Varg BTFO Ethno-Nationalists
Huh? What does he say I can't use sound on my computer at the moment.
He says that making skin color the sole criteria for selecting what company you keep is foolhardy, as there are plenty of people from every race (including whites) whom aren't worthy of your friendship. He's basically arguing for meritocracy to some degree and to have some fucking standards.
>Prison anecdotes as to why Ethno Nationalism can't function
That's fine, I like NatSoc more than hardline Ethno Nationalism
yup, basically, etno-nationalists arent being harsh enough.
He's right.
>Vark is a Civic Nationalist now
How long before he's a full fledged liberal just to be a contrarian.
National Socialists are usually low IQ whites who have nothing to be proud of but their skin colour
He says you're not white if you have nonwhite values like capitalism and Christianity
Everything he's says in this video is absolutely correct but triggers Sup Forums because Sup Forums are mostly low IQ whites who supports zionist cucks like Trump, Geert, etc and worships a kike
How the fuck do you get from the video that he's a civic nationalist? Are you braindead? It says right there he's a European traditional tribalist
>Sup Forums actually puts stock into some degenerate musician/larper's youtube ravings
A couple videos ago he basically came out as a Marxist. I don't know what the fuck is going on with Varg now. Maybe Mossad got to him.
Don't lump me in with these autisitic faggots
Great individual policy, but not a governance implementation
Ehhh... not sure how exactly this video "BTFOs ethno nationalism". Most people who define themselves as racial or ethno nationalists generally have high standards and believe in concepts such as honor and integrity. I don't know a single White ethno Nationalist who would rather die for a white liberal than a "redpilled" non-White based on skin colour alone.
Marxist label too? Jesus christ, you people are fucking stupid. Anyone who criticizes (((capitalism))) is not a marxist pinko.
>National Socialists are usually low IQ whites who have nothing to be proud of but their skin colour
No. Just, no.
National Socialism has NOTHING to do with skin colour.
I wonder who this could be
someone who likes Varg and is fucking tired of people not comprehending his videos labeling him stupid shit
He's not civic nationalist, as he supports whites having traditional values in traditional white communties like our distant pagan ancestors had, and he hates altright zionist cucks like Trump PJW and Molymeme
Just because he doesn't want to go kill people because of their skin colour and political ideology like Sup Forums retards doesn't mean he's the latest insult Sup Forums loves to throw around
This, but what can you expect from a man who worships trees and deer? I mean even if odin and thor were real they obviously arent very powerful considering they got BTFO'd so readily.
Sup Forums forgets that (((capitalism))) is a nonwhite value and isn't part of the traditional European communities that Varg supports
Who gives a fuck about welfare viking?
>welfare viking
literally wat?
>altright zionist cucks like Trump PJW and Molymeme
This is a fair assessment of Trump, Trump has appointed way too many Jews into his cabinet. I'm doubtful of Molymeme also being a Zionist cuck since he sometimes gives off the impression that he is willing postulate the Final Argument but I realize other times he skirts around it.
Anyways didn't he mention in his newest subscriber milestone that he was working on a Nazi video?
He's wrong in this video. I usually agree with him but he's just wrong. It's still safer to be around those who are more similar to you than anyone else. It's literally the SJW argument "hurr i know a black doctor so blacks are smart". It doesn't matter about individuals. Politics can't function without generalizations.
>Varg wastes another five minutes of someone else's time
I don't listen to arsonists, and I don't watch videos put out by murderers. Shill your LARPing faggot idol somewhere else.
>there's never a justification for murder
>nobody deserves to die for their actions
Us whites really need to stop being such pussy cunts.
Norway YES,
Muh varg! Muh european values! Muh european religion!
I like Stefan, Milo, and Spencer, but PJW's voice is too annoying for me.
>t. nihilist
enjoy your middle eastern religion
The whole point of modern politics is not to make crude generalizations.
Who would you rather run into at night, a mob of neo-nazi skinheads, or a mob of Buddhist monk skinheads ?
One subhuman pagan stabbing another subhuman pagan over a record deal isn't "justification" it's nigger behavior.
And there is no "us whites" here, I refuse to be associated with this treebark eating degenerate. If he is what white men stand for than we deserve extinction. He spent his entire youth actively fighting against everything good and decent in western culture while dressing up like a fucking orc and now you want to treat him like he's an ally of civilization?
No. Everything he has ever done has HURT the white race and European civilization. He is an exclusively negative force. He belongs in a noose dangling from a tree, but barring justice I will have to settle for his total irrelevance.
Idealism is not the goal of modern politics unless you are leftist scum
lol, no, lmao no
you're a joke
Making generalizations is idealism. Examining each individual seperately is materialism.
If Molyneux goes natsoc that would be retarded as well
The great thing about Varg is that even though he supports traditional European communities, he doesnt advocate genocide, as that leads to chaos and wars that severely damage all races.
