Islam should be declared an enemy of the United States

Its end goal is a global caliphate. For such an entity to exist means a secular (or Christian based) society like the US cannot exist.

Those who say we are only fighting radicals need only look to history to see that's nonsense.

-What percentage of the 3rd Reich, a nation we went to war with was in the military?
-What percentage of any anti-US communist state was apart of an organization directly opposing the US

Those people would be considered "radicals" of their society just the same. Except the 3rd Reich or the USSR hasn't directly attacked the US like Islam has.

If we actually treat Islam as it presents itself, it is far more of a greater threat than either of those groups.

Tl;dr Irradiate Mecca and Medina

Only good Muslim is a dead Muslim

Calling it now: 10 years from now, there will be a witch hunt/systematic execution of muslims, backed by UN, and funded mostly by USA and Russia.

Screencap this.

If only user, if only

Sorry Yankee but thats against your precious constitution.
Only European nations have the balls to take such measures.

>Only European nations have the balls to take such measures.
>chuckling females.jpg

> European nations
> balls

I'm sorry, but I think you guys lost them at least 50 years ago. I hope you regain them, for the benefit of the world and the future of our race.

I'd call you a faggot for even insisting Europe has balls right now but you guys in the UK are doing it lad.

I'm not saying we purge the Muslims in the US though, just declare any foreign Islamic country an enemy, nuke their holy lands and disallow any of them from serving in the government- among other measures

Post you're remove kebab ideas if you had complete control of your government.

I'm for full holocaust. Also nuke their holy lands, that sounds good

This is a confused thought process. If this is normal for you, I feel sorry for you, kafir. The future belongs to Islam.

>bar any muslims from serving any public office
>treat any foreign funding to an islamic institution or state as treason
>nuke mecca and medina, and keep them nuclear for 1000 years
>ban public islamic dress
>charge anyone associated with someone who commits an act of terrorism with treason
>executions under treason are public and the cheapest method
>allow any company to discriminate against muslims

Shut up you kangaroo riding Plebian. Muhammads was a bitch and so are you

The unbeliever is proficient in embarassing himself.


>not saying infidel
>expecting me not to know your not an rping aussie

Step up your shitposting

Aisha was 9 years, 8 months when she came of age. Earlier than most.

i wanna kick your ass

I'm waiting

You fools are slaves of Jewish neocon lies. You're okay with your fag parades, Jewish banks, divorce rates and lack of family units but you hate Islam so much because it fights your power structure of evil. You say you're Christians but then you pledge your loyalty to a secular constitution, you are basically a cultural Marxist, but worse because you will militantly fight for it, unlike your average bernout. Repent to God, and give up your cuckoldry.

Shit, forgot to even mention the fact your precious trump is literally pro fag, that's apostasy from Christianity right there. Plus he is an adulterer which warrants death in your Gospel. But you hypocrites will ignore this. You'll ignore the alt-rights pro fag message, like Milo or Spencer all because they are anti-Islam, pathetic. You'll even ignore your precious leader, you literally worship, holding a fag flag in solidarity with the sodomites slaughtered in Orlando. I'm sure our God is not happy with you, neither would Lot especially.

>fag parades
couldn't care less, just stay away from me
>jewish banks
not ok with it
>divorce rates
not ok with it
>lack of family unit
DEFINETILY not ok with it

I hate Islam because they're lawful evil, that's it. Communists/Marxists whatever will get what they deserve in the right time.

>as long as they stay away from me

"Kind of" fixed so you don't get it wrong.

I'm a Muslim Albanian and I've fucked several very white pale girls (Michigan). To boot I clearly have middle eastern ancestry, I have dark skin and the nose. I've cummed inside all of them so they're forever B R O W N E D


Sodomites destroy family units, so you should care. Also by being okay with secularism and faggotry in the first place makes you a cultural Marxist.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Brother that's zina, don't do that. You will misrepresent us and that's haram. We want them to repent, not resent us.

Brazil, when will you conquer South America, and form the United States of South America?

At the rate Europe is going...and Canada, its looking like the U.S., Mexico, and South America alone will be the only places free from islam.

Australia will be to busy shit-posting to matter in the coming war.

I'm sorry but they do have a point. Yours is a fools task. NUKES WHEN

The biggest part would be making sure Islam is forgotten, or In 50 years all those Muslims that squeezed though your fingers go jihad and your back at square one, religion and ideas are extremely hard thing to quash
>burn korans
>delete any info relating to Islam and have crack downs to be double sure

Apostate faggot, you are a traitor to God. Ataturk will burn for creating devils like yourself. They hate you no matter what, no matter how much you try to be like them, they will never accept you

Good luck, show us no respite, our ally is God. And He is the Highest.


