Redpill me on the female wall.
Is it real? And if so, what age does it hit?
Redpill me on the female wall.
Is it real? And if so, what age does it hit?
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>Is it real?
Yes, absolutely.
>what age does it hit?
Different for different race.
It's generally when a woman feels like she needs to tie a man down and start a family. Just the way you feel like fucking everything in sight, they feel like tying down everything in sight, that is why they becoming way more controlling.
Asians in early 30s.
Whites in late.
niggers, I don't know, and muslims before they're born.
Jenna Fischer sure is JUST these days
>what age does it hit?
General consensus seems to be 30
Is it real?
>what age does it hit?
That's why it's the job of a man to settle with a woman before she hits it and never settles down
it hits when the woman feels like the guy could have better options even if she didn't make him try.
>so age varies
Personnal accounts of those who've hit the wall.
Jealousy of younger women, typical of those who've hit the wall.
Can you give a synopsis? I hate hearing the accounts of women
Basically women spending 0-29 living the dream, riding the cock carousel, refusing to settle down.
Then hit the Wall
Suddenly men are avoiding them.
Too old to compete with younger women.
Wombs have grown dry, no kids.
Missed chance to have a family.
Die, sad and alone.
A girl I know is 23, two kids from two different boys, now she's ready to settle.
Have a video. I don't buy into all of mgtow.
But they are absolutely right about the wall.
The wall can be age but it can also simply be partners. Once a woman has fucked a dozen men almost no man that knows that will take her.
White women are disgusting.
When you live life in the fast lane, you end up hitting the wall harder
Of course. Women start off at a high position and would use this to snag a good husband in the days of old, but due to the modern culture, they have used their best years sleeping around and not finding a suitable mate and will soon come to the harsh reality that 36 year-old women is not as attractive as a 26-year-old women. The Japanese are a lot more upfront about it; the Christmas cake women is a woman who's 25 years old is reject because of this.
The wall is real. It hits EVERY woman at 30. There are no exception. Do NOT be tricked into believing how well age defying techniques work or that some races age better than others (they do but the wall still hits at 30).
NO WOMAN will ever have as high as the sexual marketplace value when she is in her late teens before slowly drooping off in her 20's until it ends abruptly at 30.
These women have no one to blame but feminism.
My Friend is marrying a woman in her early 20s who's desperate to get hitched.
He's in his early twenties.
He's happy
Women age like milk, men like wine.
Men pretty much age like shit too, most of the time. The difference is that men are more likely to become economically successful later in life.
Women=Worth more earlier
Men=Worth More later
A Young Man is more sexually virile, but he washes dishes
No it isn't it's just an excuse for being forever alone.
When she gets fat or saggy
Girls will be whores as long as possible then when Father Time starts hitting they get desperate
So when they get fat, poor, have a child, saggy they get desperate and act semi decent but angry
Guys are like wine. We make more money get better at sex, as long as you stay in shape and don't have a kid you can't fuck young 20 year old girls until 40 then marry a hit 25-30 year old who isn't fat and isn't stupid, basically you trade them in like cares and young slutty girls love it because they are having their "wild days". Morons who get fat or have kids can't ride the ride
The fuck is wrong with that guy's voice?
Its real and about 30
Holy fuck the woman in that pic.
Degenerate AF.
Sickening how she shows no shame at all, just concern that she will lose resources.
>These people think 5-10 partners is "conservative"
God will punish us for this faggotry.
>that post
t. dried up vag
Women 30+ will always be lesser than a woman between 21-29, so a man can always choose. Genetics brah, even though we try to deny our basic instincts, it always comes back to bite us in the ass
Also, genuine question:
>inb4 normie get out reee im a virgin ree
What is an acceptable number of past sexual partners before you get married?
It's real, and it's spectacular.
What a lying piece of shit. This is why lie detectors are necessary. Noted.