He supports all races to live in traditional ethnic communities, as thats the only way for everyone to live in peace.
He supported Turkic tengrism in one of his videos, where he said Turkic peoples should go back to their traditional roots like how European people's should go back to their traditional roots.
He knows that's the way to world peace, people going back to their traditional roots, regardless of race.
>Middle eastern religion
Nihilism was actually first written about in Europe user, Christianity is an antisemitic religion in its nature (read titus 1:10) Martin Luther (the founder of the protestant religion) was a FIERY antisemite, Jesus constantly berates the pharisees for being too legalistic and claims they are cleaved from the tree of God. The orthodoxy and Lutheran churches as well as many branches of Protestantism claim that the church is the new Israel and that the Jews are going to bring in the reign of the antichrist.
But nice try.
>Let me tell you the political relationships between 7 billion global citizens
Being this angry at some random wizard in the woods talking shit on camera. What the fuck? Do you know him personally or something?
And yeah maybe his murder wasn't justified but I'm tired of seeing whites acting like murder is always automatically unjustified. There are many who deserve death and it would be justice in doing so.
Not meritocracy, but aristocracy. See Nietzsche and Evola.
That's why we have states.
Why did the Catholics ever let themselves get cucked desu
Pope Francis might as well be Rabbi Comrade Shekelstein
>"But muh european values!"
Like the values of fucking animals, fucking children, sacrificing humans, chopping off a dogs wiener and parading it around the town in fertility rituals. No white believes these things are good Nu-pagans just like to LARP.
>Implying pagan crimes are in any way on par with the atrocities of (((Christianity)))
>being white shouldn't be the only requirement because there are shitty whites
100% agree
btw somebody could explain it to me why black metalists have a fascination with orcs and sauron?
He doesn't literally believe in the gods, he thinks they're symbols.
All in all I'd say he's in favor of Tradition in that it will teach us to be the Best we can.
Stop supporting the (((altright))) as they don't have traditional European values, they have values the Jews want us to have
>Politics can't function without generalisations
That is the most disgusting and simple minded worldview one can have.
You judge a person for who they are, not their stereotype
Only low IQ people are so simple minded that they don't have the processing power to infer someone's character and have to assume they are like their stereotype
is Loki the god of the Albertans?
>You judge a person for who they are, not their stereotype
Nice Jewish values
>people aren't like their stereotypes
>stereotypes don't exist because they consistently self perpetuate themselves
lol, i remember being at this point in the red-pill.
Ultimately Varg doesn't seem to care all that much about race, considering he approves of Greeks being genocided by Turks if it only meant there being less Christians. He'll only be satisfied when whites are living in huts while the rest of the world continues developing technology and eventually conquers us, like the Ottoman Empire did, but I feel like he'd be okay with that as long as we're not Christian.
>he belongs in a noose dangling from a tree
careful, that mode of execution may not end up in killing him
They actually adapted to many pagan / heretical ideals - this is why the Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism broke apart.
Note that Roman Catholics have a big fuggin obelisk in front of their temple which revolves around material vices (gold, idolatry, gluttony of huge feasts while the poor go hungry) And worst of all have a "Pope" which is seen as some special human that can talk directly to god which Jesus in Luke and Mark specifically says is wrong.
The orthodoxy actually has some pretty "wew lad" hymns which have lyrics like "condemn the jews oh lord, may they burn for the betrayal of the christ" or some shit like that.
>fucking animals, fucking children, sacrificing humans
You just perfectly described middle eastern behaviour.
And the wiener chopping rituals are an American thing, apart from you do it with human babies, not dogs.
Do you want to be judged by your actions or the actions of other people who share some physical trait in common with you ?
>>Implying pagan crimes are in any way on par with the atrocities of (((Christianity)))
ever heard of Rome Faggot?
In that post I said nothing about "atrocities" I merely claimed that Pagan gods must be little bitch babies considering their "warrior gods" were given up in exchange for the indomitable trinity. They cant be all that strong considering Europe got Christianized so easily (most of it though free choice).
Also, "low IQ" people are usually more in touch with nature and instinct rather than learned societal values. Higher IQ "educated" university graduates are usually some of the dumbest and most simple minded people. Academia is simply R selected intelligence.
>ever heard of Rome
Its the Jews! ! !
Totally not our degenerate faggot gods which require fisting to show dedication... right guize???
He's right. I'm tired of this European white identity BS. Most of Europe is shit, if you don't have money to afford living in a better area, the same is for US. And it's been this way for fucking centuries. So why should I care about saving some white rich conservatives who don't even go the neighborhoods where most people live? Fuck, most European countries didn't even invent a single thing and most whites in America are total dumbasses who believe everything on TV as it is a word of a living profit. Spencer and TRS have a lot of good points but it sounds like a utopia sometimes.
