Yeah cause achieved so much after the 500 congressional hearings into Benghazi.
Don't fuck with me like this
It's amazing how the same board that cries about government uselessness and "draining the swamp" cheer like retards when Congress found another opportunity to waste money and time on nothing.
>Costa Rica
A fucking dinosaur
Seriously though keked at the roaches coming out of Cenks stab wound.
>illegitimate 8 year presidency
Pick one
The Benghazi committee was stonewalled for about 4 years
OP is full of shit
stop taking bait and sage this shit immediately
Nothing will happen. The house republicans are a bunch of fucking dummies. Can't get shit done. They will shine a light on Obamas shit but not much more.
They had Clinton in the chair for "11 hours" and she couldn't plead the fifth. They got nothing. Congress needs to put someone in jail or executive branch fuckers will continue running a train on them. Find some dummy who perjured themselves and fuck them
Arpaio does his birth certificate conference each year... Why did it get traction now?
Obama's on his way out, and so much appears to be changing in the government that something might actually be done about it now.
jk idk for sure but he will have to leave Hawaii to step down after the hearings.
We will see I guess.
It's amazing what a dumb nigger you are.
Fucking fake and gay sensationalized "news". So bad that they can only copy and paste part of the article before linking to the site THEY got it from.
And this is from the other sensationalized, clickbait "news" site linked off of your link:
"He confirmed plans to turn the results over to the federal government and Congress"
Stop it with the fucking slide threads. Pol has more important threads that deserve to be on the front page.
stfu I'm tired of nigger hate threads, pussyboys complaining about their lives, and feminist thread bullshit.
oh and don't forget fucking risk threads.
A little bit late. This should have been done a decade ago.
It's literally nothing you butt-blasted, blue-pilled faggot. If you bothered to investigate the claim you make, you would have STFU before even posting and not made yourself look like an ass.
>judge going to jail for a long time suddenly starts to bring up birther movement again
Into. The. Fucking. Garbage.
And no, not a CTR shill, it's just you dumb niggers can't see this shit instantly as a last minute publicity stunt.
never change pol, you fucking morons.
Non ironically, at this point what does it even matter?
Pick one.
His conflict of interest and lack of transparency regarding tax returns will be his downfall.
"Evidence heading to congress" doesn't mean hearings, it means Arpaio's about to spend $10,000 of Maricopa County money to spam out 535 unsolicited DVDs with that video on it.
>nothing here guys haha! don't look here guys nothings gonna happen it's just a waste of time and money okay! we should just be posting our rare peypey toads right guys?
It's "legitimacy".
I'm not OP you dip. Instead of source maybe I could have said, "made the claim." I would be surprised if anything is done, but after THE CURRENT YEAR it seems like anything can happen. More important threads when most burgers are sleeping? You should sleep too, Chad.
>HAPPENING: Congress to begin Obama Birth certificate hearings.
bro I don't give a fuck. its heading to congress. whether your a cuck or not. Arpaio said so hahahahahha ur fucked shilly ahahhaha
This is now officially a Hillbitch slide thread.
If you feel the need to reply further, put "sage" in the "Options" field when replying.
Why do americans hate congress? Everyone hating on it online clearly dont understand the purpose of it.
Congress tends to save a lot of shit too
Fake news
>the first black president is going to federal prison
why is russia hacked abamo passport? because black sea?
america just elected a birther
of course it's now relevant
russia hakced abomos' passtorp due to balck being racismist term for nigger becaus aboriginobama is nigger
will there be a hanging
for old times sake?
>>judge going to jail for a long time suddenly starts to bring up birther movement again
implying he won't be pardoned
si niggre is who blcka! SHEEEEEEIT
huge blow to the (((neoliberal narrative))) in the eyes of the public
and perhaps someone from obongos administration (or obongo himself) will get fucked legally
So when Obongo leaves office and congress keep digging into this
What happens if Obongo can't defend the evidence / more evidence is found against him.
So they conclude he was actually not an American all along but he has served his 8 years as president?
That is the incredible brain-melting clusterfuck no one wants to even contemplate.
Obozo has issued Executive Orders, signed bills into law, appointed judges (who themselves have made rulings affecting thousands even millions of lives), sent soldiers into battle, ordered the deaths of thousands of innocent people.
What the fuck happens to the entire country when it's discovered he was never eligible to do any of those things?
What happens when we find out Putin is behind the pepe meme
>Sup Forums is making fun of niggers and africans
>Sup Forums is making fun of WE WUZ
>literal KANG from kenya was the boss of US for 8 years
explain this Sup Forums
>he waz a good boy he dindu nuffin.
Libs will use it as an argument that "The president doesn't need to be American born see?!! Obama was best president ever so it isn't needed see?"
And we will be BTFO forever
He has been a KGB spy all along.
I'm assuming he gets hanged.
Obomber isn't Kenyan. That Kenyan student Barack Obama impregnated Ann Dunham was just a cover story the family came up with to hide the real story - that Obama's biological father was pornographer and black power activist Frank Marshall Davis.
