Whatever happened to calling blacks "googles"? That was a great idea

Whatever happened to calling blacks "googles"? That was a great idea

Yeah, what the hell? Bump

Because it takes a googol of neurons to understand how they've managed to survive all these years while being as stupid as a Down's Syndrome sloth doped up with Thorazine.

My buddies and I do it all the time in public.

I have one friend I do this with. I don't know why I lied. Sorry

I don't get it

I'm actually black signed an offer from Google for a software engineering internship next summer (cmpsci major)

I guess im okay with it?

*im actually black and

Why do you come to Sup Forums, as a black person? As a white person I wouldn't go somewhere that was known for disparaging my identity, or whatever you'd call it, so I'm curious.

A forced meme isn't a meme

it was a great idea and i used it a lot with buddies in public in nyc, but several huffpo hit pieces blew up the spot

Pic related

Also niggers get out. Go on now, git

Because I've been on Sup Forums for 6+ years and can't go away

Because constantly reminding myself that white people secretly hate me and see me beneath them makes me work harder

My Google Internship pays close to 10k/month including my housing bonus, I feel very very good reading angry white racists comments and knowing I'm making many times their household income at age 20

Also I've just been here so long that nothing really affects me anymore and sometimes there are interesting topics here

thank you for being honest.

Don't let the Skypes win. Make Googles a thing now.

It really wasn't though
Forced meme at best

Google was working on a hatespeach filter so Sup Forums had the bright idea to popularize using google as a term for nigger, breaking the filter since google won't be able filter its own name all that effectively

We hate nigger culture. If you are a responsible citizen who makes an honest living, you're essentially white, you've assimilated. Welcome Uncle Tom.

Only the really stupid googles have a problem with this.


>10k a month

lmao this is what niggers consider successful

affirmative action cock sucker.

Are you memeing me?
10k/month is pretty good by any reasonable metric, especially at 20 years old.

Granted I have to live in the Bay area, but it would've been the same amount if I chose the the Colorado office or some other satellite

3.7gpa, honors, 2180 SAT, several previous internships, awards and achievements

you sound really salty :)

120k is good pay bro dont worry

>Talk about qualifications
>literally be a diversity hire


Don't you fuckin opress me you meme checkin sage master fagoo

No matter how much money you make you will never be white

that was stupid shit
we should call them niggers, as nature inteded



feels good

Dont have the link anymore but it was a psyops used to analyse how data, specifically "hate speech" spreads from Sup Forums to the rest of the internet and how pol raids work etc etc

REALLY big paper was done on it for the UN, go ask on some 8ch thread for it