Why did he decide to start blaming jews for no reason?
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>no reason
There were plenty of reasons but he chimped out on Poland for muh Danzig and then went ape shut on the kikes
>no reason
Every fucking time, it is the same reason.
Money. Jews have it, others don't. They have the best club in town and you can't join it.
In spain before they got kicked out they would loan the kings money and they would collect his taxes for him as interest.
In the US they own wall street and hollywood, we will see how long before people get jealous
He was unable to come to grips with the fact that Germany started WWI and lost so he needed a scapegoat.
So he blamed the international bankers that made them pay the bill for breaking Western Europe.
>no reason
>no reason
I wonder (((who))) is behind this thread
no reason to hate a jew.... lol
>no reason
>for no reason
>2.1 shekels deposited
>no reason
Exactly, makes no sense. He was the hammer of G-d's retribution
Hitler was actually allied with the Zionists
Every socialist capitalist society will eventually turn communist according to marxist theory. Commies tried to start a revolution in germany which would have meant the loss of their sovereignty and lots of german deaths. It just so happened that 90% of the communists leaders were jewish at the time.
It's the same reason stalin killed the jews, but he had a bit of a different motive, he was eliminating competition.
>no reason
Antisemitism was huge in Europe, especially at the dawn of the 20th Century (see the whole Dreyfus Affair).
On a personal level, the art school which rejected him had a large number of Jewish professors; IIRC the panel of professors, who decided who got admitted and who got rejected to the art school, were all Jewish.
There was also the war and the fact that the civilian government who took over Germany in the final days of the war and who brokered the humiliating Versailles Treaty, were Jewish too.
The whole "stabbed in the back" case for why Germany lost WW1 pre-dated Hitler and fueled the flames of Antisemitism due to the military (many of whom were far right and anti-Semitic) promoting it as soon as the war ended, to rationalize why they lost as far as shifting the blame for the loss, off of the German military and the Kaiser and onto the Weimer government.
Adding to this was the fact that the Jewish elite in Germany were well protect from the collapse of the Germany economy in the 1920s and everything hitting rock bottom when the Depression hit. This created a MASSIVE disconnect between the elites and the common German, who became open to antisemetism and apathy towards their persecution when the Nazis took over, since the poor and the Christian elites all stood to gain from the Jewish elite being stripped of their wealth and high standing
Hitler basically was a bigot who was in the right place at the right time to exploit anti-Jewish sentiment to gain power
>doesn't even mention anything about communists or the banks
bluepilled as fuck post. Also I love the old art school anecdote.
>no reason
>It just so happened that 90% of the communists leaders were jewish at the time.
>pure coincidence
Friendly reminder there was a very real possibility of a jewish-communist fifth column in Germany during the war.
The same reason the US disregarded the Japanese-American constitutional rights and locked them in camps.
tldr ur basically a retard
because he was a nazi, national zionist that is that wanted to install the state of israel. however the jewish text tell that they can only come back once they are 6.000.000 less. thats why they so often pushed the "6 million jews in danger" "6 million jews threatened by death by..." narrative pre WW2. with it and the concentration camps they could fake the 6 million and persuade the plebs (jews as nonjews) its okay to claim that land. thats also why the number 6 million is so important. if it were less they would lose all justification.
right side of the coin says "a nazi goes to palsestina"
what the hell is a nazi doing in palestina unless it means national zionist and not national socialist which would be more Naso
hitler was a plant. the evil guy they needed to create israel. he maybe thought half way through he can take the wheel but well...
>no reason
at least we have a reason now
more reasons
because israel and the precious shekels.
I Love Norway
>No reason
of course, it's always everyone else but Jews. 109 times. Always others.
muh 6 billion times the same number
You are a fucking idiot. Kys.
jew spies .. I mean (((allies)))
came here to post this
No you stupid faggot it's because Jews tried to take over the country in a communist coup like they did in the USSR and had been behind most of the degeneracy in Weimar Germany.
i made that 5 years ago feels great man, it's errywhere
Read his book faggot, it's free on National Action.
Read his fucking book
Stupid answers for stupid questions
Thanks for sharing this
Refugees for the goyim only
Because he was a nazi duh !
literally Hitler
Has nothing to do with jealousy you retarded jewfag. Why would anyone be jealous of you inferior lying idiots?
because he was a self loathing jewish manlet with 1 testicle and an oedipus complex.