Bottom 10 worst presidents
10. Ted Roosevelt
9. Carter
8. Bush Jr
7. Trum
6. Obama5.LBJ
4. FDR
3 Wilson
1. Lincoln
Bottom 10 worst presidents
10. Ted Roosevelt
9. Carter
8. Bush Jr
7. Trum
6. Obama5.LBJ
4. FDR
3 Wilson
1. Lincoln
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how so?
your bottom 6 seem pretty accurate actually, FDR definitely needed to be on there twice
>immediately click catalog
so is it that
1. lincoln is the worst president
2. lincoln is the worst president at actually being a bad president, therefore he is the BEST president
regardless of which option is correct, you seriously need to work on how you communicate.
1. Buchanan
2. Bush Jr.
3. Wilson
4. Johnson
5. Nixon
6. Hoover
7. Taft
8. Martin VanBuren
9. Grover Cleveland
10. William McKinley
1. FDR
2. Lincoln
3. Obama
4. Bush Jr
5. Wilson
6. Truman
7. McKinley
8. Adams Sr
9. Kennedy
10. Reagan
Worst presidents in order.
Best president is either
1a. William Henry Harrison
1b. Jefferson Davis
sick mental gymnastics bruh
The way Van Buren handled the Panic of 1837 pretty much guarantees he is a better president than half of the presidents we've had.
10. HW Bush
9. Taft
8. Truman
7. Carter
6. FDR
5. Bush W
4. Grant
3. Clinton
2. LBJ
1. Obongo
Honorable mention: the faggot that died after like 30 days
1 through 10: Drumpf
1. Wilson
2. Wilson
3. Wilson
4. Wilson
5. Wilson
6. Wilson
7. FDR
8. LBJ
9. Johnson.
10. Harding
1. Bush Jr
2. Carter
3. Hoover
4. Buchanan
5. Reagen
6. Clinton
7. Jackson
8. Grant
9. McKinley
10. Coolidge
Lincoln and FDR were respectively the best and second best Presidents of all time.
Bottom presidents would probably be:
1. Andrew Johnson
2. Buchanan
3. Harding
4. McKinley
5. Bush Jr.
I'm more concerned with his subtly allwing the Fed's tendrils to recapture the country after Jackson BTFO'd it.
Fuck not my president Drumpf and FUCK White People
>reddit: the president
Fuck you too, blackie.
How so?
Newsflash kid: the inbred trash lost the war. Jefferson Davis was never a president he got locked in a dungeon to rot.
This, fuck blumpf and fuck whitey
You know someone's list is trash when Coolidge is mentioned in the worst.
Silent Cal is the greatest of all time.
lincoln wanted to ship them back to africa you wog
is making ad hominems that no one asked you for how you get off since your impotent rage is keeping you from getting an erection, or do you do it to so you can try to forgot about what a dull, vapid turd you are?
What's so good about him
>Jefferson Davis was never a president
already makes him the best president
Presidents that should be on every list posted:
W. Bush
>no JFK
why is buchanan number 1? He was trying to keep the nation together, unlike Lincoln.
Nixon was great.
Most people are going to sit here and meme that any president that was slightly progressive was awful, like fdr or lbj.
Actual worst presidents would be Buchanan or hoover.
Lincoln did what he had to to re-unite the nation.
He sabotaged Vietnam peace talks. How can a president that treated American lives so carelessly be great?
wow you sure showed him!
He also did a lot of reforming with govt spending as well as taxes and the economy
Made his SOS write a book on why taxes should be lowered and got the tax rate to go to its lowest in the last 100 years
The book was: "taxation: the peoples business"
Watch this too if you wanna know more:
he fucked up, almost single handedly caused the civil war along with SCOTUS and dredd scott decision. 5/6 lists have him as top 5.
he was famously corrupt, obviously.
Reminder to everyone that says FDR was the worst, if it wasn't for our strong military and interventionist policy. We wouldn't be the world power that we are.
Because Buchanan's milquetoast policies only widened the seperation between the abolitionists and the slavers, whereas Lincoln was able to heal the split nation and squash the traitorous south
His economic and social policies were phenomenal most didn't pass bit he tried. Also hours hands were tied when it came to nam. Scheme media fucked him.
Justifying war crimes against your own people and a complete disrespect to any of the tenants of liberty so you can keep a collection of states together under your tyrannical control is not an admirable trait.
fdr was shit because of the new deal
3.Bush Jr
8.HW Bush
Damn, I'm sold on Coolidge now.
Still want an explanation for the hate on Teddy and FDR.
I thought about him and what a sort of proto globalist socialist shill he and his wife were and tempered that against the background of him sort of marvelously handling WW2 and making the US a global superpower. Highs and lows=average.
FDR, nor WWII, made the US a global superpower. The deregulation of the economy following FDR's death is the reason. The New Deal was a continued catastrophic failure which only helped FDR strengthen his fascistic grip of control.
both of them were sort of proto socialists....Teddy being more of a populist with the trust-busting. That being said, the gilded age monopolies were sort of outrageous.
Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Obongo, Clinton, Reagan, Bush I&II, Lincoln, and Eisenhower were all shit tier.
This guy has it. Hows that suspending habeas corpus working out?
the new deal was a failure, but not his handling of the mobilization and the war effort.