Love the irony of the Nazi frog despite Hitler and the NSDAP being pro Muslim. Even entire SS divisions. Who's fighting Jewry? Protip not larpers it's groups like Hamas. Your leaders and parties at in lines to submit to their Zionist masters.

>Also by being okay with secularism and faggotry in the first place makes you a cultural Marxist.

No it doesn't. Everyone should be able to practice their faith, as long as they don't cause suffering to anyone wich is why I hate Islam and think it should be suppressed into oblivion.

About the gay matter, I said that I don't care what they do with their arses, not that I'm okay. Try to remember from what generation of parents this huge wave of faggots are coming from, how they "enjoyed" their youth in the past, how they kept saying "I won't raise my children as my parents did" back then. All these liberals and trannies and faggots nowadays, they're the sons of the Horowitz's New Left people, the fucking hippies.

Gay people don't destroy family units, they're a product of an already shattered family with terrible parenting.

Don't neglect your children and they won't become social freaks, simple as that.

>Brazil, when will you conquer South America, and form the United States of South America?

We still need to fix our shit here. We can only talk about conquering something in a couple of decades.


Don't fuck any girls from Michigan

>We still need to fix our shit here. We can only talk about conquering something in a couple of decades.
Good luck, and God's speed. I still remember our alliance during WWII, which is something it seems is seldom, if ever taught.

It is funny how pol goes full sjw as soon as you mention islam.

Hypocrite and you openly admit you are an enabler in faggotry. Plenty of conservative kids become degenerates, and its because of people like yourself. The only thing you are fundamental about is dealing with Islam. God has hardened your heart, just as he hardened the Pharaohs.
>mentioning God
>while advocating a secular state
Top lel

>Good luck, and God's speed. I still remember our alliance during WWII, which is something it seems is seldom, if ever taught.

Thanks, we definetily are gonna need some.

Ah, our participation in WWII, even this the communists have found a way to corrupt.
The teachers in high school always talk about it with a tone of mockery and scorn. Soon enough they'll be hanging from trees.

Why would you need luck? You have trillion dollar armies, millions of troops, advanced technology the world ha never seen before, surely you can defeat a group outnumbered and outgunned right?


After all didn't the Quraysh win?
Didn't the Byzantines win?
How about the Persians?
What of the Fatimids and Crusaders?
How about the colonial powers in Northern Africa and MidEast? Surely the Euros couldn't lose there
What of the Soviets in Afghanistan?
Clearly the west has won every time.

Victory is sent by God. Defeat is sent by God.
Killing us only increases us in faith. Learn from the Crusades.

>an army
This has to be some kind of joke, right?

>hi user, do you want to come & slaughter some muslims with me, then we can make some white babies?

Referring broadly to all armies fighting Islam.

The inaccurate armor makes me cringe more than the refrigerator body.

I have never understood how Brazil fell so hard. At one point we both were rather tied for the major power of the New World(not counting the European powers). It seemed like Europeans knew not where to go between Brazil, and the United States.

Also sorry to hear about the teachers, sounds like a bunch of fucking cunts.

Brazil not only had the balls to enter the war, but sent their own troops, and war vehicles to Europe to fight, something very few non-European powers did.

Anyone, I don't care which side they were on, who entered the war, and fought, have my respect, even if I disagree with their cause.

Your post implied Brazil's armies, or maybe I misunderstood your post?

Well, he was referring to a joint Brazil American war against Islam. So that entails NATO an Brazil


The solution is to carpet bomb the entire Middle East, from Israel to Palestine.

>9/11 was an inside job, war on terror is a lie
>muslims suddenly became evil on September 11 2001

Pick one pol and end the cognitive dissonance forever

>finally fucking stop intervening in arab countries as they are obviously a lost cause as they do not care for freedom and democracy cuz of muh Hammed
>stop taking in refugees for fucks sake. Not even one! They can and will not ever adapt to western culture and civilization and hate our guts
>prohibit them building their fucking mosques in your Christian countries, they would never allow you to build a church in theirs
>do not let them get through with their bullshit, as they always want to impose their shitty religion on others no matter where (ban hijab/burka, do not let them pray during work hours etc...)
>kick anybody who does not play by these rules out immediately

Brazil has experienced extreme demographic changes since it's founding.