You've been bluepilled by (((altright)))
Stereotypes are vaguely based on the average you retard, there is a huge range of traits in every group
The average height of a man is 5'10"
If you judged men by their stereotype you would assume they are all 5'10" despite the fact that most men are taller or shorter than that, as most men aren't their stereotype which is 5'10"
If you can't understand this metaphor you are a fucking delinquent, those low IQ parasites that their only accomplishment is the colour of their skin
No the alt-right is Jewish. Fuck off. I swear to god it's like you don't understand how averages work or something.
>despite the fact that most men are taller or shorter than that
So what? It averages out.
And let me guess, cause you're obviously a fucking liberal cunt. Blacks don't commit more crime right? Just so I don't waste anymore time with you.
>most European countries didn't even invent a single thing
Are you genuinely this ignorant ?
nice try (((you)))
t. simpleton
Smart people regardless of profession try to have an open mind, they don't strive to box themselves in a category that makes them feel special like idiots do
The fact you assume you are more "in touch" than some people just because of their profession shows you are a low IQ moron
You stole every invention.
Yeah the Egyptians invented electricity and shit. #blacklivesmatter
It wasn't the British either.
Just because more blacks on average commit crime doesn't mean all of them do, natsoc psychopaths want to kill all blacks, regardless whether they comitted a crime or not, this is fucking retarded as any sane person would prefer a moral black to a sadist white
Because I want traditional European communities I would prefer a moral white to a moral black, but that doesn't mean I don't respect moral blacks, as I would encourage them to form communities with other moral blacks away from criminal black scum similar to how I want to associate with moral whites away from criminal white scum, rather than autistically wanting genocide of all blacks regardless if they're good or not
Yeah, from the Africans, that's right, I remember now, thanks for correcting me.
*blacks on average commit more crime
>natsoc psychopaths want to kill all blacks
Can you stop posting. It's clear you're just fishing for (You)'s
>natsoc psychopaths want to kill all blacks
Hahaha. The nazis had the most multi-cultural of all armies. They even had a black division in the SS. You're so brain-washed it's funny. What does national socialism have to do with anything anyway? You're a fucking retard.
You really want to know what you ever done for the world? You invented soccer and housed Jews for a thousand of years, that's why you still use legacy system. Well the inquisition, and driving on a wrong side of the rode like a complete retard
Varg would be perfect if he wasn't a filthy pagan infidel.
Did you just mention 'driving' user ? you can fill in the rest yourself.
Yes we invented the car. It was us and Germans who figured out how to make the engine. So please comply with our rules of driving.
>tfw can drive v6 stick
>at least I read Evola and am surrounded by my spiritual tribe
>Christianity is an antisemitic religion in its nature
nice damage control there
weak bait
sure it is Abraham Shekstien
>Everything is the Jews!
Nope, I just dont like pagans. They are weak and often are accompanied by pentagrams and blue haired whale-dykes.
Srsly stop listening to the white (((elites))) running your country, Churchill was a sellout to begin. Hitler was right on most things except when he didn't kill all of your bankers.
He lives in France
ethnic nationalism is not fucking racialism. what kind of cancer is this.
Orthodox hymns:
"the anti-Semitic passages were most conspicuous during Easter services, and included statements such as "the Jewish tribe which condemned you to crucifixion, repay them, Oh Lord," which is repeated half a dozen times, and "Christ has risen but the Jewish seed has perished," as well as references to Jews as "God-killers.""
Martin Luther:
"He did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today."
"* * *
Learn from this, dear Christian, what you are doing if you permit the blind Jews to mislead you. Then the saying will truly apply, "When a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into the pit" [cf. Luke 6:39]. You cannot learn anything from them except how to misunderstand the divine commandments..."
Alas, it cannot be anything but the terrible wrath of God which permits anyone to sink into such abysmal, devilish, hellish, insane baseness, envy, and arrogance. If I were to avenge myself on the devil himself I should be unable to wish him such evil and misfortune as God's wrath inflicts on the Jews, compelling them to lie and to blaspheme so monstrously, in violation of their own conscience. Anyway, they have their reward for constantly giving God the lie.
He is right and everyone with a brain realizes this. If you take a look at most of the nationalists and national socialists, they are full of dumb and violent people. Their actions will just give more legitimacy and votes for SJW's.
...but then eject them forever from this country. For, as we have heard, God's anger with them is so intense that gentle mercy will only tend to make them worse and worse, while sharp mercy will reform them but little. Therefore, in any case, away with them!
Over and above that we let them get rich on our sweat and blood, while we remain poor and they such the marrow from our bones.
These were only a few quotes from THE JEWISH VIRTUAL LIBRARY. Apparently the Jews dont think too highly of good ol Marten Luther or the Orthodoxy either.. but im sure your right probably Christianity is probably some Jewish masterminded plot.
Kek, first he endorses Islam then he attacks ethno-nationalists... next thing you know he'll endorse multiculturalism.
Being an ethnic nationalist doesn't mean you can't have fucking standards. And ethnicity is not race, ethnicity is nation, so it includes culture, mentality, tradition.