunch of idiots

Honestly after the actions Spez took, Reddit really genuinely looks like a communist nightmare. It's really not even funny anymore. I used to just ignore it, but it's become something kind of serious after they cracked down. r/politics is just utterly fucked. They have total control and they aren't even trying to hide their outright blatant attempts to control people anymore.

I no longer consider fighting Reddit to be something ignorable. I actually genuinely think that site needs to fall.

It sounds like you should go(back) to reddit, you'll love it way better there.

We did too many illegal things in the past
Also moot was a Normie and therefore wanted to keep his image

fuck off bogan

>promoting heavy-handed fire safety is a "raid"

nobody is being harassed, and unsafe buildings are actually being shut down

someone PLEASE explain these mental gymnastics to me

how do we kill reddit?

no need, it will kill itself soon
just keep doing what you're doing, cause its working

gawker (rest in piss) wrote an article about the evil 4chans and moot being the good little goyim he is followed all their advice on how to manage Sup Forums.

the mods are the Japanese soldiers still fighting in the pacific after the war is over.

Didn't they lost safe-harbor?

the red pill.

>Reminder that Reddit always organizes raids against us, and our mods do nothing to combat it, while censoring us when we do the same thing

Awww, does widddwl baybeee need a safe space?

Last I heard /leftypol/ organized raids and had a Sup Forums mod on their side ensuring nothing he could brush off is deleted.

Awww, does widddwl baybeee need to raid communities that report safety violations and don't conform to his edgelord-tier worldview?

leftypolwas such an utter failure it was hilarious! they got their ass blasted from every side were a constant source of salt and keks their shemery was found easily and the threads instantly dissapeared after these fucks got back to their safespace where they werent exposed to "mean" oppinions. We might even redoilled a few! Pol is unbeatable were destined to win!

PRaise kek!

The threads were around for a longass time.

.....i dont wanna do this but is 99.9% true