Ann Dunham was one of his nudie models, and Davis was in his forties when he was fucking her. And the best part of all: when Davis knocked her up Obama-mama was *underage*.
Middle-aged pornographer and black power activist fucks and impregnates little underage white girl was not going to play very well in 1960 for anyone. Thus they found the most inoffensive black guy they could (Kenyan student Barack Obama), arranged for him to pretend to be Obama II's father until the noise died down, then he could bail (which he did).
This was the truth the whole "he's Kenyan!" bullshit was planted to hide. And the Republicans chased it like a greyhound chasing a mechanical rabbit. It was brilliant.
There's still the issue of where Obama was born, however. If Ann Dunham popped out Obongo when she was out of the country, she would have had to file paperwork to make sure he was considered a "natural born" citizen. If she didn't, then even if both his parents are American then he'd still not be eligible.
>commie making nazi frog memes
Even if Obama ends up swinging, the incredible crisis for the rest of the country is still what happens to all the decisions that were made or influenced by that guy?
Imagine the problem of two babies switched at birth in the hospital, raised by different families than their birth families, then 8 years later they discover the truth. There's not just a simple "undo" button that can be pressed. Lives have been irrevocably changed.
Now take that idea, and multiply it by 300 million.
If that's true, then Malik isn't Barack's brother.
Yep. Malik is obviously not related to Obingbong if you look at the two - Malik strongly resembles Barack Obama I, and Obongo looks nothing like either of them (but a whole helluva lot like Frank Marshall Davis).
Malik's tweets are still fucking awesome.
please be real
Source or gtfo.
- Helps bring down the house of cards
- Crashes down many people's worldview, people who eat up the gov's lies can no longer feel so comfortable
- Gives a renewes credibility to consipiracy theories that expose corruption
- Validates Trump's opinions
- Obama might be processed for fraud
- The MSM credibility will go to shit
Obviously, every executive order he has ever done gets rolled back like walmart prices.
>low quality bait
Another you merchant
>be first nigger president
>immune to criticism for 8 years
>final month in office
>get impeached
I agree, and logically that's simple.
But practically even something as simple as that immediately turns into an enormous quagmire. Those EO's all affected decisions with real world (i.e., financial) consequences - where does the line start to sue for losses? A more physical example: if a structure was built because of an EO, does it get torn down?
And that's just the easy things like EO's. What of decisions that affected broad swaths of the country, or the world? Laws that may have represented some meaningful intention of the Congress and people - do they simply vanish? Globally, do countries that have been militarily attacked by the US have standing to sue in international court?
Even something as trivial as the supposed trophy killing of Osama bin Laden - is that now murder? Is Obama to be tried for conspiracy to murder for every death the US caused during his tenure?
This monkey and his trainers have fucked the world in a way that every other leader in history could only dream of.
>>get impeached
Jebus, is they start digging into everything illegal this nog has done in the last 8 years, the trial will still be going on in 2050.
Just get the rope.
hurr durr madame president
I wish a nigga would
The Benghazi hearings basically led to the discovery of the private server in Hillary's basement.
Also, either the non-stop faggotry from Aus is real or (((they))) love using Aus proxies.
Why must the abos choose Sup Forums?
No. What's done is done, but the orders themselves are revoked and thus what has been done can not be done further. Seeking to undo is a different issue. The main issue now is to revoke the authority for further acts.
Upside down you cheeky cunt
> They got nothing
> This is nothing to do with the fact that the CIA and DOJ answered to Obama or anything
>pseudonym: white
He takes more vacations than a dog has fleas.
Hearing will be held at 8PM PST on Dec 24, 2016.
>lefty retard detected
Wait till trump has to go and take a quickie vacation to one of his golf courses.
You boys ready to get rowdy?
I wonder if that "accident" that killed Barack Obama Sr. was really an accident.
Perhaps Obama knows this, and it's why he's never taken much of an interest in his fake father's family.
>Frank Marshall Davis
Bull shit that is not how it works. If both parents are american why would she need to be out of the country. She moving to Hawaii to hide the fact that she got pregnant by this other guy would have made a bigger impact than the stupid birther movement.
We had 8 good years, now it's your turn so make the best of them. Obama or no Obama, Trump or no Trump i am doing well. Good luck middle America.
>Here's a source.
>Mike Zullo, Arpaio’s lead investigator since 2011 on the birth certificate issue, told WND he wants to get the evidence to members of Congress for evaluation.
wants to get it to congress
>Mike Zullo, Arpaio’s lead investigator since 2011 on the birth certificate issue, told WND he wants to get the evidence to members of Congress for evaluation.
wants to get it to congress...
Are you Jewish?
The FBI won the war, CIA is defeated and their assets are no longer sacrosanct.
Lots of weird shit is going to go down soon.
So basically a kenyan nigger cucked murica?
LOL is this actually Obama?
You five eyes shills, who worked so hard against Trump, can stay away.
you have to go back