Sup Forums will literally defend this
Sup Forums will literally defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump is literally Hitler though, so he's right.
Well, what do you have to say for yourself Sup Forums? Do you admit defeat?
The right to bear arms was intended for people to have arms to stand up to the tyranny of government. So yeah, banning guns is close to that you fucking retard.
i look forward to easily conquering anti-gun people in the upcoming civil war :^)
Sup Forums is totally ok with this.
hitler actually did have anti-gun ownership laws though.
yet again horsefucker completely misses the point. as do you. fuck off, brat.
these are about as funny as family circus
couldn't have said it better
>Assault rifle
Compare and contrast these two items leaf.
>Muh constitution
>you fuck it up education
>public educated nigger commit a crime
Democrat will literally defend this
I know it's bait but the government turning on people has happened before ie. Nazi Germany killing Jewish people
Technological equivalents to their respective time periods
>guns kill people
the guy at ohio state ran people over!
/pol unironically supports Drumpf
They wrote the constitution knowing that technology and weaponry was going to advance. Jesus it's like liberals can't use logic.
If you truly believe that the men who were intelligent enough to build the great country of the USA weren't intelligent enough to have some foresight then you are a fucking retard who needs to do the world a favour and jump from a high building.
Obamacare - Free healthcare for brown people
Section8 and HUD - Free house for brown people
Open border and amnesty - HEY YO
>democrat nigger worship culture
>asians drawn with slanty eyes
>but YOU are the racists!
in order for the no section
good (for now)
good (so long elitist turds on all sides)
unfair (but english IS the official language, so get to learnin')
>niggers are 13% of the us population
>niggers commit 50% of the crime
maybe we should ban niggers
>inb4 "muh constitution"
This pic gets funnier each time it's posted every 7 times per day!
That's because you insist guns be available in case you gotta fight da gubmint Jethro.
this desu
>that picture
I would LOVE it if that happened. It'd be a fucking paradise. Multiculturalism is a cancer that destroys societies.
Also for record why is it that all coloured countries have population of whites that are significantly low but white countries have like fucking 30% minorities?
Why would I defend an untalented, hacky political cartoonist's ad hominem?
Wouldnt common sense gun laws be a good thing then for Sup Forums. That way you and da gubmint can round up all da joos!!!
The hack does actually make a good point here (although he fails to realize it): Obama admin was the best thing to happen to the guns and amo industry. Every time the Pres. talked about banning, sales of guns and amo skyrocketed.
>miami herald
>miami is in florida
oh, cause the guy who shot up a club in orlando wasnt mentally ill, right?
I don't argue with kids from the special needs class.
The whole concept of the public's right to bear arms is to provide a last line of defense from a tyrannical government. Repeating the musket "argument" means you are retarded and should be sterilized immediately.
Constant, friendly reminder to leftist on this board- YOU LOST.
>star and bars cap
Want to win a gun argument? Just call the otherside racist, confederate rednecks.
-t. MSM
>50 round
What an insightful little leftard.
Is the picture supposed to be an attack on Trump or in support of him?
>the real problem is mental illness
Literally nobody who isn't stupid believes this. It's a nigger problem in the USA and everybody is too thin skinned to talk about it. Look up gun violence statistics.
If this cartoon is referring to shootings, my argument is that shootings are an extremely small percent of crimes in the USA and he reason they are sensationalized by the media is because shit like that gets people watching the news and anti gun organizations (Clinton) are putting money into the pockets of news outfits such as CNN.
Please Jethro
>Last line of defense against tyranny
You cucks are literally scared of your own shadow. You're going to "fight tyranny"... Do you listen to yourself... Such limp dicked betas whining that Obama was taking their guns, but no one does a thing.
Here is your reply.
The point isn't that you can win pitched battles against a professional army with all its ordinance, as a rag-tag citizens' militia with small arms. The point is that you CAN FIGHT. You can bleed them. When they come patrolling through your neighborhood, you might be able to take a couple of the fuckers with you. Hell, you might even be able to run away and do it again; they couldn't engage in endless "manhunts" for everyone who resisted them. They'd never feel safe and there could be shooters behind any window.
Of course, they COULD call in the artillery and air-support and level your neighborhood, sure. What would this get them though? Well, it would piss a lot of people off when innocents died and play into the hands of rebels. It would make a lot of the soldiers in that professional military seriously consider whether they were doing the right thing or not. Finally, it would simply kill people, and NO ONE wants to rule a nation of corpses.
The aim of a tyrant is to control, not to kill. What they want is to be able to have militarized police & gestapo point guns at people and cow them into submission to whatever dictates they want to impose. If citizens are instead waiting behind their doors and ready to shoot first when the jackbooted thugs come around, they've already failed.
So, the point is to fight. If you resist, you're not being controlled, and you're also undermining attempts to control others who can't or won't fight. Yes, you might die, of course. However, that's why Patrick Henry said what he famously said, more or less.
"As long as people can resist, they can be free, and tyrants can never succeed." When you're talking about using swords, knives and clubs against modern military weapons though, it ACTUALLY becomes pointless, because you can't bleed them at all. They'll just shoot you with beanbags, rubber, water cannons, microwave guns and other submission devices.
That's why Americans having guns is so important.
Systemic racism, income inequality leaf. White flight from inner cities destroyed education for African Americans. It's not rocket science.
