Blacks are already training !
America is fucked in race war!
this is beautiful
ooga booga
literally shaking
dat gyno
Zulu final attack
Just think if you payed your fucking taxes you could of been wearing one of those red coats and drinking tea!
Instead we didn't pay our taxes, and now your little island country is overrun with Zulus.
A lot of corn syrup in one picture
Yahshua Elohim1 day ago
We should do a mass voodoo on them.
Jazz and Justice1 day ago
I agree with you 100%. If we put our minds together we can do it. I was talking to my friend about this earlier today. He's Nigerian and I was talking to him about all the police shootings and what we could do. I asked him what did people in the old days of Nigeria, before colonization, do when someone killed their loved one, because all this praying and marching shit aint working anymore. He said one thing they would do is that when the family is burying their loved one, they would put a curse on the person that killed them so that the victim's spirit would come back and haunt them until they either go insane, confess and apologize, or kill themselves. We need to get back to that. For example if Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, and Alton Sterling's family did that to the police officers and word spread that we Black people had these powers, these shootings would stop overnight.
Nicolle Withtwoels22 hours ago
Yahshua Elohim not true. 1. Voodoo or Vodun is not interchangeable with Hoodoo and rootworking. It's a common misconception. 2. Voodoo is a closed religion (so is Santeria and Yoruba), meaning that not just anyone off the street can practice. You must be initiated. Im not saying this to you to be nasty, it's more of a warning. Some Lwa and Dieties are very powerful and should not be invoked by a novice. If you're still interested in the "concept" you should try ancestor veneration. If you're interested in the religion, I suggest you research local Houses and become initiated properly. Good luck on your spiritual journey.
Based Zulus.
All that training just to learn how to circle the enemy?
Blacks are not smart enough to avoid a grenade
Korean Riot Police Use Ancient Roman Tactics
Shaka Zulu is comeing for you Americans !
George thought wrong..
George would ask you this!
George was all like ...
At least they have trigger discipline.
This is FUCKING GOLD. Hahaha. I would love it if niggros would start trying to cast spells on people instead of blocking traffic with their idiot protests. Why can't they just see that these dead nogs are dead because they DIDN'T FUCKING LISTEN TO THE COPS?
George Zimmerman could kill like 100 million niggers with ONE FUCKING PISTOL
haha holy shit bottom left
>we're surrounded! call for wrecking ball!
>an enormous, round negress mows over enemy forces like a bowling ball
DAYUM, GIRL! We owe you one!
>wrecking ball blinks, uncaring
you owe me one gallon of kool aid
wtf that dumb bitch in the chair is muzzling her friend