>boohoo I've sucked over 500 dicks now nobody wants me
Ideally 0. That isn't a joke, divorce chance spikes massively between 0-1 and goes up even higher the more past partners you bring into a relationship.
don't worry girls. you can always have a family of cats, many cats.
Ideally zero but we all know that's a pipe dream. For me? I'd say 2. No one expects you to marry your first love and I wouldn't begrudge someone for having one failed relationship. 3 is pushing it if there's a good reason, beyond that is hard to rationalize.
I hope he enjoys losing 50% of everything he owns and a monthly payment when he turns 40.
There's no hard number. It's all about context.
If you had a magic machine that accurately reported a woman's sexual history, for example, and it said that she fucked 4 guys in long term relationships or fucked 2 random hookups, who do you marry?
Having a lot of Partners is indicative of a bad personality and poor decision making/ poor relationship material
I'm at 1, and I cared deeply about the girl I lost my virginity to but sometimes I regret it.
This election and you assholes have given me traditional values.
fucking women man jesus christ.
0. normalfaggot get the fuck out or get red pilled.
nice trips but it is definitely not late 30's for white women, more like late 20's.
Preferably 0
>fucking a million guys helped me "learn about myself"
I never understood this. Pussy is pussy and dick is dick, what knowledge are you gaining from getting railed by strangers?
Good summarizing
That's a good point
poor bastard
women today are no good, we better begin working on those artificial wombs
They're a little right. She is pretty but she has no real feminine features. Her leg has no shape it is just a uniform shape the entire way down. That is disgusting. And no breasts.
She's pretty but so damn plain.
Yes it's true. Basically its when a woman notices her sexual market value is diminishing. When a woman begins to notice that she isn't attracting the same level of attention from men as she used to she begins to feel a pressure to settle down. This is the time when you might say a woman has suddenly noticed a giant wall approaching on the distance.
The wall itself is when a woman's sexual market value has become so reduced that she can no longer attract any man of value, this is the nightmare situation for them. This comes about from a variety of factors, it just younger women when theyve already had kids and it hits older women who haven't had kids simply because they're just getting old. Think on this, would you prefer a 25 year old woman with no kids, a 21 year old woman with 2 kids, or a 31 year old woman without kids? Obviously we'd all prefer the 25 year old woman without kids. It's simple economics. The lower value of the 21 year old with two kids and the 31 year old without kids is the wall in action. It's literally the point at which a woman can no longer attract a quality man.
It's almost as if those Gender Roles that have existed for 20,000 years existed for a reason.
Damn, and I thought the past 50 years found the TRUE way to live
What is most beautiful about the wall to me is not the BIG things, but all the subtle little things.
Imagine spending your entire life experiencing everyone simply being nicer to you, by about 30-50%. Smiles are wider. People are more eager to start conversation, to keep it going with their own effort, and to forgive you for being bad at it. People laugh more at your jokes. People tell you you're more interesting than you are. Assistance from strangers is quicker. You get to talk about yourself more, get to feel more like you simply EXIST and that people care, on a daily basis.
In every single way, systemically distributed across your entire life, you are just happier, more content, with higher self-confidence, etc., etc.
And then it all ends and you almost have no idea why. No idea whatsoever. It just STOPS. It'd be like being you right now, the man reading this post, and suddenly you go out tomorrow and everyone is twice as hostile to you as possible, everyone is (to your perspective) ignoring you and snubbing you.
And you look back and you realise you squandered it. You didn't even make the most of it, and it was so easy to just lay back and let men do everything for you, that you didn't get a good job, didn't kill yourself, didn't learn to live an ambitious, go-getter lifestyle.
And you've still got 50+ years to go.
Your post reads like this.
found the woman...fuck you whore.
I'm really hoping this is a troll.
>mens fault
I went bald at 17. I never had a gf despite being 6'4 223 pounds and I work out. I'm 29 now
Funny how it's the total opposite for guys(unless you think Chad is worse relationship material than a robot)
> no one expects you to marry your first love
Jesus and God do you degenerate fuck
gender doesn't exist sh*tlord
No real people do. It's nice when it does happen but it's rare.