XD FAT REDNECK GUN OWNERS SUCK. you dumbass nigger, rednecks typically work the hell out of blue collar jobs. a good bit of rednecks you liberals make fun of are generally strong and hunt and shoot shit just for giggles. They typically believe in work for your pay and pull your weight, and your faggot ass wants to oppress them? go cry elsewhere liberal boy
no it didnt. america was already going to buy that many guns. guns are awesome fuck off queer
After they took the guns in Europe they started going for speech. In America, there are college kids who praise ending free speech. I think we should keep them
7.5 inches and I own an AR-15
>systemic racism
you mean like affirmative action you fucking nig nog?
No, you wont fight at all. You'll do nothing but whimper and sob into your Miller high life. You're cowards.
Playing by liberal rules this is sexual assault, rape, many different flavors of shaming.
10/10 would rooftop with.
Your bait is so gay I want to homosexual fuck it
Except liberal rules give them privileges as holy crusaders (descended from Puritans) to take any tactic against anything that slightly deviates from the orthodoxy.
Real nice pal. I'm sure you dream about BBC every night.
You're goddamn right
commies like you shouldnt obviously look down on the working class so much
It lets us know that youre lying scum
>Muh Constitution
yeah man, life's good here in the colonies, taxes and shit are for nerds. i'm so glad i have my monarchy gubbermint that can do nothing wrong to protect me
This. Fucking. Image.
This is what I've been screaming. The US military does not (and WILL not) fight a home-grown insurgency. That is the most frightening thing I can think about as a vet (and a proxy fag with a leaf flag); having to occupy US soil.
Fuck. That.
Commie? Who said anything about communism
>Muh only good gommie is a dead gommie
Get over yourself Jethro. Go get educated so you won't be a soda machine delivery guy when you hit 40 in 3 years.
should we ban cars cause of drunk drivers?
why blame guns and not the people using them?
Yea but you all literally do NOTHING, even though you say you're living in a communist police state. You do nothing. When would the time be that you all "rise up" and fight this imaginary tyranny you're already under? It's so laughable. Obama will go down as a great president.
doesn't it make you feel bad that fat cowards can kill you at a moments notice?
That's a terrible argument Jethro. I can't believe people still try to use it. Cars have other utility. Like, you know that r-right? Can never be to sure....
What do you need an assault rifle to hunt Jethro?
I mean, he was black, that's about what I want to remember about him. Obamacare is still fucking my insurance in the ass and ISIS is cool and all, but I don't think they're a good legacy.
>You do nothing
We just elected Donald Trump. And the only thing Obama's going to go down in history for is being so shitty that the American Public elected a reality TV show host to destroy his legacy.
Enjoy Federal Voter ID and Shall-Issue CC nationwide.
maybe if they had a gun then those pussies wouldn't have to cower in fear
I'm Canadian and own several guns
checkmate atheists
Nope. Cars have a purpose: Driving people. They can be misused and cause accidents.
Well guns have a purpose too: Protecting people, hunting, defending our freedoms. They too can be misused and cause accidents.
Of course there are differences. Cars kill far, far more people.
It's an airtight argument and you've been BTFO hard.
they aren't outnumbered by average people, they'd be outnumbered by a tyrannical state
Um. OK yeA Jethro, makes alot of sense. Whose going to kill me? You don't know where I am.
knives cut steaks, but can also stab people.
should we ban knives?
>for the 1000th time extremely low effort bait thread gets a ton of replies
The average Sup Forumsack is a complete fucking retard who will screech about their board being overrun with shills in one thread and then earnestly reply to literally any bait they see.
Poverty shaming a clean man, with a dirty "barn", and a new teunk.
It clearly makes you super mad that the law agrees with us, and not you.
Man it must be embaressing to be a member of the party of thieves and criminals. You know 80% of felons are Democrats? Makes sense. Criminals are terrified of good people with guns.
How are those demographics looking for you long term?
>Compare and contrast these two items leaf.
Both are currently antiquated technology that kill less people than fists annually.
>Need ID to buy cigarettes
>No ID to by an assault rifle
Hmm. Makes alot of sense there cleetus
You definitely need an ID to buy a Class 3.
What? Oh, you literally believe fake news conspiracy theories. How's it feel to be brainwashed by Russian hackers?
Wtf are you on about Cleetus? Shouldn't you be cleaning my gutters?
>cannot currently handle background checks and supplemental investigations proficiently
>expanding them is a great idea!
I suppose it is, if you are a buffoon.
LOL Gun hating liberals trying to use sexist penis jokes for their failed anti-gun agenda.....
So why is it never the obese southern redneck gun nut stereotype that does all these mass shootings?
Why is it exclusively democrats and Muslims?
Impotent liberal rage is a real killer
So are you volunteering to leave the U.S.? Since guns are bad, you should consider it. Move to Venezuela! You wont need a gun, trust me.
Liberal gun grabbers have no idea at all what you are talking about ;)
you need an id to by any gun god your stupid
I just got 40 special 9x19mm micro penises to help piss the liberals off :D
These look like a whole lot of fun!
Good for when you are in mean critter country and all you got is a CM9...
forgot pic
all these anti-gun memes amuse me now since overnight liberals went from
>lol do you really think the president is going to round you up into a FEMA camp? whats your AR going to do against drones and tanks anyway? get mental help retard
>implying you own a home
Ha, good one Skylar.
what are the X's for?
So i guess freedom of press doesn't apply to the internet, right?
>Obama will go down as a great president.