Why was the new deal shit to you?
I hold Teddy in high regard for his trust busting, regulations on foods and drugs, and creation of national parks.
Obama should be #3
I think half the country splitting off and launching armed rebellion qualifies as a national emergency.
Fuck off dixiefag. I can't wait for the day we get to burn down Atlanta again.
PBS fag.
do fuck off
may as well be the same as top 10 shortest presidents
short men are not capable of being president
Good argument
You like them? Kek hoover is probably the worst president of all time from an economic standpoint. Lbj is by far the worst because of the demographic issue.
>bad president
pick one
>t. salty nips
>demographic issue
This is Sup Forums. You don't have to be closeted about hating LBJ for giving black people rights.
All da way wif LBJ™
If Wilson, LBJ or FDR aren't at the top of your list then you probably need to stop posting and lurk moar.
Can we not shit up every thread with politics please?
That's literally what I said.
Your unsupported opinion is stunning, mind-blowing. Who are your top ten favorite dicktators?
Simple minded stooge.
Yes, but you weren't direct about it like most of the autistic faggots on here.
>hoover is probably the worst president of all time from an economic standpoint
If you consider trying to balance a budget terrible economics then sure.
Madison was key in ratifying the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Only negative argument to be made about him is his handling of the Alien and Sedition Act.
>no politics
What's wrong with that? All men and women are created equal no matter what your self serving ideology tells you.
Well I wasn't specifically aiming it towards the civil rights more towards the 1965 immigration act that opened the flood gates to shitskins
Wait a second, this isn't the right board
Lincoln took a rough stance but succeeded at it, Buchanan tried to keep the peace but failed. Instead of trying to peacefully mend the wounds between the North and South, he ended up widening their differences and forcing what would have eventually been a violent war. Lincoln simply spread up the process in hopes of ending it as soon as possible and preventing the war from destroying both sides of the nation.
>bottom 10 worst presidents
what did he mean by this
Most people here actually agree with the scientific consensus on evolution, so you won't have much luck with that argument.
What makes a terrible president in Sup Forums's opinion than?
>Any president that supports public works and social programs
>Any president that supported non-whites
>Any president that supported a national bank
>Any president that supported labor laws
>Any president that doesn't support states rights
Anything else? Anything to change on the list?
1. Alexander Hamilton
2. Woodrow Wilson
3. FDR
4. Lydon B. Johnson
1 and 2 for creating Jew ran central banks.
3 for bringing us into war with the Nazi Germany.
4 for racially destroying our nation.
No debate needed.
>Any president that is black
Top kek get a load of this guy he thinks Sup Forums is one person!
>Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton is a play not a president.
Its a collective of people that share similar ideologies. I'm interested in what those ideologies are.
1. Reagan (he is why we are in this shit situation and is why we are in the place we are now)
2. Jimmy Carter
3. Gerald Ford
4. George W Bush
5. John Kennedy (doofus nearly ended the planet, makes Bill Clinton look like a saint)
7. Andrew Johnson
8. William McKinley
9. George Bush Sr
10. John Adams
>Bottom 10 worst
So it's a top 10 best list then, right? Is that the meme here?
Hamilton wasn't a president, retard.
Come down to Georgia and we'll put a boot on your ass you yankee faggot-loving hippie
People on here say Teddys a proto liberal because of how heavily he regulated and broke monopolies. Also due to national parks and stuff.
Basically, Sup Forums is becoming full of disinfo shills who rag on teddy since he didn't suck corporate cock while in office. Any red blooded American man should aspire to be like Teddy
>Talking this tough on the Internet about the 1860s
>he was famously corrupt
That's what the kikes want you to think.
Why would any consumer want a monopoly though? That's my confusion about the consensus.
His very existence as president to potentially steal southern rights created that national emergency. He destroyed the south and caused death to his very citizens through the worst ways.
Lincoln got what he deserved in the end. Did he save the union. Yes. But at a terrible 200 year divisional price
Nice trips.
He wasn't talking about the 1860s.
He was saying that he couldn't wait to burn Atlanta in the next civil war.
If LBJ isn't in your top 3, you're smoking crack.
Right. Well. Carry on.
Bottom 10
10. Ronald "I can't reason so I committed treason" Reagan (Helped speed up end of the Cold War, however)
9. John Tyler
8. Warren G. Harding
7. Millard Filmore
6. George W. Bush
5. Andrew Johnson
4. Franklin Pierce
3. Richard Nixon (Policy with China, however was very good for the US)
2. Herbert Hoover
1. James Buchanan
Top 10
10. Teddy Roosevelt
9. Woodrow Wilson
8. John F. Kennedy
7. Lyndon B. Johnson
6. Harry S. Truman
5. Dwight D. Eisenhower
4. Thomas Jefferson
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
2. Abraham Lincoln
1. George Washington
Honorable Mentions:
-George H.W. Bush
-Bill Clinton
-Andrew Jackson
-John Adams
-James Madison
-James Monroe
-Chester A. Arthur
No consumer would. What Teddy did was great for the economy but it made quite a few rich people angry as they couldn't control the market as a monopoly anymore. Althoguh, the monopoly breaking made some people really rich through how much stock they owned in all the newly formed company's, it was never enough to remonopolize or exercise as much market control as before