>Die, sad and alone.
they aren't alone.
they have cats.
Yeah bro, more usually late 20's sometimes early 30's.
Is this progress, lads?
he sounds like he's south african
Didn't she break up with her longtime boyfriend James Gunn when it seemed like his career as a director was stalling, and she was in the Office while it was still a hit? Now he's the successful director of the 2014 hit film Guardians of the Galaxy, with its highly anticipated sequel due out next year, and she's got nothing.
I was afraid that I was going to have to settle with one of the mid-30's gutter sluts who wouldn't give me the time of day in our 20's. I'm 36. Met a 20yo girl. Her bf is my cousin's wife and she claims this girl is a virgin. Who knows but my cousin's wife is pretty red pilled housewife. The amount of hate I get from women my age is unreal. I hope to marry this girl. Hope I don't screw it up.
someone better tell these women gender is a social construct. Just pretend they're men should fix their depression
Kek. That's what pretty much what I was going for. The wall is simple economics.
>no real people do
that's because our society is shit
Hell is other people.
That's because men have to work to be desirable-a lot of sexual partners means he is very desirable, because a lot of women let him sleep with them.
Women are generally desirable by default. Hell, even the fatter ones nowadays get bf game, so a woman who isn't Trigglypuff level disgusting can just spread her legs and get her pick of the dicks.
I did, my parents did, my in laws did and all of their parents did too.
You guys are all gross and stupid.
hoes btfo by that response
I'm 27 and I won't even consider touching a female over 24, and I generally stick to 18-22 and consider beyond that trash.
I'm not a beta though, older women can still get betas but they will be unhappy because they're with a beta.
Just because you dont get a divorce, doesnt mean you are happy
My mom was 0, dad was 1. They fucking hated each other by the time I was 3, and it heavily affected our family. They dont even live together, but they refuse to get a divorce
Women can walk out onto the street, take their panties off, yell "Fuck me!" and someone will do it.
Guys have to work for those same results, usually by being an adonis or walking out of a porsche.
wow. this
That image is shopped, I can tell by the pixels.
>Jealousy of younger women, typical of those who've hit the wall.
Not just a wall issue, I don't think.
Bitches *always* look at other bitches with a cruel, sharp eye.
Women do not look at women the way men do.
and she passed up the dark knight
Don't misuse that phrase. It doesn't mean "other people suck".
yeah women are fucking insane
non-existent, a woman has female privilege literally until the day she dies, there will always be some beta out there that will let a ugly 40 year old leach off of her i post from an anime board at 2 am
I meant in terms of bad relationships, a guy that got into many relationships is desirable but a woman that got into alot of relationships shows that she's probably bad relationship material? Why doesn't it just show that a woman with few relationships is more picky?(ie good)
30, been dating teens-young 20's for 15 years now. Easier than ever now bc if you got your shit halfway together like you should youre god-tier compared to some broke college boy.
>The heartbreaking realization that she was never going to have a baby struck late - in her 50s, while at a reunion lunch with her first boyfriend, whom she had dumped on a whim.
>'I hadn't grieved for the children who might have been until then. I realized with painful clarity what I'd lost,' she says. 'Tom had been happily married for 25 years and had three kids, while I had nobody.'
Karma works slow, but when it comes it comes in a landslide.
She wouldn't be able to get any sort of respectable or desirable partner though. Are you honestly saying that you men couldn't get a single girl (not even a lame one?) even if you had so little standards that you were literally standing in the street accepting anyone willing? If so that's just depressing.
Nature knows what it is doing.
Nature will always win.
yeah what feminists don't realize is that women are a protected class and always have been, so pre-wall they can't understand men and post-wall they resent them.
Each kid a woman has outside marriage will reduce her "settle-down date" by one decade.
That's progress. That's progress. The progress makes you feel good inside!
you post on a mongolian tapestry board about relevant events while the girl posts about her feelings and what she had for breakfast on her facebook and twitter